Chapter 15 - A rest, great.

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Time for a rest before class starts back again.


Ivy was eating the berries she had dumped in her bag earlier and E.P.R was in the kitchen, cleaning.

"Oh, hi." Ivy said through a mouthful of berries.

"Greetings." E.P.R nodded.


Circe was reading a book near the trees. Hopefully that fish boy wouldn't show up and she could finally finish her book.


"What is it, fish boy?"

"Just checking in." He hummed.

"Alright. I suppose I should ask you what's new, or whatever you say in conversations." Circe looked up at him.

"Nothing much, but something cool happened." Calypso began,"I was drank from. I consented, don't worry."

It took Circe's brain a couple of minutes to register that,"You know, that could sound REALLY wrong."

"Well, in my head, it sounded just fine." Calypso crossed his arms.

"Whatever you say." Circe went back to her book.

Calypso was quiet for less than a second,"What are you reading?"

"It seems he doesn't know the definition of silence." She thought before speaking,"The Girl in the Locked Room."

Calypso nodded, laying back in the water. Circe shut the book, knowing full well she wouldn't be able to finish with Calypso here. She didn't say anything though, conversations were not her thing. As she sat there, she couldn't help but notice how pretty Calypso's hair was... Wait, WHAT DID SHE JUST THINK!?

"What are you looking at, Princess?" Calypso raised a brow.

"What!? N-nothing!" Circe shook her head and thought,"I should just continue reading."

"You sure?" He teased.

"Why the hell did you call me princess!?" Circe replied, flustered.

"Because I can."

"What kind of answer is 'because I can'!?" She questioned.

"You wanted an answer, I gave you one." Calypso shrugged.

Circe rolled her eyes.

"Come on, would you prefer something else?" Calypso sighed.

Circe answered by turning invisible, leaving a floating satchel. Calypso sighed, shrugged and swam away. It wasn't like him to give in.


Alexa was searching for a book, specifically a book about how to get a stubborn fox to like them.

"What'cha looking for?" Cameron raised a brow.

"A way to get a certain fox to like me." Alexa huffed.

"Well, from what I've seen, she's not comfortable with herself yet. She needs time the decide who and what she likes." Cameron shrugged.

Alexa was writing down notes,"I know she likes berries."

"That's what foxes eat." He nodded.


Renée was taking a nap while Jeremiah threw darts at his dartboard, his main past time other than reading and Fern read I'm her room. Jeremiah had gotten bored of darts and decided to talk to Fern.

"Is anyone there?" They knocked.

"Hm, oh, come in. The door's unlocked." She hummed.

"Hello." Jeremiah waved, fazing through the door.

"Hey, Jerry!"

"How are you?"

"I'm good, what about you?" Fern rolled off her bed and onto her feet.

"Pretty decent. Since we're in the same dorm, I thought maybe we could get to know each other more! Renée was napping when I knocked and the others were nowhere to be seen so I came to you!" Jeremiah explained, keeping put the fact that he was only aquatinted with Alexa and Renée and so only briefly checked on them.

"Well, what would you like to do?" Fern looked up at him.

"Well, might as well get introductions out of the way. My name is Jeremiah and I was known as Miah, but Jerry sounds better. I was born in the Overworld, but I've lived in the end for most of my life."

"Well, my name is Fern. I was also born in the Overworld, as one of three foxes." She hummed proudly.

"Triplets? Or just siblings?"

"Triplets." Fern answered.

"Cool, cool. I'm an only child. My mum was killed by an enderman when she was carrying my soon-to-be sister in her womb so I just lived with my dad."

"Oh.." Fern nodded slowly.

"Sorry if that was a bit dark." They apologized,"Every time I don't mention it at school it just-"

"It's alright, I don't mind." Fern assured them.

Jeremiah took off his mask for a brief moment and smiled at Fern before putting it back on due to the light seeping in from the window.

"Oh, I can cover that, if you want." Fern pointed, wanting to see his smile again.

"No, it's fine. I don't mean to be an inconvenience." Jeremiah shook his head.

"You're not an inconvenience." Fern told him, jumping up and pulling the blinds down.

