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Jimin's POV

"We WHAT?! We have a new mate?! Yoongi, you could've told me sooner! I would've worn something more appropriate to meet her, I look like shit!".

My shout echoes in the house as I watch Yoongi exit the bathroom in dry clothes, a loose grey hoodie and some blue jeans that suit him marvelously well. I would be clinging onto him and seeking his lips over and over again if he hadn't said what he just did.

I had noticed that something felt weird about him since he came back earlier, but there was no time to ask him when he went straight for the shower, his body dripping with rain and wetting the entire floor on the way.

I had noticed that the car wasn't in the driveway either, which meant that he'd walked from some other place. He didn't look like he'd been in an accident, so that couldn't be it. Did the car break down on the way home?

I sure didn't expect to hear from him that we have another mate, and that he's taking me to her in ten minutes! Why did he wait so long to let me know?! I would have gotten ready! Hair, makeup, clothes! I would've found the perfect perfume to match with my scent!

"There's no time for those things, and besides, you look handsome as you are, baby" Yoongi says as he walks to the kitchen to pack some food into a bag, some of the meals we made yesterday and also some noodles and sauces, an unopened box of cereal with our extra milk, along with some other snacks.

I join him, wondering what the hell it is that he's doing. Seeing the look on my face, he shrugs a little as he grabs some meat from the freezer. "She arrived in Crimson Bay today, there's probably nothing to eat at her place right now and the weather doesn't really allow a safe run to the grocery store".

Ah, that explains why we never met until now, then. "Makes sense, we have more than enough to share with her. What is she, by the way? A human? Or maybe a werewolf? We haven't seen any around here in ages".

"Half vampire, half dragon" he answers simply, and I'm about to nod distractedly when the words finally register.

"Wait. What? She's a hybrid? Our mate?" I exclaim, eyes round with shock, for I know very well what that means for her health, and I take in as he sighs tiredly, hands falling on the counter besides the bags, defeated.

"Her father called yesterday at the clinic and told me about her. She's moving here alone and he was worried that no one would be looking out for her. She needs daily amounts of blood and some mana every few days, so he asked if our clinic could take care of her. I was driving by the docks earlier to give her a ride home since she couldn't have gotten anywhere otherwise, that's when I felt her mana call out to me".

"What happened then?" I urge him for more information, this isn't the face of someone who had a meeting go well, so what the heck happened out there?

"Y/N didn't drink any blood on the way. She thought she could make it home first, but her blood crave got triggered when I stood before her. It was a weak one, nothing scary" he promises when he sees me tensing.

"I fed her with my wrist and she was very careful as to not hurt me. She cried a lot afterwards, though. She did explain a little but... I was hoping you could give me another perspective on this because I'm not sure if I really understood her vision".

Running a hand through my hair and down my face, I take a moment to process everything while he looks at me sheepishly. As a vampire, it's something I can relate to more than he can, so of course he wouldn't be able to understand why she felt so bad.

He provided and protected, so to him, what happened was fine, but to her, this must have felt terrifying. Feeding off someone usually happens when there's undying trust between the two sides, but most especially from the person giving their blood, and it has to be willingly.

But she was thrown in the middle of it without that unwavering trust. She drank his blood because it was the safest option, but to her, I'm sure it felt like a violation of some sort, that she went against the vampire code. There was no way he could've trusted her blindly, in her mind, and yet he did.

"That's... you did the best you could, hyung, I know that, but damn. Drinking from a stranger is the first thing we learn to never do as a vampire. Mates or not, there's an order to things and that was broken against her will, and in her eyes, against yours too" I explain, and immediately does he straighten up, ready to defend what happened.

"I offered my blood out of my own-"

I stop him there, knowing already what he's about to say.

"I know, that's why I'm saying that you did the best you could. I'm just letting you know why she cried - she felt ashamed. Even I would have hated to feed on your blood on the first meeting, especially during a blood crave. Morally... it doesn't feel right, and it can be very dangerous for both sides. She must have had an incredible self-control".

