Oblivious (Yukio)

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Bonus chapter, it adds nothing to the story, but it gives a little insight on other characters.

Yukio's POV after the monestary visit:

Nii-san was acting strange, and I mean, more than usual. He was just fine the last time that I saw him, but now he's... reclusive. Even Kuro has been behaving rather odd lately, maybe Father Naito was right about the feline being bitter. Dad would be disappointed in him, and Rin, too, it's hard to understand why they react so off kilter when we are at the monestary.

My raven haired brother sighed for the tenth time and I flickered my eyes to his frame once more. He definitely had no intention on speaking to anyone, with his body shoved close to the door and his gaze cast out the window, he seemed to be in his own world. I sighed and returned my sight to the road ahead, my mind fleeting through memories of my twin. No matter how many times I've tried to figure it out, I come back empty handed. I can't even recall when Rin had started acting strange in the first place.

The first time I ever really thought something was wrong was when we were ten. Dad had taken us to the circus, and while I had been having fun, Rin seemed extremely uncomfortable. He didn't want to go to any booths, and he complained about every little thing. I also had recalled how many times he had gone to the bathroom. I'd even gone with once, but my brother never took a step toward the toilet, but instead washed his hands, three times. I had told Dad about it, but he seemed to be getting used to Rin's behavior. I don't know if he thought it was some sort of effect from him being a demon, but I knew it wasn't normal, Satan's son or not.

"Pothole," an anxious voice hurried. I blinked several times, registering what he said just as I drove into it. The entire vehicle jolted and all the kids gave startled cries. Rin knew about the pavement, however, but his voice came out a little more panicked. I threw him a frightened look, but returned my eyes to the road. I cussed, finally recognizing the construction signs plastered on either side of the highway. Pulling the vehicle to a stop, I opened my window and spoke to a worker.

Dammit, our detour wasn't the best, but it was something. I knew those roads were horrible, and for some reason, I felt the need to comfort Rin because of it.

Just as I'd expected, the roads weren't well paved, and the shocks in this van weren't all too wonderful either. Now and then, I'd dart my eyes over to watch my blue eyed sibling, the occasional flinch twisting his features. I sighed and Shima complained about the pavement.

"Because the road we were on before is high traffic and a priority-gck!" It was the first time he'd said a complete sentence since he'd entered the van, but he'd obviously felt some type of pain when I drove over a particularly torn up section.

"Christ, Okumura, your ass can't still hurt from falling on those stairs." Bon laughed from the back seat and I heard Rin sigh "What'd you do? Drop the soap?" My brows furrowed and a smack echoed in the small space.

"What's that mean?" I knew what it's like to grab a bar of soap, only to have it slip from my grasp, but what the hell does that have to do with pain?

"Surprise sex," Shima said casually and I shook my head, glancing at him in the rearview mirror.

"What?" Further ahead, there was another rough section and I pressed my foot on the brakes, not wanted to put my brother through unnecessary agony.

"He's saying he got fucked in the ass." The van jolted forward and more cries echoed off the windows.

"That's not funny," Bon and Shima thought differently, however, and their cackles filled the vehicle. I ground my teeth together and tried to focused on the road ahead of us, but my mind was preoccupied with different matters. I shot a glance at my small twin, discomfort radiating off of him. Could he have...? No, Rin wasn't gay, he had made that very clear in the past, and there was no one he could have had sex with anyway.

A sudden realization hit me, if he was gay and had been with another guy, I don't think he'd be in pain. Consensual sex usually doesn't end with one person being sore, for the most part. But... no, that's not possible. I shot another glance in his direction... consensual sex doesn't typical end that way, but...

I shook my head, I'm over thinking things, there's no way my brother's been... fuck. I ground my teeth even harder, my body growing increasingly more tense by the minute. Rin... have you been hurt? I looked over at him once more, the ball of worry in my chest becoming unbearable. How? Who? We've been at the monestary this entire time, who could he have been along with for that long...?


A gas station was coming up and I made a snap decision to pull into the parking lot. I barely even registered getting out of the van and walking over to the passenger side. My small, possibly anguished brother gave me a puzzled look, but I was already dragging him out of the vehicle and into the building. I pulled him to the only bathroom and closed the door. He immediately started complaining, but I just shook my head. If I'm right about this, and I hope not, how could he act so.... normal? "Tell me it's not true."

"Okay, it's not true." He was such a smartass, but I wasn't going to play these games, not with a situation like this.

