Chapter 3 - Let's start it off right

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Woo, first classes! Come on then, get going students!


Ivy really didn't want to get up as she was tired from the night before but reluctantly did so. She dressed and walked into the common room. Circe, who had been awake for a long time, was studying her schedule in there. She then grabbed her satchel and left. Ivy followed, because she had no idea what they had first. E.P.R soon walked out as well, heading towards the history classroom with the other two, disappointed that she couldn't walk any faster. Circe walked in, a bit nervous about the fact that Ivy had followed her.

"Whatever... We have the same class, it's fine." She sighed.

E.P.R walked in after them as Principal Celeste exited her cupboard.

"Ah, good morning." She smiled.

"Good morning!" Ivy spoke.

Circe nodded.

"Welcome to history." Principal Celeste nodded as well,"I am Principal Celeste, I shall be teaching you this term."

"Do we have assigned seats or...?" Circe asked quietly.

"Hm, I suppose I'll let you choose your own seats." Principal Celeste shrugged.

"Oh no... I don't really know anyone." Circe thought in dismay.

"Unless, of course, you wish for me to select." Principal Celeste added.

"No, it's fine... I'll just sit somewhere and whoever sits with me, sits with me." Circe told her.

E.P.R shrugged and sat near the front. Circe sat in the middle row and Ivy sat at the back.

"Now we shall start the lesson. If others arrive then they can just join in." Principal Celeste stated,"We will start with a basic history of our world."

Circe got out her notebook and Ivy wondered when this class would end.

"Well, the world started off as nothing until an ancient race of star-beings began to form the planets in our solar system." Principal Celeste started.

Ivy was holding back a yawn which made her face look weird.

"Where the heck is everyone else from our dorm?" She thought.

"And eventually, they created this planet. Earth. Can anyone tell me what the first race on this planet was?" Principal Celeste asked.

Circe slowly raised her hand.

"Yes, Circe?" Principal Celeste turned to her.

"It was humans.." She muttered.

"Well done, that is correct. Humans were the first to establish themselves on Earth." Principal Celeste clapped.

Circe stared at her desk, slightly embarrassed. She'd never been applauded before.

"Now, humans are very strange creatures. Very adaptable. There is no one type of human." Principal Celeste continued.


Alexa checked her schedule,"Music? Awesome!"

Renée was curiously looking at them as she had never seen a creature like Alexa before.

"She said she was a... Bee?" Renée thought to herself.

"This is gonna be great!" Fern jumped up, quickly putting on on her rucksack.

"That's the spirit!" Alexa cheered.

"Race you there!" Fern smirked, dashing out of the room.

Alexa flew after her, determined to win. Fern didn't give in though and sped onwards. And with that, they both reached the music classroom at roughly the same time.

Alexa caught her breath and smiled,"Well, thanks for the workout, Foxie!"

"You're welcome." Fern chuckled as another bee opened the door.

"Oh! Good morning." Alexa waved.

"Good morning! I am your music teacher, Miss Morton." She giggled.

Jeremiah arrived shortly after but stayed invisible.

"Well, come in." Miss Morton held open the door.

"There's no way you can see me..." Jeremiah murmured silently.

"Maybe not, but I can hear you." She hummed.

"Wait, there's someone there?" Fern blinked.

"I'm floating though... Was it my breathing? I knew I should've taken my inhaler before I set out..." They groaned.

"Come on, kiddo. Show yourself." Miss Morton smiled,"I can dim the lights if you want."

"That would be ideal." Jeremiah revealed himself, covering his eyes to protect them from the light.

Miss Morton nodded, dimming the lights. The room was relatively dark but you could still see your hands.

"Thank you." He sighed, sitting down.

Fern skipped in and sat behind him as Miss Morton stepped into the front of the room. Jeremiah sat calmly but internally, he was having a mental breakdown. As to why someone was sitting behind him? Sure, social interaction was fun but he wasn't in the mood. He just wanted to sit in their room and read...

"Well, welcome to music. I, uh, didn't plan anything so... I think you should just have a trial run with the instruments." Miss Morton instructed them.

Jeremiah nodded, looking around before heading to a violin as Fern skipped over to some bongos. Jeremiah examined the violin before playing the violin section of 'Ode to Joy' while Fern didn't know what she was playing but it was something. As Jeremiah came to an end, he walked over to Fern, curious about what she was playing.