He shuts his mouth, jaw clenching as he lets my words settle in his mind. "I... I didn't mean to make her feel that way. I just wanted to help, she looked really pale and I didn't want her to be in pain" he finally murmurs, sad eyes downcast.

I walk to his side before hugging him tightly, and he hugs me back with his face hiding in the nook of my neck. His fast heartbeat speaks on its own, and I know that he's feeling bad now that he understands more of how she must have felt.

As a doctor, Yoongi is someone who will always do what he can to help others. If there is a solution to a problem, he will make sure that the steps are done to assure healing to the sick, to the wounded.

Our mate's condition of being a half-breed... he must have panicked in her stead. After all, he has studied the subject more than anyone else in Crimson Bay, so he knows just how far their sickness can go, and losing one of ours is not an option.

That being said, she is still a living being with morals and feelings. We'll have to think of ways to prevent this from occurring a second time - though I would hope it doesn't - otherwise it'll create a rift between them. We'll have to carry extra blood snacks around from now on.

"She understands that, I'm sure she does. Give her some time to come to terms with what she's done, that's all. Why don't we get going for now, hyung? Does she live far from here?" I ask, hoping to change the mood to something lighter, and it works wonders when he nods softly, a small smile tugging on the corners of his lips.

"We're neighbours. I left the car in her driveway because she's right next door".

Well I'll be damned.

"What are we still doing here, then? Let's go! Oh, and let's bring an extra umbrella for her too, you never know when she might need it".

Your POV

"I promise I feel fine, mom. It was just a little bit of rain when I got home".

'A little bit of rain is all you need to get sick, honey. Did you take a bath to warm up? You get feverish easily, is the fireplace lighted? Your father made sure to choose a house with one in the living room and in your bedroom so you could stay warm whenever it's cold out there'.

Mom's concern is all I've heard ever since she called a few minutes ago, and I simply cannot dare to tell her about my blood crave, else I'm pretty sure she would run to the airport to join me here as soon as possible.

I'm surprisingly liking this freedom now that I'm feeling better, so her coming here would innately take that from me and I do think I would be a little disappointed. I do believe that it's time I start being independent. I need to learn to take care of myself, I can't always let others do it for me.

"Yoongi lighted the fireplace for me, but he said he'd show me how to do it myself another time. I also have a blanket around me and a cup of hot tea, so I'm not cold anymore, I swear" I answer before taking another sip, it tastes a bit bland but... oh well.

'Yoongi? Honey, who is that? Did you bring a stranger home already?' I hear her ask next with a wary tone, and I throw my head back in exasperation.

"He's the doctor dad talked to, he picked me up from the docks earlier. He's also- erm. He's very kind and helped me to bring the bags inside before going back to his place. He's my neighbour, so he'll be nearby if anything happens to me".

I hate that I just lied to her, but if I tell her about having met my mates on the first day of being here... she'll want to meet them in person right away - which brings me back to the point of losing my freedom - and I just think I'd rather get to know them on my own before she gets in the picture.

Dad probably wouldn't go so far as to come for that reason alone, but Eric and Solar would definitely be on board with her and then I would have no time to spend with my mates. I'd like to invite them over eventually, but only after I've made myself feel at home here.

'Oh! That's great, honey! How lucky, if he's the doctor your father mentioned, then I suppose we can trust him to take good care of you. Did you thank him for his help? Don't forget to do so the next time you meet him'.

Oh, right. I didn't thank Yoongi for anything yet, did I? I'll have to make sure I show him my gratitude properly, both for bringing me home and for helping with the blood crave. No matter how I feel about it, he still helped me out and that's what I need to focus on.

"I will, mom. Well, I'm getting a little tired now, I was thinking about taking it easy for the rest of the day, does the television work?" I ask next as I glance at the screen installed on the wall next to the fireplace, it's gigantic, which means that dad's the one who chose it.

