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Btw if you haven't caught on

''= thinking/ think talking (like with Alex)

""= talking..... duh

(And we're back to normal)

I needed a serious talk with Alex, after yesterday she almost blew our cover! And was rude to sans which ticked me off

'What?! I call that harassment'

'So what?!'


'It is?'

'Yeah.... since when were you innocent?'

'Never? I don't care we have to be more careful! We don't know what could happen if somebody found out!'

'Fair enough, just stay away from that guy I get a bad vibe from him'

'Ok then, by the way isn't it weird he looks like that other guy? Ummm what's his name..-'


'Yeah! That's it Nightmare! Anyways so t you find it strange?'

'I don't know since I never saw him since for some reason I didn't dream like you did so i don't know what he looks like other than what you described'

'Hmmm I KNOW!!!'

I grabbed a piece of paper and some pencils and drew him and this was my result

'Huh, he looks kinda cute to me, are you sure this is accurate?'

"Maybe? I don't know"

I realised I talked aloud accidentally and giggled to myself


'Now look who's blowing out cover'

'You did it first'

'And you did it to confirm whether a drawing was cute or not'


Damn she got me there

'Well either way he does looks by like the fatass doesn't he?

'He's not fat!'

' no not Nightmare, cig. He's a real fatass. Speaking of which can we sell them out now Pleeeeeeaaaaaassssseeee?'

'No Alex. He's ou-'

'YOUR friend'

'Fine. He's my friend'

Nightmares POV

I had been stalking Y/N again since I was bored, this is becoming a habit I thought to myself, she took out some pencils and I looked at what she drew

It was me

I snorted, I couldn't help it I looked so ridiculous it was so funny. She turned around in confusion but I was hidden.

I couldn't hold myself back any longer

I burst into laughter (what did you think I was gonna write? Dirty sinners) accidentally revealing myself but I couldn't help it! Her perception of me was so stupid it was hilarious!

"Oh! Hi pir- I M-MEAN Nightmare!"

I looked at her in disbelief, how was she so happy to see me? And yet I felt nothing off her. She was definitely and odd one

"U-uh hi"

I stuttered. Dammit this always happens at the worst times. Stupid stutter.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were just in my head"

" some nightmares are more real than others"

She nodded. Her face drained of colour when she noticed I had seen the drawing

"I-I um o-oh uh t-that heh w-Well"

I snorted (cocaine) at her nervousness, SHE SHOULD BE NERVOUS IN MY PRESENCE! Until I heard a knock at the door


I decided to hide and watch what was happening


"Hi Y/N"

"Hi sans! Come in! I'm sure ni- oh, um n-never mind"

Oops, maybe I shouldn't have disappeared on her, she probably thinks she's crazy now


Why do I care?

"Well anyways Y/N" Mafia started " I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place for a while?"

I felt I spike of jealousy, not sure why but the thought of mafia with Y/N made me want to kill him so bad. I didn't understand it. Did she do something to me? That would explain why she's so unique.

"I- uh um w-Well sans I uh-"

"It's ok if you don't want to, it's just my brother papyrus was wanting to meet you"

"M-maybe another day sans mkay?"

"Ok Y/N, also you've gotta work on that stutter"

"Ok, make fun of me and I'll shoot you until your dust, then I'll sell your belongings to whoever the fuck I want to"

Wow. Kinda sounds like me whenever dust got on my back about my stutter. Glad he's in a cage. Speaking of which I should probably check in them

Sorry it's another short one it's just I get halfway through the chapter then run out of ideas for 30 seconds then I make another chapter XD

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