Jeremiah took off his hood and eyepatch, revealing his hair. Then after a bit of struggling and untangling, he took off his mask.

"I look strange, don't I?" Jeremiah chuckled.

Fern just stood and blinked at him before quickly shaking her head and covering her face.

"Dang, I look that bad?" Jeremiah laughed.

"No, you look really good!" Fern spoke quickly, not thinking.

"Wait, what-"

Fern froze.

Jeremiah snorted,"Yeah, yeah, you're real funny. Nice joke."

Fern pulled her jumper over her face and mumbled,"It wasn't a joke."

A beat red colour covered Jeremiah's face before he disappeared, reappearing on the ceiling.

"First the hug, now this?"

Fern hid her face completely in her jumper. Why did she say that!?

"But I thought you liked Alexa- You can't be flirting with me like this cuz then I'll have to confess- Nope, nevermind, forget that last part." Jeremiah zipped away with their mask, forgetting their eyepatch.

"She likes me, not the other way around!" Fern called after him.

Some flustered jibberish could be heard.

About five minutes of calming down later, Jeremiah returned,"I forgot my eyepatch-"

"Here." Fern quickly held it out to him.

"Thank you. Let's pretend that never happened and keep talking." Jeremiah took the mask, a light blush still on his face,"So... What's your relationship with Alexa?"

"I see her as a friend but she's determined to make me like her." Fern sighed.

"I mean, she seems nice. I don't see why you wouldn't like her." Jeremiah pointed out.

"I like her, but not like that." Fern explained.

"Fair enough." Jeremiah nodded.

Fern sighed and plopped down on her bed.

"Wanna grab a snack or something? I skipped breakfast." Jeremiah admitted.

"Sure, let's go!" Fern smiled


"So you're the troublemaker everyone's been talking about." Kai grinned

"But of course, who else could I be?" Hades asked, chuckling.

"Y'know, you're giving everyone else a hard time so I recommend you stop before something bad happens." Kai implied.

"Like what, Blaze Bitch? You gonna burn me?"

"You have no idea..."

Valkyrie was sat watching them from the trees, this was getting interesting.

"Listen, I'm not gonna pick a fight I know I'll win on school grounds but you should watch your ass after school because I'm gonna send you back to where you came from, Hell." Hades gave him a maniacal laugh as he backed up and walked off.

"We'll see who wins." Kai hissed.

"Don't fight him." Valkyrie called down to him.

Kai jumped in surprise,"Who...? Ah, it's you. Why not? It's just a duel." Kai sighed.

"It's not just any duel." She jumped down,"Unlike any noble opponent, Hades will not hesitate to kill you if he gets the chance."

"He can try, but trust me, he won't get the chance." Kai shrugged.

"You don't know that!" Valkyrie snapped, grabbing his shoulders.

"He needs to be put in his place!" Kai shot back,"If I die, I did trying to stop a tyrant. I die fighting for a cause!"

"I am not going to let you throw any your life like this. Your death won't change anything!"

"Even if he does kill me, the cops will be called due to the fact it was a duel, not a battle."

Valkyrie chuckled softly,"You think they'd call the cops? Kai. We made a mistake coming here. We're all going to die."

"Well, if we are, then I might as well speed up my death. It's my life, Valkyrie. Don't try and stop me."

Valkyrie clenched her fists and turned away from him. Kai sighed, walking away.

"Two days." Hades, who had been watching the entire time from the shadows, whispered.

He then disappeared into the shadows.

"I'll be there."


"Yo, Celeste. Can you make sure E.P.R is guarding the forest two days from now? A duel was issued and I don't want any birds interfering." Hades sighed.

Principal Celeste slowly looked up at him,"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. By the way, the bird kid knows that something is up and has predicted everyone's demise." Hades brushed past it.

"Such a nuisance." Principal Celeste sighed,"I can't even kill her."

"If she enters the forest I can murder her as well." Hades shrugged.

"No." She pointed,"I made a deal."

"Fine then, just keep E.P.R there and Kai will die easily. That's all I request." Hades started leaving.

"Trust me, I will."


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