"No, be serious Rin," he complained again and I bit my lip, unable to look him in the eye. "Did you drop the soap?" He didn't answer me and my chest constricted uncomfortably. I ran my shaky hands through my hair, the action doing little to calm me down. "Please, please tell me I'm overthinking this, but it all seems to coincide. The way you act at the monestary, your nightmares," I tensed, "your stomach ache." Dear lord, that wasn't a fucking stomach ache, was it? I returned my eyes to his, and he was just as troubled as I was, which didn't help. "For the love of God, please tell me it's not true."

He was silent for a moment, "I-I don't know what to say," without even realizing it, he was confirming my suspicion by avoiding it all together. "You're tired, Yukio, I'm sure you're thinking things wrong." No, I wasn't going to let this slip by. Horrifyingly, I knew I was right about this, and that made me sick. I took a few steps toward him and he back away cautiously, his back hitting the wall and his eyes flashing in fear.

How many times has that look crossed his face? I don't think I could even handle the answer, but I know that I will try my hardest to makes sure he doesn't experience this fear in the future. "Rin, my god, does he hurt you?" Oh god, saying it out loud made it so much more real. "Does he touch you?" I think I might throw up, "oh god, oh no." Without realizing it, my shaking fingers reached out to cradle his face, his tortured expression making my knees feel weak. "Rin, answer me, please."

His eyes suddenly hardened and he tried to shove my hands away, "I don't wanna talk about it."

He was avoiding everything and I felt myself grow desperate, "oh god, Rin, you're hiding it, you've been hiding it for..." oh my god, how long has he been keeping this a secret? If my memory serves well it's been "years..."

He pushed at my hands once more and I didn't fight back." I don't wanna talk," he was terrified and his tone broke my heart. He blinked rapidly and ran his hands through his hair. When his eyes returned to mine, there was a wall built between us, his blue irises muddled by unseen pain.

I slowly shook my head, saying the only thing I knew was true, "I'm so sorry." Then, I watched as his newly built walls crumbled down. He cast his eyes to the floor and a gust of air left his lungs. He wiped his eyes and demanded that I not apologize to him. To hell with that, I'll be apologizing until my dying breath for being so idiotically dense.

"Can we please just go home?" I'd give him anything at this moment, but I knew we had to do something about this.

I ground my teeth once more, "no, were going to the hospital."

"No!" He wailed, his eyes shooting up to mine and I saw terror inside. "No one can know, hell find out!" Even while miles away, he was terrified of that man. Fuck that, he was a pathetic excuse of a human being, a monster. I wiped my own tears and pulled my trembling sibling into an embrace. He was the son of Satan, yet a man of God was more vile than him. Rin, in no way, could be considered vile in the first place, especially considering the trembling mess he was.

Said shaking had me worried, "please calm down, Nii-san, everything's going to be okay."

"No one can know," he repeated the words every now and then, but I knew I couldn't follow his wishes.

"Rin... we have to get help." He only grew more panicked, his tears flowing faster. I had stifled most of my emotions, but I still felt a few treacherous tears escape. "Come here," I grabbed some paper towel a dried what I could and he blew his nose. I smiled softly at him and pulled him toward the exit, "it's okay, no matter what happens, I'm here for you."

I walked him back out to the van and got in myself. An avalanche of questions bombarded us and I answered them as politely as I could. Under the surface, though, a storm was brewing. Hatred for the creature than had harmed Rin flowed through my veins, but hatred for myself ached in my heart. Rin eventually grew apprehensive about the speed I was driving at, and I snapped at him. I shouldn't take my anger out on him, not when he's already hurting.

Now, he was staring out the window, his hand resting on the door handle. He seemed extremely distressed and I did not like the look on his face. "Nii-san, what are you thinking about?" My eyes flickered from the road back to him and I saw his gaze wander over to me. I saw the dullness inside and I swallowed hard, "are you... having a flashback or something?"

He slowly turned back to look out the window, "oh... no." Anxiety constricted my heart and I took deep breaths, my hatred growing. I had half a mind to kill Naito Ryo with my own hands, no matter the consequences. I wanted to watch him suffer what my brother had and then some.

That would have to wait, however, because the hospital was just around the corner. I knew I wasn't prepared for this, so I couldn't imagine how Rin felt, a quick glance threw me for a loop. His emotionless expression and far off look kicked me into overdrive, and as soon as I was out of the van, I was beside him. I tried to snap him out of it, and his sad eyes met mine, my heart thudding painfully against my chest.

Naito Ryo has broken my brother, and I was going to break his fucking skull.

Someone should count the amount of times Yukio says oh no, oh my god, or my god. I feel I typed those a lot.

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