Memories of Hell

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It's been two months since Naito got his sentence. Fifty years without parole seemed like an unjust sentence. I personally wished he could've gotten life in prison, but that's not how the justice system works. The number had seemed low to Rin, and I'd had to calm him down before he had a panic attack. Mentioning that Naito would be 87 when he got out seemed to soothe his worries. If Naito lived that long, he wouldn't be able to set foot in the city Rin was residing in, a break of this restraining order would result in another five years in prison. I highly doubt Naito would take those chances.

In those two months since then, I've scheduled Rin for therapy. After a few sessions by himself, I got sucked in as well. Not only am I going for him, I'm going for myself. Our psychiatrist believes that we have communication issues, and I had almost rolled my eyes when he had said as much. Of course we had communication issues, that was fucking obvious from the start.

Another thing that's happened is our visits to Dr. Hase. They've become less frequent as of lately, but at first, they were weekly. He had to make sure Rin was healing alright, then there was the STI tests. The mere idea of having a sexual disease triggered Rin and he'd had a panic attack right there in the hospital. Which resulted in Dr. Hase mentioning it to our psychiatrist.

Now, Rin has anxiety meds, which he takes daily. I'd been apprehensive about that at first, knowing his past with medications... However, he's been doing fairly well with them ever since. He's less skittish and he doesn't freak out as much anymore.

He's been full of surprises lately, keeping his promise and slowly letting me into the hell he used to live. And although it pains me to hear them every time, he reminds me; he used to live that way, now he doesn't. He usually says it with a smile, one that I can tell he means. Another surprise he has given me; his happiness.

You don't realize how clear and bright someone's laugh is until you've gone an eternity without it. You don't think about how often someone frowns until they start to smile. You practically have to be hit in the head with the fact in order to really see them; or at least I do. I was utterly blind to his pain, but now I'm opening my eyes, and he's opening his doors.

One of these doors opened not so long ago, in our therapy session together. Our psychiatrist asked Rin if he had someone he wanted to tell me and my older twin blushed heavily, biting his lip. "I, uh, seem to have held a bit of resentment toward you all these years."

My brows furrowed, "what do you mean?" All this time, he's stated over and over that he's not angry at me for any of this, that I'm just a bystander to a car crash. I'd always disagreed, and that made this confession that much more shocking.

He shifted in his seat, fingers picking at the holes in his skinny jeans, "I never thought I did, but I guess I'm kinda irked that you didn't figure it out." I stammered for an answer and he gave me a innocent smile. "I tried telling you, remember?"

I blinked, "I feel as though you said the same thing when we were at the hospital, didn't you? You said you tried telling me, but you couldn't."

He sighed, plucking a thread from his pants, "yeah, when we were twelve, right after Naito left. You found me in my room crying and you asked what happened." His eyes turned sad and I felt my own emotions turn blue. "That year had been really rough on me and I nearly broke." The memory suddenly flashed through my head and I understood what he was talking about:

"Nii-san?" I wandered through our home, looking for any trace of my twin. He's been missing for about an hour now, even Dad was starting to wonder where he went. I'd checked upstairs in the dining room and kitchen, but he wasn't making dinner. I sighed as I walked past his room, I'd already checked in there once, but his room was empty.

I wonder what was wrong with Rin, he's been so standoffish lately. It always seemed to get worse when Father Naito left, as well. Does Rin not like Father Naito? They used to play around all the time when we were younger. Did Father Naito say something to him? My eyes widened, did Father Naito tell Rin about... us? About Satan? I shook my head, no one knew about Rin's and my heritage except the people who resided at the monestary.... well, except Rin himself.

I huffed, my thoughts getting the better of me and distracting me from the problem at hand. Rin was still not showing head or tail, oh, wrong choice of words, I guess. Flipping on the switch to my room, I checked inside the small space. As I neared my desk, I picked up a picture of my family. It was from two years ago, when Dad had taken Rin and I to the circus. It had been fun, but even back then, Rin seemed to behaving awkwardly.

