Absolute Hell (Yukio)

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Second bonus chapter from our FAVORITE character.

Yukio's POV in the hospital waiting room:

"Why are we here, what's wrong with Rin?" Shiemi asked and I gave her a solemn look.

"We'll only be here for a short while, I can take you guys back to the academy if you want." They refused and continued to interrogate me.

Finally, Rin spoke up, his words void of any happiness or hope. "Just tell them, Yukio, it's not like it matters anymore."

I huffed, "you don't have to, Rin, you're under a lot of stress an-"

"Just tell them."

There was silence and I was about to argue with him once more, but a woman's voice cut me off. She called Rin's name, but he made no move to identify himself. She called his name once more and I raised my hand. "Over here," I held out my other hand and helped my small twin to feet. He was shaking violently and I had an overwhelming urge to hug him tightly and never let go. Instead, I squeezed his hands, "Nii-san, would you like me to come with?" I knew he would refuse, but I just had to make sure. He walked toward the nurse, but looked back before they disappeared. He looked absolutely terrified and when I sat back down, the other mentioned our behavior.

"Sensei, what the fuck is going on?" I glared at Suguro for his language, but he didn't seem to care.

I sighed, "I don't think it's my place to tell you guys what's going on. Do you want me to take you all back to the academy? It'll probably be awhile." I heard a few grunts and Shiemi moved seats to be closer to me.

"Yuki, something's going on with Rin. We're all his friends and we care about him, why are you being so secretive, is he in trouble?" I looked into her green eyes and sighed, my resolve faltering.

"It's really personal, so it's not my place."

"Okumura-kun already said you could tell us, remember?" My eyes flickered to Shima and I sighed once more, rubbing my face.

"Where do I even start?" I muttered and cracked my knuckles. I sat back and leaned my head against the wall, Shiemi's voice was quiet and comforting when she spoke.

"Start from the beginning."

"That would be years ago."

"That's okay, it's a start."

I sighed and rubbed my face again, my eyes were burning and tired and I knew it'd be a stressful night. "You've all noticed that Rin's been acting off lately, right?" I looked around and saw most of them nodding, "he's been like that for god knows how long, but for some reason, he's been getting worse over the years." I tried cracking my knuckles again, but the joints just flashed with pain from the amount of pressure I was using.

"I would randomly find my brother in his room, or anywhere really, having some sort of meltdown. It would take a lot of time to bring him back to reality, but when I would, he wouldn't say what happened. The first time that happened, we were... eleven? But he's been acting strange even before then, it was frustrating and terrifying at the same time."

"Didn't you tell your Dad or something? Especially if you guys were that young." I shook my head and gave Izumo a sad smile.

"Rin would beg me, literally grovel at my feet to keep it a secret. I should've said something, but then again, I should've done a lot of things." I ran my sore fingers through my hair, "anyway, things would get better, then worse, but I never had any idea what it could've been. I even went through Rin's things when he wasn't home. I thought that maybe he'd been getting into drugs or something, but of course, I didn't find anything condemning. It's like nothing happened, and the only clues I could get were while Rin was having his breakdowns."

"What would he do?"

I chewed my lip and shrugged, "at that time, I had no idea what to make of it, but he would say things, flinch, and cry. A lot of no's and stop's, but what can you make from that?" I rolled my eyes, "it makes a lot of fucking sense now."

Shima piped up, however, instead of complaining, he sounded nervous. "Sensei, what happened to Rin?"

I shook my head in disbelief, "you know those dark humor jokes about priests and small boys?"

It took a second, but finally someone got it. Izumo shot up from her seat and glared at me. "Shut up. No way, that's not... no, he couldn't have..." she sat back down in her chair, her eyes wide and lips parted. I understood her shock wholeheartedly and nodded my head.

"Woah, woah, what? Are you suggesting that Father Naito did... things?" Bon's eyes widened, as well, and I nodded. He looked like he was about to say something, but then he clammed up. Panic flashed in his eyes and he practically ran from us, flying into a nearby bathroom. It was extremely uncharacteristic of him and all of us sat, shocked.

