Chapter 4 - Moving on

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After that, it's time to move onto your next class of the day!


Abigail ran into class,"Yes! My favourite class! Hello!"

"Heya!" Mr Boyle smiled, sat on his desk.

"Oh, I like this guy." Calypso nodded.

Alessandra strutted in.

"He's cool." Abigail agreed, spotting a bookshelf.

She immediately went over and started looking for stuff on animals.

"Ayo, the name's Mr Boyle." He hopped off his desk.


Charlotte bounced in,"Hello?"

"Hello." Miss Valeska walked back in, staying by the side door.

Hades walked in, examining a wither skull and Valkyrie followed after.

"Please, follow me." She held the door open.

Hades followed after, seemingly not having a care in the world. Shelby followed Charlotte outside.

"It's very sunny." She commented.

"Not exactly my favourite weather but it's nice enough." Charlotte nodded.

Miss Valeska lead them into the forest, Valkyrie sticking close to her. When Charlotte spotted the dragons she screamed.

"No! Go away!" She yelled.

Miss Valeska quickly turned around, having heard her yell.

"Mrs Midas, why is there a dragon? You know they're dangerous, right?" Charlotte asked,"Why is there one here!?"

"That's... That's not my name." She chuckled nervously,"Besides, the entire point of this class is to learn how to care for magical creatures."

"Oh, I don't knock know names sometimes but uhm, can I maybe NOT inspect the dragons?" Charlotte looked nervously at the dragon.

"Oh, if it makes you uncomfortable you can read through one of the textbooks instead." Miss Valeska suggested,"I won't force you to stay in the class though, if you'd rather sit outside."

"I just... Don't like dragons. Bad experience with a dragon that may or may not have burned down my village and killed my dad and everyone I knew." Charlotte spoke the last part quickly and quietly.

"I won't force you to be around them then." Miss Valeska smiled softly.

Charlotte smiled back,"Thanks."

"It is no problem." She nodded.

"Want me to take you back to class or...?" Valkyrie raised a brow.

"Uh, sure?"

"Right, be back soon." Miss Valeska called after them as Valkyrie started walking.

Charlotte followed after Valkyrie, a little uneasy. Valkyrie looked down at Charlotte and used to her wing to shield her from the sun.

"Thanks." Charlotte nodded.


"Now, this is a baby Ryu, a type of dragon." Miss Valeska held up the small creature.

"It looks very killable and undragonlike." Hades retorted.

Miss Valeska just stared at Hades,"I do hope you aren't suggesting anything."

"Noo, why would I do that?" He remarked sarcastically.

Miss Valeska took a deep breath,"Today I will be teaching you how to properly care for a baby Ryu."

"Don't care, didn't ask, that's not a dragon." Hades listed.

"It is a type of dragon." Miss Valeska pointed.

"That's a lizard, there's a difference." He rolled his eyes.

"Hades, let me teach."


"That wasn't a question that required an answer, it was an instruction."

"What'll you do if I don't listen? Send me to detention?" Hades threw back.

"I always could."

"Do it."

"Fine then, you've got detention during break." She sighed.

"Like I'll actually come." He retorted.

"It would be in your best interest to."

"Are you pissing off this teacher too?" Valkyrie asked, walking back over.

"Make me, I dare you." Hades made a blank threat, really just stalling the lesson.

"I don't have time for this, Hades." She stood up.

Shelby laughed,"Drama!"

She then burst into giggles. It was clearly an inside joke.

"Listen, I'm just trying to do my job. If you don't want to be here, just leave."

Hades walked off.

Miss Valeska sighed,"Let's continue."


Circe hesitated by the doorway as she looked around for their teacher. Ivy slipped a couple paces behind her while E.P.R did as he usually did and followed behind them, unable to keep up.

Ivy poked her head into the room,"Hellooo?"

"Ah! People." Miss Morton turned, adjusting her glasses,"Welcome to music."

Circe stepped into the classroom after Ivy.

"My name is Miss Morton, I'll be teaching you this term." She smiled.

"Nice to meet you!" Ivy spoke.

"What are we going to do today?" Circe asked softly.

"Well, you'll be doing a trial run of any instrument you choose." Miss Morton told them.

"That sounds really fun!" Ivy cheered.

"It should be." Miss Morton chuckled.

"So, can we start now?" Ivy asked.

"Of course."

Ivy went over to an electric guitar, Circe picked up a violin and E.P.R made it's way over to a cello. Circe played a melody that she had heard once in the village she grew up in. She hadn't got it completely right but she was close.


Ivy laughed,"Ya missed history, Blaze Boy."

"I know.." He groaned.

Miss Morton had hidden behind her desk,"G-glad you're here."

"Circe has notes, don't worry." Ivy told him.

Circe gave her a look.

"What? You were the only one who took notes." Ivy shrugged.

"Thank goodness."

"What did I miss?" Cameron yawned, walking in after Kai.

"History, and part of music." Ivy commented.

Circe tried to focus on the violin, not wanting to hear their conversation.

"Great." He smirked, turning to Kai,"Any luck doing your thing?"

"What... Thing?" Circe thought.

Kai glared at him.

"Oh, y'know, just-" His mouth was covered.

Circe looked at the two in a 'What the heck guys?' way.

Kai muttered something under his breath before grabbing a seat.

"Love you too, bro." Cameron chuckled, also sitting down.

She shrugged and went back to playing the violin. Ivy then started playing the electric guitar. Both instruments sounded a bit strange together but not bad. Cameron shrugged and put his head on the desk, deciding to go for another nap.

Cloud then walked in,"Oh-uh... Hi!"

"Good morning." Miss Morton nodded.


Alexa knocked on the door. Renée teleported behind them, startling the poor bee.

"Come in." A female voice called.

Jeremiah entered and sat on his desk, invisible.

"My name is Principal Celeste, welcome to history." She bowed her head slightly.

Alexa selected a random seat and Renée sat in front of a seemingly empty desk.

"As I did with the class prior, we will being going over a brief history of our world." Principal Celeste explained.

Renée nodded, eager to learn more about this world.

"Well, the world started off as nothingness until an ancient race of starbeings, my ancestors, created the planets in our solar system." She began.

Alexa listened intently. It was boring but she wanted good grades.

"Then they ended up creating this planet. Earth. This is where life as we know started."

Jay then fluttered in and hummed,"Sorry I'm late."

"It's fine, just try not to make it a habit." Principal Celeste shrugged.

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