How did they even furnish this place, anyway? I can see everyone's tastes blended into the decor, from art pieces that Solar would have loved to all sorts of little figurines that Eric always gets me when he travels the world.

The living areas are definitely a work of mom, but the bedroom has a bit of everyone in it. It's chaotic, but it looks like love.

'It should, we had someone test it when they cleaned the house yesterday. Oh, they should've left the spare key under the rug outside of the front door, so make sure to get it before someone finds it. If you need anything, let us know, honey, alright? We might be far, but you know we'll run to you anytime. Especially your siblings, they've been crying all day since they dropped you off at the airport. Make sure to call them sometimes, I think that would make them feel better. Not today, but soon, okay?'.

My heart softens at hearing about my older brother and sister, and I hum softly. "I will, thanks mom. Can you tell them that I miss them? And that I'm loving the decorations they chose?".

She chuckles, then sniffles a little, which has me sitting up straight in shock. Is she crying too?

'I will tell them. We're so proud of you, honey, I hope you know that. We'll try to come visit you soon, so take care of yourself until then, and make sure you never forget your blood every six hours. Don't wait until it's too late to get the mana either, once a week at least, otherwise you get weak. Also-'

With that begins a list of all the things she wants me to pay close attention to, and I listen to her with a small smile on my lips, the occasional hum letting her know that I'm still listening, even if I have nothing to say.

This is her way of soothing herself, after all, and I don't want to take it from her.

It's her first time being apart from me too, and it must be so hard. Mom has always said that for as long as we need, the family house will always have space for us, that she doesn't mind making us food everyday until the end of times.

She loves her family deeply, and yet she still sent me far away to Crimson Bay because she wants to believe that it'll keep me alive and well. The seer's words from when I was still a young child have left a deep impression on her, and this is the result.

After a few more tears and I love you's from the both of us, we end the call, and I put the mug and my phone besides me before lying down on the floor in front of the fire that breathes with Yoongi's mana, still wrapped up in the fluffy blanket.

I honestly hadn't considered that they'd have to adjust to living without me, but that call certainly opened my eyes to that reality. How is dad handling it? He's never been the most expressive father, but he's always been good to me, so how is he doing now that I'm gone?

I hope he won't be too sad, just the thought of it makes me feel bad.

Remembering about the key, I decide to stand to get that taken care of before I forget, blanket dropped to the floor as I walk towards the entrance that I cleaned up earlier, not wanting the water to leave muddy traces behind once it dried.

I had to leave the dirty towel over the floor, though, because my parents forgot to get an inside rug for when it rains like this, something that never happened that often back at home. I get the feeling that it'll be a regular thing over here, so I'll have to see where I could buy one this week.

I open the door, then kneel down to have a look under the rug, thankful that the roof offers some shelter from the intense rain. A few droplets reach my skin as I raise it up to have a look underneath, and just as I grab the key, a twin copy of mine, I get to feel Yoongi's mana from the left.

Looking up, I don't see anyone at first due to the thick fog, that is until two umbrellas make it within sight, followed by two figures that appear to be holding some grocery bags between them. The wind pushes against them, but they don't waver like I know I would were I out there.

Now standing up by the doorway, key dropped in a random drawer, I await them with slight nervousness and impatience, aware that one of them is Jimin, my other mate. I can't say that Yoongi doesn't make me nervous as well, but since we already met, it's not as bad.

I've never been that good with meeting new people, so I don't know how I should behave once it's time to introduce ourselves. What if Jimin ends up not liking me? Is it possible to not like one of your mates? I hope not.

I take a quick look at the closet's mirror before adjusting my new outfit and hair, and then they're at the door, and the sight of the two handsome men side by side causes my heart to stutter and flutter uncontrollably until I allow them inside with an awkward motion of the hand.

While Yoongi's scent of redwood remains - I googled scents earlier until I found the one that seemed closest to his, and redwood seemed like a good guess - the vampire, Jimin, smells like vanilla and cinnamon.