I smiled and brushed what little dust lay on top of the frame. My expression fell, however, when the pictures occupants all held happy faces, except one. On any other day, I'm sure I would've overlooked it, but with the absence of my twin and his actions on my mind, the picture struck me. His expression was like Dad's and mine, body while his face was happy, he was holding himself up awkwardly. His posture was bent in slightly and he was holding a hand to his abdomen. Did he have stomach pains that day...?

I sighed and set the photo down, rolling my eyes at myself for getting distracted once again. I heard a bang on the wall next to me and I jumped. My eyes darted over, looking to see if something fell, but nothing appeared. That wall was adjacent to Rin's room...

With a newfound sense of determination, I exited my room and walked next door, turning the knob and peeking inside. As I figured, the room was empty, but I understood one thing. That noise echoed off the wall where Rin's closet was located.

Shifting myself through the doorway, I walked quietly over to the closet doors. Leaning my ear close to the wood, I listened closely, hearing small noises coming from inside. With a scowl, I got down on my knees and pushed open the doors. A frightened looking child stared at me, his hand clamped over his mouth and tears streaming down his cheeks and over his fingers.

"Oh, Nii-san..." I scooted closer to him, entering the closet and avoiding the hanging clothes and boxes that sat inside. "What's wrong?" He simply shook his head and I sighed woefully. "Are you in pain, do you need me to get Dad?" His eyes widened and he pushed himself away from the wall, grasping my shoulders and shaking his head vehemently.

"Please, shh, no, don't tell Dad."

I felt my frustration spike and my fingers laced around his wrists, gripping them harshly and pushing them away. "Why are you crying? You keep hiding things from us, Rin." I swallowed hard, my frustration subsiding, taken place by overwhelming concern. "I'm so worried about you, Nii-san. Why can't you just tell me? What ever it is, I'm sure we could both get through it together. Even if Dad doesn't know, you shouldn't have to go through this alone, whatever it is."

His wrists shook in my grip and he closed his eyes, tears streaming down faster. "Yukio... h-have you ever been hurt by someone?" I blanched, and he flinched as well, pulling his wrists from my grasp.

"Hurt?" I blinked a few times, Rin was hurt by someone? I blinked again, my eyes wandering over his form. He was half-demon, if anything, he's been hurting others. There's no way Rin couldn't fight someone off if they tried to hurt him. Actually, I've known a few bullies who got their asses handed to them by my brother. Hurt....? My eyes flickered up to Rin's tear stained cheeks, how could he be hurt?

"Let's just forget about it," he stated, averting his gaze and wiping his cheeks. I couldn't understand his behavior, he almost seemed... embarrassed. How would he be hurt, and why is he embarrassed about it? Something clicked in my head. Did Rin have a girl that he liked? Did she not like him back? That made a lot of sense, actually.

I smiled at my twin, patting his knee "it's okay Rin, you'll forget about 'em. Time heals all wounds, after all." He gave me a puzzled look, and it was probably because he didn't think I'd figure it out. I chuckled, "come on," I held out my hand and he stared at me, confused, "let's go out for Froyo." He blinked and took my hand quietly, letting my pull him to his feet.

I blinked a few times then groaned, "I'm an idiot."

Rin stared at me for a few moments, our psychiatrist writing down a note. "What do you mean?"

I ran an hand through my hair, embarrassment running through my veins. "I thought you got shot down by a girl." It sounded so idiotic now, and I berated myself silently for assuming things when I should've just asked him.

He cackled and I shot him a look, "trust me, that was the farthest thing from my mind, and it still is." He huffed and shook his head, becoming serious. "But yeah, I guess I'm kinda resentful that you never put the pieces together."

I shook my own head in exasperation, "that theory slipped my mind not long after because it didn't explain why you were so awkward around Naito, or why you had panic attacks. I mean, if you had panic attacks because of a girl, I wouldn't have blamed you. Trying to ask one of them out is the most nerve wracking thing I've experienced."

