Chapter 22 - The Duel

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As the sun starts lowering, there are two people not sleeping, both preparing. Although two people are out to stop what's about to happen, they are unaware that this is... Inevitable.


"Well well well. I thought you'd chicken out Kai," Hades grinned.

"You underestimate me."

"Are both of you prepared?" EPR looked between them both.

Hades in diamond, and Kai in enchanted iron, nodded. Hades drew out his diamond axe while Kai drew out his fire aspect iron sword.

"Duelists, take your positions."

They both walked to the opposite sides of the arena.

E.P.R scanned the area before bowing her head,"Commence!"

Hades and Kai simultaneously launched a skull and a fire ball at each other before charging. Hades landed the first hit on his shoulder but kai pulled out his cross bow and shot Hades in the knee. Once more they charged in, kicking, slashing and shooting, none of them yielding. E.P.R watched intently, occasionally her neck sharply twitching. Just a small glitch, yeah...

Kai dodged and weaved, and surprisingly pinned the wither to the floor. "Do you yield?"

Hades let out a maniacke cackle. "Oh, you think you've won? I just wanted to see how good your armour was. Now the real fight start!"

Hades point-blanked Kai with a skull before drinking a strength 2 potion as well as speed 2. He lastly ate a gapple before rushing towards the staggering Kai. Charlotte watched as the duel went on. She was worried. What if Kai died?

"Stop!" She shouted, trying to get over there.

Hades aimed a wither Skull at her,"You have no armour. I suggest you back up, or you'll die instantly,"

Charlotte looked, nervously, at the two.

"Why do you have to duel? Isn't conversation enough?" She asked, fingering her ring that had been her father's.

"I... Have to stop him..." Kai groaned before getting drop kicked

Charlotte's eyes widened.

"What?! Wh-What?!" She looked around, nervously.

She didn't want Kai to die. She ran forward and stepped between Kai and Hades.

"Stand down. Otherwise you'll have to join Kai."

Charlotte glared at Hades,"No."

"You can't say I didnt warn you," Hades threw a wither skull at them which was countered by a fire ball.

Charlotte barely dodged the projectiles before they collided. She tried to hold Hades or Kai back, but she couldn't. They were too intent on fighting. She looked around, frantically. Why wasn't there any teacher around?

"So... Kai, I'm afraid this is where it ends! With you're own sword," Hades chuckled snatching Kai's sword before plunging it into his stomach, blood splattering.

Kai was now on the ground, slowly withering away, the sword going straight through him. Charlotte stared as Kai disappeared. She looked up at Hades, scared out of her mind. How could he kill someone just like that?Hades cackled, wiping some of Kais splattered blood off of himself. Charlotte ran away.

"Is he... Is he going to kill me too? Because I witnessed the duel?" She wondered as she ran.

"Kai!" Cameron cried as he ran out, how long has he been here?

Charlotte ran past Cameron, wanting to get away.

"K-Kai?" Cameron fell to his knees.

"C-cameron... I guess it... It's over. Heh, I h... Had a g-good run.." Kai chuckled, blood oozing out of his stomach and soul slowly leaving his eyes

"Actually you were so dog shit that I didn't even have to use my enchanted diamond sword or armour. LOL sucks to suck," Hades chortled in the background

"Hey, it's fine. I-I can fix this. You'll be fine!" Cameron shook his shoulders.

Tears dripped down Renée's face as she watched from the forest,"Why?"

"Dawg, he's fucking withering away. You can't save him," Hades snorted strutting away.

Kai had a glint in his eye.

"Tell the others... Tell them that I died.... Fighting!" He exclaimed, throwing an Ender Pearl out of his pocket.

He teleporting to Hades before slashing a deep wound into his back. Hades whipped around, growling in pain, grabbing Kai's neck and snapping it like a twig.


Circe sat by a tree, covering her ears with her hands. She'd come out here for a late night stroll, but then she heard the fighting. Why did everyone always fight?! Didn't she come here to avoid to this?