It is sweet, with a warm tone to it that reminds me of toasted marshmallows, strangely, as if it took on the flavor of a campfire. It's comforting, calming, familiar, and one thing I can say for certain, is that my soul immediately claims his scent as mine.

It confirms our bond even if I had no reason to fear the opposite, and that's a huge relief to me. It wouldn't have made much sense for Yoongi's mate to not be mine, but a part of me was still worried that the impossible might happen either way.

Jimin's hair appears to be an ashy blue that falls in loose curls around his face, and when those grey-ish eyes finally lock onto me... it's like he's found a new prey to play with when they crinkle at the sides.

His plump lips curl upwards, like a cat who's found its meal of the day, and I find myself gulping all while fighting the urge to flee.

"Hyung" he coos as he walks inside to get closer, bag and umbrella set aside along with his rain coat before he stops right on the edge of the towel beneath his boots. "You didn't tell me that our mate looked this adorable".

Blinking at him as if hypnotized, I can't do anything but stare when he removes his boots with ease to get even closer, his scent when he stands a few inches before me all I can smell as he curls a finger under my chin to make me look up at him.

His skin is cold to the touch, but my body welcomes it readily.

"I thought you smelled only of roses, but there's also hints of chocolate beneath those flowers. You smell like Valentine, and it's my favourite day of the year. How precious is that?" he muses as he smiles prettily, enjoying the sounds that my heart does as it tries to survive him.

"Jimin" Yoongi says as he closes the door before removing his coat and boots as well as what he held, after which he comes to stand besides us, his feline eyes looking between us before ultimately settling on me.

"This is Y/N, our new neighbour and mate. Y/N, Jimin, our vampire and often times flirty mate. Don't be scared to tell him when he gets too much, otherwise he'll never stop teasing you. Our reactions are pure fuel for this man".

Jimin looks somewhat offended at that, and he pouts at Yoongi while pulling me closer in a swift movement, my chest now pushed against his, a glint of mischief in his eyes as his hand circles my back until it finds a place over the curve of my waist, as if it always belonged there.

"Hyung, that's not fair, telling her that when we just met" he complains before staring back at me with an innocent stare that only looks the part, but isn't.

"I'm not that bad, I promise. But he's right on one thing - you can always tell me when you're getting uncomfortable and I'll stop" he repeats Yoongi's words just so I know that he takes my comfort seriously, then tilts his head. "Is this too much?".

Is it?

Other than my volatile heartbeat and constant blushing, I can't say that I hate this, though it feels a little weird to have someone I just met so close. But then again, I did drink Yoongi's blood, so this is nothing in comparison.

I shake my head slowly, and Jimin's smile widens, though his eyes haven't lost their teasing glint yet. "You can use your words, can't you? Or have you lost your voice all of a sudden? Have I perhaps made you so shy that you can't speak anymore? Yoongi didn't mention anything about that earlier".

I feel a heat of embarrassment course through my body at his words, and I'm almost tempted to use Yoongi to hide from this man, except that he also has a say in why I feel like this, so I can't exactly use him that way. Oh dear.

Jimin looks amused as he keeps staring at me, as does Yoongi, and I eventually look down to at least flee their gazes. Our bodies are pressed against each other as he keeps his arm around me, his free hand now drawing gentle lines on my arm as he awaits an answer.

I didn't know that I would be thrown into my mates' arms so quickly upon moving here, but there's no running away from them, even I can see that. In a way, it's reassuring, because doesn't that mean I won't be alone after all?

Having them in my life is much better than being all on my own, but it's still going to require that I get used to... everything. Especially them.

"I-it's alright. I don't mind the closeness" I finally murmur, and Jimin's heart skips a beat at the sound of my voice, a happy smile spreading on his beautiful face. His eyes crease softly, and his scent melts around me.

"There, I'm finally hearing your sweet voice" he muses, pleased, and it hits me that I hadn't talked at all yet. "We didn't know if you had food in the kitchen so we brought you a few things, mind if we put that away first? Then we can sit and talk?".

