Sick Minded

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I didn't have any time to register what was happening as it unfolded before me. A yelp escaped my throat when I felt some sort of blade touch my neck. Oh god, this couldn't be happening, not so soon... My breathing hitched and I felt his hot breath waft over my ear.

"Don't move a muscle, got it?" I nodded fiercely and I felt his presence leave my side. Kuro was still meowing loudly and the noise was absolutely horrid.

"Kuro... what's he doing?" My thoughts didn't come out as panicky as my voice would have, but he most certainly heard my tone.

"I don't know! He shoved me inside your suitcase! I can't see anything! Oh my god, Rin, is he hurting you?!"

I heard loud footsteps walk passed and the sound of his foot hit my bag. A pained cry came from inside, "shut the hell up." Kuro's cries only grew higher and more frequent, which made me grow even more panicked. Those footsteps approached me and I nearly howled in pain when he gripped my hair and forced my head back uncomfortably.

"Shut your damn cat up, or I won't hesitate to slit it's throat." I nodded, pain radiating out from my skull.

"Kuro!" He kept mewling, "KURO!" He faltered and it gave me a chance to calm him down as best as I could. "Please please be quiet. He'll hurt both of us if you don't. Either way, there's no way out of this for me." Father Naito dropped his grip on my hair and continued to do what he had been before. My familiar's cries went quiet, but his voice continued to echo in my head.

"Rin! I can't just sit in here while he's raping you! I'm gonna get out of here!"

I immediately knew what he was planning and I rushed my next thought. "No! If you go neko in here... you can't! It's way too small of a space, you'll end up hurting us."

"I don't care about him!"

"Then do it for my sake!" Finally, there was silence in my head. He seemed to have given up, but I knew his silence wouldn't last long. I could only pray that this ordeal would be over soon.

Loud footsteps approached my bed and I squeezed my eyes shut. His hands were rough as he shoved something papery in my mouth, probably some of the tissues sitting on Yukio's desk. I was more surprised when I felt something cloth being forced in my mouth, as well. "Bite down," he ordered and I obliged, his fingers tying the long piece of fabric behind my head. He'd just made some sort of makeshift gag, and I felt my heart hammer in my chest when I felt him use another strand of fabric to tie my arms behind my back.

"The boy's are redecorating the church at the moment, so we wouldn't want to disturb them now would we?" Although the bonds would restrict me from running away, I knew it wasn't their main use. As I felt the cloth rub against my wrist, I knew it was his reminder of my helplessness. I breathed out shakily and shook my head. "Good boy." I closed my eyes again as his fingers trailed over my clothing. "I hear that you're sick," he hummed, "you always used to fake illness to keep me away, but that never worked, did it?"

A lone tear escaped from between my closed eyelids and I whimpered. "I asked you a question," he pinched me harshly through my clothes and I shook my head. "That's right, no matter what you've done, you can't get away."

Kuro hissed and I silently berated him, but my silence was cut short when my assaulter violently pulled at my pants. My garbled cry was muffled by the gag, and he simply laughed in response. God he was so... so... sick, getting his kicks from something as horrible as this. How could someone like him be a priest?!

He ruthlessly pulled at my clothes and I focused my mind on anything other than what was about to happen; like how Yukio's window needed to be cleaned, along with the worn carpet. How some of the wallpaper was ripping off of the wall, or how comfortable this mattress actually was when I wasn't being... it never works, however. It always leads back to this, because like he said; I cannot escape, physically or mentally.

His fingers passed over my bare skin and I cried out when he thrust his fingers inside my battered body. His sadistic cackle was low, right next to my ear. "Are we a little bruised? That's too bad, I've never planned on going easy on you."

There was another loud hiss in the room and I could feel myself slipping. That ever present feeling of being swallowed by the stress and tension was clawing at my entire being. I felt the mattress shift and a long, torturous whimper echoed out of my lungs.

"Fight back, Rin!" I just barely heard Kuro's voice cry out, but it's not like I could do anything. As my worst nightmare savagely pushed himself into me, all I could focus on was my precarious life. I could very easily fight my way out of this, but it was the fear of the Grigori that kept me still. It was a lose-lose situation no matter what path I chose. However, laying here and taking the beating I deserved was more logical than hurting my brother and friends by causing my own execution.

Although I knew I deserved this, it didn't make the pain any less intolerable. The searing, stab-like pain spreading throughout my lower back caused even more agonized cries and tears. I shoved my face into my pillow and shook uncontrollably as he raked his nails down my spine.

"Good lord, something like you should never exist." He cooed hoarsely, wrapping his hand around my tail and yanking firmly. My cries shot up in pitch and I begged him to let go through my gag. "What was that? I can't hear you." I beseeched him frantically, my voice breaking. He grunted, miraculously letting my poor tail drop. His hands gripped my hips and he quickened his pace. I held my breath, my mind crying out at how cheap I felt when he finally pulled away.

He didn't say a word as he cut the tie from my wrists. His hand gripped my hair as the knife slipped under the cloth behind my ear. I couldn't help but to flinch when he snapped the fabric. His grip relaxed and I waited for him to pull up his pants and leave before moving.