"Yuki?" Her voice was so quiet, I barely heard it. I shifted my gaze from the restroom to her pained expression. Tears shined in her eyes and her hands were shaking. "Was Rin molested?"

I sighed deeply, running my hands through my hair and pulling at the strands. "He's been raped, multiple times, by a family friend, while I was in the building with him." I said in bluntly, the words sending daggers into my own heart, but I couldn't sugar coat something like this.

"Oh, Yuki, I'm so sorry." She rose from her seat and bent over to wrap her arms around my shoulders, her hair tickling my cheek as she leaned her head against my neck. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around her, feeling some of the tension leave my body, replaced by strong emotions.

"Don't apologize to me," my voice cracked and I closed my eyes. "I'm not the one who's been hurt."

"But I can't imagine what it would be like in your place, it must be awful." She squeezed me a little harder then withdrew, a sad look in her eyes. "Things will get better, Yuki, they have to." I simply nodded, not truly believing her.

"Why didn't he tell us?!" My eyes flashed to an upset Shima, his expression twisted in hurt and anger. "This happened while we were there, why the fuck didn't he tell us?!"

"He was scared."

"Of us? Father Naito has been hurting him, what's worse that he could possibly be scared of? We could've helped him, honestly, I'm pissed at him a little." He crossed his arms over his chest and huffed.

I sighed, "Naito probably threatened him to keep quiet. Like I said before, this has been happening for years, and I don't even know exactly how many years. But it's been a lot, and to be manipulated like that at such a young age, it's left lasting effects. Shima," he sighed and looked me straight in the eye, "you have to cut him some slack, not everyone reacts the same to a situation."

"Obviously, you're doing pretty well for someone who's brothers been assaulted his entire life." I flinched, why was he being so callous? "Shiemi's on the brink of tears. Izumo's oddly quiet, Bon's hiding in the bathroom, and Koneko's shaking like a fucking crack addict." My eyes flickered to the bald teen and I noted how pale he was, but he seemed fine over all, so I returned my gaze to the pink headed student.

"What about you?"

"I'm upset, naturally, but I guess I'm the only one who truly doesn't understand what's going on, because I'm more angry than sad."

I huffed, "I'm angry, too, Shima, but it's not aimed at the victim, I was a thread snap away from turning the van around so I could strangle Naito." Shiemi sighed and sat back down in her chair, wiping her eyes and staring at the ceiling. "Maybe I should take you all back to the academy, you shouldn't be spending your Friday night in a hospital."

Shima snapped again, "can you stop bring that up? I sure in hell ain't leaving. I may not understand this whole ordeal, but I'm not going to go have fun while Rin is going through god knows what type of hell." Izumo chided in and agreed, a small sound escaped Koneko and he nodded, as well.

I sighed and leaned my head back once more. A few minutes passed and then Bon came wandering out of the restroom, a distraught look in his eyes. "Ryuji, what's wrong?"

His eyes flashed to me and I noticed how red they were. "He was raped?" I slowly nodded and he slumped and sat down in a chair. "When I went outside to call him in, he sounded... off. I was going to go out there and see why he being so forced with his words, but it wasn't my place to pry. So I left and went back by you guys." He blinked several times, his fists clenching in his lap. "I saw that they weren't by the wood stacks, and that rang warning bells in my head. If only I'd gone out there and stopped being a coward..."

"Bon," I sat up straighter in my chair and his eyes flickered up to meet mine. "You can't blame yourself, how could you possibly come to that sort of conclusion." The memories of the night passed through my mind and I sighed. I didn't want to imagine what type of scenario my brother had been in and I suppressed the images that popped into my head. "If anyone is guilty of not taking action, it's me."