I turn my gaze to the bags on the floor, they brought food for me? It occurs to me now that I didn't have a look into the fridge and freezer, and I don't think my parents would've had someone else do it for me since what I need is pretty specific and somewhat unusual.

I don't even know if half of what I need will be available in the grocery store here. I might have to spend an entire day reading the products' ingredients just to find the ones closest to what I can eat without getting sick, and I'm not looking forward to that.

"You didn't have to do something like that" I mumble hesitantly, for there is a high chance that I can't eat what they brought over and I don't want to look ungrateful.

Having a restricted diet due to intolerance of popular ingredients isn't really fun. Some common drinks I'm fine with, but food is entirely different and taking that too lightly could end with me being sent to the hospital in urgency.

"Oh, you already have everything you need" Yoongi speaks plainly, an awkwardness taking over his face as he tries to understand my reaction. His hands hide in his pockets, probably to hide his nerves, and I immediately feel terrible.

I'm quick to shake my head at his comment, but it still doesn't fix the fact that I might not be able to accept their kindness. I'm not looking forward to that moment, but things were going to get awkward sooner or later so it's better to get that behind us today.

"It's not that. I just... I have dietary restrictions because of my... condition" I answer, a little insecure as Jimin might not know of what I am yet. "I get sick a lot if I'm not careful over what I eat" I try to explain, and their eyes light up with understanding immediately.

Yoongi heaves a sigh of relief, then pats his hands over his pants to dry his palms. "Of course, I should've known. Well, let's have a look at what we brought first, and you can tell us more about that so we can be careful too. How's that?".

Nervous, I nod my head, and Jimin caresses my side gently as he begins to walk me towards the kitchen while Yoongi gathers the bags. He doesn't seem to be out of the loop, so I'll assume for now that he's aware of my particularity.

"What are the main things that you can't have, Y/N?" he asks on the way, and I hum as I try to remember everything important. We used to have a list on the fridge, but it disappeared once my family got familiar with it. The gist of it is rather simple, though. You think it, you name it.

"The doctor I had back at home explained my allergies as my mixed genes considering most things as harmful to my body, it's... very tricky" I start off with a sigh, and Yoongi can already guess that the list won't be a fun one.

"How bad on a scale of one to ten?".

"I'd say around... six? Seven?".

"Alright... I'll note down what you can remember, and I'll call your father tomorrow, just in case. Let's have a look at what we brought".

As I name everything I can think of, Yoongi begins to categorize everything that I can, or can't have. Things with eggs, peanuts, gluten, and even fish and some fruits are kept in the bags. Coffee is a no as well, as it gives me heart palpitations.

Things that I can keep are piled together on one side of the counter, and as expected, not a lot of what they brought is something I can eat, but they handle everything so well that my embarrassment slowly melts away.

I don't have the easiest diet, and there are so many good food that I want to eat like everyone else, but can't, so there are times when I decide to follow the irresponsible path and have them anyway, fully aware that I'll regret it later on.

How many times have I blamed my poor health because I couldn't admit that I had a pizza? Or that I went to a bakery and had a pastry on my own?

I purse my lips when I find discouragement on their faces as we take in the final result of their kindness.

"That's not nearly enough to fill the kitchen" Jimin utters as he opens the empty fridge and freezer to organize what he can inside, while Yoongi puts the rest in the pantry. I would've helped, but as he said, there's so little that I'd only get in their way.

"And there's barely anything that could serve for breakfast and lunch. You have a few snacks and the blood samples, but they're not meal substitutes" Yoongi continues with a frown. "Guess we'll have to go shopping today after all".

The both of them turn to look at me, and a pout begins to form on my lips.

"Today..?" I repeat weakly, a finger pointing at the window from where we can see the heavy rain.

"Today" Yoongi confirms simply, finger pointing at the empty pantry in front of him.

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