Chapter 16 - Back at it again

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Time to learn. Wait, do we actually learn here-


Abigail walked into P.E and Alessandra strode in as well.

"Welcome to P.E!" Mr Felidae smiled.


"This is torture! When is the weekend!" Ivy whined.

"Don't ask me, I didn't invest school." Circe rolled her eyes.

Mrs Midas just blinked at the two,"It's Wednesday."

Ivy grabbed Circe in a bear hug, fox hug, out of joy,"Just two more days!"

"Help-" Circe spoke as she struggled to breath.

"Miss Grove, you might suffocate Miss Falls. Please release her." Mrs Midas sighed.

Ivy let go, apologizing.

"Thank you." She nodded.

"Thank you, Mrs Midas." Circe coughed.

"It is no problem." She assured them,"Now sit down."

Circe sat at the back and Ivy sat a few seats away from her.

E.P.R walked in and simply stood at the front,"Principal Celeste requires you, Ma'am."

"Right now?" Mrs Midas raised a brow.

"Right now." He nodded.

Ivy gave Circe a look that said,'Sus?'

"E.P.R, you watch those two while I'm gone." Mrs Midas adjusted her tie and walked out, taking her staff with her.

"Hey, I've just realized something. Where's the rest of our dorm?" Ivy asked once Mrs Midas left.

"I am unaware of the locations of the other three students." E.P.R shook his head.

Kai walked in yawning. He looked around at his classmates and was pretty sure he'd was in the clear.

"As long as the bird is not let out of the cage, I would say my secret is safe." Kai thought.

"Kai, come back." Cameron whined,"I was gonna drag you into skipping."

"I skipped half of my classes yesterday because if you." Kai sighed.

"But it was fun!" Cameron hummed.

Circe was starting to consider skipping and going back to her dorm.

"It's not like the teacher's here, just come spend time with me." Cameron pouted.

"Bruh, fine. But I swear I'm not doing this again. My parents will kill me if they see the school attendance!" Kai groaned.

"Come on, bro." Cameron tugged on his wrist.

"I'm coming, Jesus." He sighed as they walked off.

"Well, come faster." Cameron rolled his eyes,"Wait-"

"Actually, on second thought, I'mma stay in class. Bye!" Kai zipped away.


Alexa and Renée were just kinda standing there.

Miss Valeska soon walked out of her cupboard in crutches,"Greetings."

"Miss, are you okay?" Renée asked her.

"I will be." She assured them both.

Renée wasn't convinced, but stayed silent.

"Now, who wants to draw some dragons?" Miss Valeska asked, taking out some paper.

"Ooh, me!" Alexa raised her hand.

"Here you are." She began handing out the sheets.

Jeremiah realized he was invisible and so reappeared so the teacher wouldn't skip him.

"Ah, here you go." She smiled, handing him some paper as she nearly walked past him.

"Thanks, Miss." Jeremiah nodded, starting to draw a detailed dragon sketch.

Alexa began drawing a base.


Shelby walked into science and sat down, resting her head on her notebook.

"Yo, had a good day?" Mr Boyle asked, turning around.

"No. I got zero sleep last night." She sighed.

Charlotte came in and sat down, exclaiming,"Well, I did!"

"Great." Mumbled Shelby.

"I mean, if you want, I could make you some coffee. I have a coffee maker in the back." He pointed.

Shelby chuckled,"I'm not allowed to have coffee. Thanks anyway."

"Ah, shame." Mr Boyle shrugged as Valkyrie walked in.

Hades followed.

"Hello, Cookie Crusher." Charlotte greeted him cheerfully.

"Cookie Crusher?" Hades raised a brow.

"That's my new nickname for you! Shelby is Hardhat, but she doesn't like it when I call her that." Shelby explained.

"Do I get a nickname?" Valkyrie asked.

"Yeah, I just need to think of one!"

"Hades got one before me?" Valkyrie looked down at him.

"Because his wag easy. On the first day, he crushed the cookies!"

"You jealous, Val?" Mr Boyle chuckled.

"Shush." She mumbled.

"Hm, what should her nickname be?" Charlotte asked Shelby.

"What about Big Bird?" Shelby grumbled.

Charlotte shook her head,"No, not Big Bird."

Valkyrie sighed and sat behind the two of them.

"Lol, I can see her as Big Bird." Hades chuckled.

"Hades, I swear-" Valkyrie glared at him.

"The hell are you gonna do, call Elmo?" Hades wheezed, sitting down.

Valkyrie rose from her seat but Mr Boyle stepped between them,"Why can't you two just get along?"

"Ronan, are you seriously asking why the school bastard and the student protector don't get along?"

"Then stop being such a bastard." Mr Boyle rolled his eyes,"And you, stop being so overprotective."

"Only because you said so, Mr Boyle." Hades remarked sarcastically.

"Hades, be quiet."

"Only because you said so, Mr Boyle." He repeated.

Mr Boyle sighed and walked back to his desk.

"I thought Big Bird was a stupid idea." Charlotte commented,"How about... Ooh! What about Donkey Flyer!"

Shelby then burst into giggles.

"What the heck is a 'Donkey Flyer'?" Asked Shelby.

"Ass Flyer." Hades smirked.

Charlotte shook her head and decided to explain,"No, it was something from my first grade Christmas Play. Someone thought it was a great idea to use a wagon for the donkey and so they got one of those red ones that has the two words on the side and one of them was 'Flyer'. Another first grader put a label over the first word so the side of the wagon said 'Donkey Flyer'. It was hilarious."

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