It was mainly silent as we waited, a few students asked some more questions, but the air remained still for the most part. I broke the silence once to ask Bon a question, he looked puzzled when I offered him my keys, but he didn't ask any questions. I knew I wouldn't be able to drive home, not after Rin came back, I just knew I wouldn't be able to focus. The nurse who had taken Rin to a room came back soon after. She had a bag in hand and she gave it to me. They were painkillers, and she gave me instructions and a warning. "You are in charge of these pills, don't let your brother know where you keep them." I had furrowed my brows and asked why I had to take such caution. Her eyes flashed with some unnamed emotion and she sighed, "accidents happen, Okumura-san. It's protocol now in these types of situations." What the hell did that mean?

It wasn't long after that when my ragged brother reappeared, his clothes a mess and his eyes tired. "Heyyy, I thought you were going to drive them home, Nii-chan?" I haven't heard him call me that in years. It was cute and a wonderful way to break through my anxiety. He reached out and hugged me, his body relaxing into mine immediately. God, what has he been through the past hour or so?

"They refused to leave once I told them about everything." He hummed and I rubbed his back, trying to smooth whatever pain he may have left.

"Why is he acting like that?" There it was, Shima's insensitive tone. His lack of empathy was ridiculous and damn near infuriating.

"It's the pain meds," Rin pulled away slightly and tried to argue with the pink-haired teen, but his comeback wasn't as intimidating as he thought. Those painkillers most be strong because his sentences weren't formed correctly.

I hushed him, hiding my smile. "You're fine, Nii-san, how about we head home now? I'm sure you're tired, aren't you?" He nodded sluggishly and I dropped my hands to my sides, his warmth leaving my fingertips. I walked over to the receptionist and she brought up some paperwork.

"Dr. Hase would like your brother to come back in about a week from now, just as a check up to make sure his injuries heal well."

"What type of injuries does he have that would require a check up?" I had a feeling I wouldn't like the answer and she seemed to know that.

"In a sexual assault case, especially one where a male is the victim. The assault is focused on the rectum, and without proper preparations, the skin could tear and could lead to infections."

I shook my head and raised my hand to stop her from going any further. "Alright, got it." She sighed and clicked away on her computer. She scheduled an appointment and afterward, I felt someone pull on my sleeve. I looked back to see my tired sibling.

"C'mon," he mumbled and I smiled sadly, he was practically dead on his feet. I wonder if he knew that or not. I agreed and the receptionist turned in her seat, smiling at my shorter twin..

"Hey Sweetie, I hope you feel better soon." She pushed a bowl of peppermints toward him, "take one of you want." He mumbled something and grabbed a candy, twisting the plastic wrapper back and worth. He thanked her quietly and we left the hospital. As expected, Rin was confused about our new seating arrangement, but he quickly got over it. I saw Shima stare at my raven-haired brother before sitting in the seat in front of me. Irked, I tried to subtly kick his seat and he grunted, he better fix his attitude soon or else I may do something I might regret. Kuro had been sleeping in the vehicle when we got in and no one bothered to wake him.

Rin sighed and leaned his head back, he was still twisting the candy wrapper in his hand and I chuckled. Bon had already pulled into the minimal traffic we had and we were well on our way back to the academy. "Are you gonna play with your candy all night?"

He hummed and opened his sleepy eyes, glancing down at the wrapped and yawning. "What even is it, Nii-chan?"

"It's peppermint," my mood was lifting slightly at his behavior. It was adorable, but I'd never say that out loud.

"No," he shook his head and I chuckled again.

"Yes it is, Nii-san, it says it right there." I pointed to the small print, but he shook his head more forcefully.

"No," he pushed the sweet into my hand and shied away from me. A wrinkle formed between my brows and I asked him why he didn't want it. "He likes it."


"He likes peppermint candy, he smells like it, so I don't like it." Realization dawned on me and my stomach twisted, the small glimmer of mirth in my heart vanishing.

I shoved the candy in my pocket and sighed, "alright, no peppermint, then. You were always more of a spearmint kinda guy, anyway." He hummed and leaned his head back, again. After a few moments, I felt his temple against my shoulder and I sighed.

I was somehow at fault for a majority of his pain, wasn't I?

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