"Magic girl!" Calypso popped out of the water, clearly distressed.

Circe looked over to the lake, also obviously upset. "What?"

"Kai is dead!"

"What?! Circes eyes widened.

"Hades killed him, snapped his neck like it was nothing." Calypso bit his lip.

"Why does everyone always fight..." Circe muttered, tearing up grass.

"I... I don't know." Calypso shook his head.

She buried her head in her hands, it was clear she wasn't taking this well.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything bad happen to you." Calypso assured her.

"Th-thank you..."

Circe realized that one of her band-aids was bleeding through. But she didn't take it off.

"Hm, here." Calypso passed her a package of band-aids, all bright and colourful.

"Thanks." She took the package, choosing a green band aid.

Circe took off the original band-aid, revealing a bleeding cut. She quickly put the green band-aid over it.

"What happened?" Calypso asked her.

"I... Erm... Hit my arm on a table," Circe said unconvincingly.

"Mhm." Calypso gave her a look.


Cameron was frozen. His best friend. His only friend. Was just murdered.

"You..." Cameron glared at Hades.

"He was going to die to my wither effects anyway," Hades shrugged, grabbing a healing and regeneration potion and healing his wound,"It doesn't hurt but damn, that scar will be there for a while."

Cameron silently got up and walked towards Hades.

"Why do I hear boss music?" Hades wondered.


"Hi! Who are you again?" Hades asked, completely unfazed by the corpse that lay a few feet infront of him.


"Ah, yes Cameron, what do you want?" Hades asked, remembering being specifically asked by Cassiopeia to not kill him.

"Well, you've just murdered my best friend and... I'd like to punish you for that." Cameron hummed.

"Cameron, stop!" Valkyrie called to him.

"Ah, ok. Here, a sword. I won't fight back, but I'll let you get a few hits in. Actually, go ahead and kill me, see what happens," Hades handed Cameron his normal diamond sword rather than his enchanted one.

Cameron looked the sword over, tossing it to the side as his eyes became a glassy white, producing his own sword from his belt.

"Nice. A god. Well then, I will fight. I will use the only item that gives me a chance," Hades ate an Enchanted golden apple, otherwise known as the God Apple,"Our battle will be legendary!"

And with that Cameron charged forward, rage flowing through him. Hades threw his normal armor away and put on enchanted armor before charging as well. Cameron's sword clashed against Hades' as they fought in the middle of the arena. Hades grinned, adrenaline pulsing through his veins. He was knocked back by Cameron but kept getting up, fighting with equal strength. Cameron knew they were pretty much an even match, each one rivalling each others strength. That's when a beam of light shone from the Principal's window.

"Finally... Jesus christ," Hades sighed, really just stalling due to the fact he wasn't allowed to kill Cameron.

"Boys." She swooped down.

Abigail, who had been watching from a tree, saw the beam of light and almost fell out of her tree.

"Cassieopia!" Hades sighed.

"I have been informed of the... Casualty" Principal Celeste lowered her eyes.

Hades said nothing, observing.

"I do apologize for your loss." She turned to Cameron, patting his shoulder.

"Don't fucking touch me!" Cameron snapped.

Hades yawned.

"Nothing I can do now. Dispose of the body. will you now, Hades?" She turned back to him.

Hades nodded dragging the decaying body away. Cameron just stood still, looking down at the ground as his eyes returned to normal. Valkyrie swooped down and wrapped her wing around him. Abigail dared not to breathe while she watched. She silently climbed to a tree closer to the people in the dueling area. After blowing a whole in the ground with his wither Skull, he threw Kai in it and covered it, walking to Celeste.

"Abbie." Valkyrie turned to her.

Abigail froze,"Yeah?"

"I think your brother needs you at the moment."

Abigail jumped down from the tree,"Hey, Cameron, are you okay? Hades... Hades is the worst."

"I am."

Cameron stayed silent, merely sitting down on the ground.

Abigail glared at Hades,"Go away jerk."

Hades walked off, sighing.

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