"'Scuse me but I was wondering... What are you playing?" Jeremiah asked her,"It sounds cool."

"Oh, it's just something I came up with. I'm not really sure." She shrugged.

"Well, it sounds genuinely cool?" Jeremiah gave her a thumbs up before sitting by the piano and playing the piano section of 'Ode to Joy'.

Fern sat and watched him play. Jeremiah soon came to a finish,  satisfied with his performance. Fern smiled and clapped for him. Jeremiah hadn't realized that someone was listening to him and froze.

"Oops, sorry." Fern apologized.

"No, don't be sorry! I'm just a little surprised is all." They chuckled.

"Well, my name's Fern." She introduced herself,"I'm not sure if I said that already."

"Nice to meet you, Fern. My name is Jeremiah but you can call me Jerry if you want." Jeremiah introduced himself as well.

"I'll definitely call you that." Fern smiled.

Jeremiah gave her a small smile. Even though you couldn't see his smile, you could tell by his one visible eye that he was happy. Fern then went back to hitting the bongos. Jeremiah evaluated the other instruments but didn't play them since he only knew how to play the violin and piano.

"Hello." Roslyn walked in, tucking some hair behind her ear.

She looked around the room, trying to determine which instrument would be the most compatible.

"So we can just paly any one?" She addressed their teacher.

"Of course you can." Miss Morton nodded.

Alexa strummed a happy tune on the guitar, smiling. Renée then teleported through the doorway, looking confused.

"Am I in the right place?" She looked around.

Jeremiah immediately turned invisible in surprise.

"You are." Miss Morton smiled,"Feel free to try out any of the instruments."

Renée turned in Jeremiah's direction,"I'm sure I saw someone there..."

She turned away and went to test out the flute. Jeremiah slowly reappeared, having calmed down.

Renée looked at the flute and then Miss Morton,"What is this called?"

"That's a flute, dear. It is a woodwind instrument. You press down the buttons and blow into it." Miss Morton explained.

Renée tried the flute out,"Is it supposed to sound like that?"

"Sort of." Miss Morton shrugged.

"Starnge..." Renée nodded slowly.

"E-excuse me, but if you want to use the flute, I recommend starting with the recorder." Jeremiah spoke up nervously.

"Ah... What is a recorder?" Renée raised a brow,"I apologize, this world is very new to me."

"It's sort of a beginner flute." He explained.

"Thank you!" Renée smiled.


Alessandra, who had fully prepared herself, headed towards her class.

Calypso spotted and swam after her,"Good morning~"

"MY GOSH- Oh, it's just you. Please, never do that again." She sighed, shivering from the shock.

"I can't make any promises, darling." Calypso shrugged.

Alessandra gave him a small smile,"We should probably get to class... What's our first class? I didn't check my schedule."

"Care of Magical Creatures." Calypso told her,"I heard they have dragons here."

"Oooooh!" Alessandra grinned, pulling out her map and checking it,"This way!"

"I don't want to go outside." Calypso sighed as he followed.

Alessandra walked in, amazed by the classroom.

"Greetings." Miss Valeska smiled, folding in her wings,"Welcome to Care of Magical Creatures."

"Great to be here." Calypso stretched.

"Your classroom is amazing!" Alessandra grinned.

"Aw, thank you, dear. We won't be in here today, though." Miss Valeska told her.

"That's okay. I'm just excited to see what we're going to do, this seems like the most fun class, to be honest." Alessandra nodded.

"Do any of you have any allergies that I should be aware of?" Miss Valeska asked.

"Nah." Calypso shook his head.

"Garlic. I hate garlic but that's about it." Alessandra shrugged.

"If need be, there are umbrellas to protect you from the sun." Miss Valeska pointed.

"I mean, if there is a lot of sun then I'll take it, I guess." She sighed, only somewhat allergic.

"It is quite hot outside." Miss Valeska opened the side door,"Follow me."

She hissed at the sun before stepping out, a lot slower than she was inside. Calypso swam out and followed their teacher into a large forest. Alessandra slowly but surely caught up to them. They soon reached a clearing and... Holy crap, there are dragons! Alessandra gasped, her eyes clearly sparkling in amazement.

"Let's start of simple, shall we?" Miss Valeska held up a small creature,"This is Zephyr, a Ryu."