Christ, there was no way I would be able to walk. I couldn't even move my legs properly, but I needed to get out of this room. I needed to get clean and as far away from my hell as possible.

Slowly, I pushed myself up, ripping the saliva soaked tissues from my mouth and tossing them to the floor. Groaning, I tried to stand, but that wasn't going to happen, so I ended up sliding down to the floor.

"Rin?" My bag was shifting back and forth and I slowly crawled over to let him out. As soon as the zipper was undone, Kuro shoved the top open and pounced on me, his eyes wide and filled with tears. "Oh my god! Oh my god! What do we do? How bad are you hurt? Oh god, can you stand? No, wait, don't do that, you could hurt yourself." He was trembling even worse than he had been last night and he seemed to be on the brink of hysteria.

"Hey," I said hoarsely, which only pained him further. "Everything's okay now," I hugged him close and he rapidly started to shake worse before a wail emitted from his tiny form.

"I was so scared!!" Soon enough, I felt his tears against my skin. I hushed him quietly and petted him, waiting for his tremors to subside. It took awhile, but he finally got a grip on his emotions, pulling back and giving me a horrified look. "Why are you comforting me?"

I shrugged, "it's what I'm good at."

He shook his head, "you have to get help, Rin. I'm begging you, now that I've witnessed it first-hand, I'm never going to let this slide. He hurts you, Rin! What part of that don't you understand?!"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "I understand completely how he hurts me, Kuro. I'm not missing anything, but I still can't tell anyone."

"If it's about hurting Yukio-"

"Yes, it's exactly that, and no amount of talking, begging, or blackmailing me will change my mind." He simply stared at me, at a loss, and to be frank, I would be, too. I know that keeping this a secret was idiotic to the minds of all others, but I had personal reasons for suffering in silence.

We were both quiet for a minute, the two of us processing what had happened. Finally, I broke the tension, "I need to shower." He looked like he wanted to argue, but he caught himself before he could say anything.

I was now stuck with the dilemma of first, fixing my clothes, and second, walking to the bathroom. With a drawn out sigh, I laid down on the floor, trying to pull up my underwear and pants. I should've been embarrassed that Kuro could see my genitals, but he's seen me buck naked before. Not to mention, I had other, more frightening people that I didn't want seeing my nudity.

I finally struggled enough to slip my clothes back to their original positions, but I was winded by that alone. I had no idea how I would survive the trek to the shower. Kuro walked over and nudged my shoulder, like he was showing me his support and I gave him a small smile.

"Okay, one... two... three!" I groaned in pain as I shoved myself up into a sitting position, my back and abdomen twisting violently. "Okay," I admitted breathlessly, "that wasn't a good idea. We should take it easy."

'Taking it easy' meant eight whole minutes of trying to stand up. Once the deed was done, however, I believed I was fine.

I cussed when I realized that I needed a new change of clothes, but there was no way I would be bending over to get them. "Can you grab me some pajamas or something, please?" His tiny, horned head nodded and dug around in my suitcase. He eventually came out with some cloth pants and a long sleeved shirt. Saying my thanks, I motioned for him to somehow toss them up to me. Instead, he carried each piece of clothing separately and jumped onto my shoulders. I grabbed each article from him and smiled when it was all over.

"Now... walk?" Kuro sighed and I nodded. Reaching my hand out, I touched the doorframe, just in case. I was just off center inside of the room, but thankfully, Yukio's room was small. I took a tentative step forward, hearing Kuro's sorrow filled sigh behind me.

"I'm going as fast as I can," I grunted.

"It's not that, I just hate this."

I didn't answer him, knowing that it would get me nowhere. Instead, I took another step, my confidence growing when it wasn't that painful. I opened the door and looked around, the hallway was clear. I hoped it would stay that way for awhile and moved my feet passed the threshold.

"Don't push yourself, Rin." My familiar whispered, I had no idea why he was being so quiet, it's not like anyone could hear him.

I shook my head, "the faster I can scrub off his nasty marks, the better."

"You can't scrub away bruises..."

I sighed, dragging one foot in front of the other. We were only a foot or so away from the bathroom door when I realized that someone was inside. "Fuck," I clenched my fists and took a deep breath. I couldn't stand this awful feeling, knowing that I was contaminated. His... stuff was leaking out of me and I couldn't help the helpless feeling I felt when I realized that I would have wait until the bathroom was clear. That, or I could somehow manage to walk upstairs to the shower there.

I gave Kuro a pleading look, "do you think we could make it upstairs?"

He adamantly shook his head, "no way, you'll end up hurting yourself at this rate. Just calm down, okay?"

"I will not calm down, Kuro, I feel fucking filthy." I sighed, realizing that I shouldn't take my discomfort out on others. "We'll have to wait, I guess." I wanted to add on how much I hated my life at the moment, but that seemed to be an obvious statement.

Abruptly, I heard the doorknob start turning and I felt immense relief flow through me. "Oh, thank god," I muttered, my tail wagging slightly.

"Nii-san? Is that you?" I should've figured that it would be him in the bathroom, with my luck at least. His lengthy frame appeared from the doorway, a towel on his damp head. "Why aren't you in-" he cut himself short, "Christ, you look like shit."

I almost wanted to laugh; I know, Yukio, trust me, I know.

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