He raised an eyebrow, "more nerve wracking then waiting to find out if your brother overdosed on opioids?" I scoffed and shot him a glare, of course not, I'd been exaggerating before for the sake of comedic relief. However, as always, Rin surpasses me in that department.

I sighed and leaned against the back of my chair, "I can't believe I never connected that to anything." I rubbed my face angrily, "for being a scholarship student, I'm not very bright, am I?"

"Ah, don't say that, you're book smart, not Rin-smart." He could say that again, even after these past few months, I feel as though I am no closer to understanding how his brain works.

"Ha, that's true, I lost my mind trying to understand yours."

"There you go again, Poet-sama, or should I call you Exorcist Allen Poe?" That was dumb as hell, but it got me giggling anyway.

"That's about all the time that we have this evening," our psychiatrist stated, shifting in his seat. Rin and I stood up, thanking him and mentioning words of next time.

Rin and I walked together as we made our way back to the academy. When we entered our dorm, we took off our shoes and jackets, the difference between my Oxford shoes and his Converse was laughable at the least. Kuro walked over and jumped onto Rin's shoulder, pawing at my face as a greeting.

We walked out way upstairs and Rin plopped onto his bed, a gust escaping his lungs. I chuckled and looked out our window. The winter months were in full swing, and snow blanketed the academy lawn. "You know, we didn't get each other anything for our birthday." He shrugged and I sighed, picking up two pictures off our desk. They were the same pictures from our rooms at the monestary. Except, our frames no longer matched. Bon had made due on his promise and bought Rin a new picture frame, and it was quite beautiful to say the least. It was simplistic, but had the work Father with a cross etched into it.

"We normally don't get each other things, we've established this."

I smiled and turned around, leaning back against the desk and folding my arms. "Yeah, but things are changing and I think that should be one of them."

He shifted on the mattress, his stripped shirt riding up slightly and exposing his belly button. He was such a damn hipster, but I loved his style, I couldn't pull it off myself, though. "You want to give presents now?" I nodded and he laughed, "well, I don't have any cash, so it'd be unfair."

"Well, you've given me a gift already." He rolled his eyes and I smiled a little more. "What about you, what do you want?"

He thought about it for a moment, "Family."

A wrinkle formed between my brows, "family...?"

A cheeky smile appeared on his face, "we need to expand our Okumura empire. How 'bout giving me a little niece or nephew?"

My eyes nearly bugged out of my skull, "you want me to have kids for our birthday?" That seemed a bit much, considering that we both have just turned seventeen. He cackled like a maniac and I blushed. "I'd kinda need a wife in order to do that."

He waved me off, "I'm joking, for the most part." His eyes glinted with mischief when he peeked at me, "it's your turn to promise me something."

I swallowed, "you want me to promise that you'll become an uncle?" He smiled broadly and I couldn't help feeling elation eating at me.

I knew immediately what he was about to do when he opened his mouth, the words coming out in a mocking tone. "It's okay, you don't have to right away. And I understand the pressure I just put on you, so don't worry. Take your time, but please, promise me that I will eventually have a niece or a nephew, or both."

"You're a fucking asshole, you know that?"

He laughed loudly, "oh, but hopefully they will just call me Uncle Rin." He was joking, but I saw the glint in his eyes. I knew he was serious behind all the laughs, he wanted us to have a big, happy family. One where children could grow up without fears. A family that he could love and protect. I understood this need far too well and I sighed, giving in.

"Fine, I promise."

The End.

I was NOT expecting to end the story here. I had a few more ideas, but I seemed to have forgotten, which pisses me off. If I remember them, they will probably be added to a different story. I'm slightly dissatisfied with this ending, so a different one might be added at a later date. I always promise shit at the end of these though, but they never happen. Lol. Sorry :/

Guess "Collision" will be out next goal, eh?

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