Zephyr was small and had light purple scales, teal and gold fur and whiskers, dark eyes and sharp teeth and claws.

"Hello, Zephyr!" Alessandra smiled at the small creature.

Zephyr looked up and tilted her head to the side.

"What can Zephyr do?" Alessandra questioned,"Breath fire, freeze stuff...?"

"Well, she can breath fire and fly-" Miss Valeska began.

And with that, Zephyr tried lunging at Calypso who ducked under the water. Miss Valeska managed to hold her still.

"Huh?" Alessandra raised a brow.

"Sorry, she's a bit excitable." Miss Valeska chuckled.

Alessandra giggled at the baby Ryu and nodded.

"I'm not food!" Calypso poked his head out.

"Dang, guess we won't be eating sushi then." Alessandra joked.

"That's not funny." He crossed his arms.

"Hehe, today I'll be teaching, or starting to starting to teach you, how to care for a baby Ryu." Miss Valeska informed them.

Alessandra turned back to the teacher, ecstatic to start the lesson.

"For starters, never grab a Ryu by the tail... Unless you want to go to bed with less fingers than you woke up with." Miss Valeska began.

Alessandra nodded intently.

"Noted." Calypso nodded.

"They're omnivores but prefer fish above most things." Miss Valeska continued,"Sorry Calypso."

"None taken-" He started.

"SORRY I'M LATE!" Abigail came running over,"I couldn't find my notebooks and- OH MY GOD! IS THAT A DRAGON!?"

Miss Valeska jumped, still managing to hold the wriggling Zephyr,"Technically. T-this is a type of dragon called a Ryu."

Abigail squealed,"I've never seen a Ryu before! All dragons sound amazing."

"Calm down, you're scaring our teacher." Calypso told her.

Abigail huffed.

"Have you seen the poor woman?" Calypso asked.

"Okay, I think she gets it, Calypso." Miss Valeska sighed.

Abigail nodded,"Sorry if I scared you, I'm just super into magical creatures."

"It's fine, dear. Now, let's continue." Miss Valeska hummed.


Charlotte, quite literally, bounced into class.

Shelby soon followed,"HI!"

"Wait for me, you two." Valkyrie ran after them.

"Welcome." Mrs Midas smiled.

Charlotte looked around. She went over to one of the brewing stands and started examining it.

"You like the brewing stand?" Mrs Midas raised a brow.

"Yeah, my father knew a lot about potions so I learned a bit about them when I was still living in my village." Charlotte explained.

"Then you'll be good at this." Mrs Midas nodded.

Charlotte shrugged,"Maybe. He only told me about basic stuff like what ingredients to use."

"That's exactly what I had planned for today." Mrs Midas told her.

"Yes! This is going to be great!" Exclaimed Charlotte.

"Of course it will. Now, sit down." Mrs Midas pointed.

Charlotte sat down and Shelby sat beside her. Valkyrie sat at the back though, not wanting to block anyone with her height. Hades arrived, not caring that he was late.

"Do you have anything to say?" Mrs Midas asked.

Charlotte looked at Hades,"This is the best class! Why are you late?"

"Depends." He shrugged, turning to Mrs Midas.

"How about 'sorry I'm late miss'?" She tried.

"If I wear full diamond armour and carry an enchantment diamond sword on school campus, do you really think I care for time or potions?" Hades asked.

"Well, you probably should, young man." Mrs Midas sighed.

"No, I don't think I will." Hades sat in a seat at the front.

Charlotte huffed before she raised her hand.

"Yes, Charlotte?" Mrs Midas raised a brow.

"I have a question." Charlotte tilted her head,"Does a weakness potion need to be brewed with or without nether wart? I sort of forgot."

"In order to make any potion, nether wart must be added to a bottle of water." She answered calmly.

"Y'know, I could just blow this up but I'll give you a sense of security... For now~" Hades hummed maliciously.

"You are just going to be a bother throughout this year, aren't you?" Mrs Midas sighed, her hand brushing against her staff.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he was." Shelby whispered to Charlotte who resisted the urge to laugh.

Hades chuckled and stayed silent.

"You and I are going to have... A lot of fun." She feigned a smile.

"We'll see who's gonna have the fun, won't we?" Hades taunted her.

"Y'know, I've been around for quite a while and never have I met someone like you." Mrs Midas told him.

"Why thank you." Hades bowed slightly.

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