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Kuro refused to leave my side the rest of the night, but thankfully, he remained silent. Around midnight, Yukio suggested that the others start heading to bed, and I couldn't agree more. I would be dead on my feet tomorrow if I didn't get some rest soon. Once in bed,
Kuro started asking more questions.

"Why can't you just tell Yukio?" Of course, I didn't expect the black feline to understand, but I couldn't help myself from becoming frustrated.

"Do you have any idea how much that would tear him apart?" For extra measure, I pointed my gaze at my twin's sleeping form. "If I tell him, he would have to kiss these restful nights goodbye. Then, both of us would suffer."

He still didn't seem to understand my reasoning, "at least you won't be alone anymore."

I shook my head, "his happiness is worth more than mine." Kuro immediately started shaking his head at that, an angry glint in his eye. I stopped him before he could barge in, "if being lonely means he lives a peaceful life, I'm more than prepared to take this secret to my grave."

He growled softly, "I know about it, so it's not a secret anymore."

"Yeah, no offense, but who would you tell? I'm the only one who can hear you, remember?" That angered him, but he didn't lash out at me. Instead, he gave me a long glare before curling up at my side. Obviously, he was going to give me the silent treatment. However, that made for perfect sleeping conditions, so I turned on my side and fell into a fitful sleep.


The pain in my abdomen had worsened tenfold by the time I woke up the next morning. Which was slightly earlier than usual, considering that Yukio was still asleep across the room. I quietly - and slowly - got out of bed, Kuro waking up in the process. He still wasn't talking to me and I had a feeling that this would become the new normal for awhile.

Sighing, I crouched down to grab a pair of clothes from my bag. I hadn't showered after yesterday's exorcism, so I had slept in my own, sweaty filth, which disgusted me. My tiny familiar padded behind me as I walked over to the bathroom, the door was unlocked, so I was free to shower.

I set my clothes on the counter with a little too much force and turned to the feline. "So, you're not going to talk to me, but you'll follow me around?" I was greeted with stubborn silence and I sighed. "Are you going to watch me undress?" I didn't bother waiting for an answer, I knew I wouldn't get one. Instead, I started stripping down, my skin prickling as I sensed his eyes roaming over my bruises. "Creep," I whispered under my breath and I heard a small grunt from where he stood.

I quickly showered, taking a few breaks to catch my breath. Every time I would lean against the wall, or crouch inward on myself, I would hear small, agonized cries on the other side of the shower door. Paying no attention to my familiar, I dried off and got dressed, thankful that there was no longer any blood in my boxers.

"Jeez, you hogged the bathroom for twenty-five minutes, some other people need to shower, too, you know." Izumo basically snarled as I walked into the church. She pushed passed me, calling dibs on the bathroom before someone else could take it from her.

My classmates chuckled, some of them stating that they'd shower later. "After Kamiki-chan is done, we'll head out." Yukio hummed and then glanced at me, "did you eat yet?" I shook my head and decided that I should get something in my gut. If we were going to be out like we were yesterday, my breakfast would have to hold me over until sunset.

Rummaging through the cabinet and fridge, I realized that we were running short on food. The only thing I could really eat was some prepackaged sushi from the market. Seeing as how I didn't have any time to cook myself something, these would have to suffice. Kuro followed me to the table and watched as I ate, which was typical of him.

Even though he was mad at me, I held no grudge toward him, so I decided to break the ice by giving him a piece of nagiri. He cracked a smile and took the fish covered rice from my chopsticks. I continued to chew on my last few bites when he suddenly choked.

I shot my gaze over to him, the sushi was on the floor, half eaten. "What's the matter?"

His face scrunched slightly and he finally broke his silence, "the fish tastes off... bleh."

I sighed, putting down my chopsticks and wiping my mouth. "I thought so, too, but I figured that I was being picky. It is prepackaged after all, and I normally don't eat it." Picking up the plastic packaging, I read the label, groaning when it said it was two days expired. Well, it was too late now, I'd have to get going soon or else the others would get frustrated.

Just to be courteous, I went back to the fridge and gave Kuro some of the leftover broccoli from the night prior. With him satisfied and finally talking to me again, we treaded back downstairs. "Finally! You've been taking forever to get ready!" Shima seemed eager to go on the mission, which was odd. On second thought, everyone was bubbly. I pondered over it and decided that they just wanted this to be over. I couldn't blame them, honestly.

"Seriously, what took so long?" Yukio asked as we got into the van, several doors slamming almost simultaneously.

I huffed, "I had sushi, but I realized, a little too late, that it was spoiled." Yukio gave me a concerned look, which I quickly tried to sedate. "I think I'll be fine, after all, I have a demon side. Spoiled food probably doesn't harm me as much." He didn't seem convinced, but he let it go and turned the key, starting the engine.

"Why the hell didn't you read the label before eating it?" I turned to give Bon an incredulous look, "I'm serious, it just seems like an idiotic mistake on your part."

"Alright, leave him alone Suguro, it was an honest mistake." I blushed and stared out the window, there he goes again, coming to my rescue. I hated the fact that I couldn't take action when needed, if I could, I wouldn't be in this situation. Instead of helplessly letting Father Naito use me for all those years, I could've stood up to him. Then again, he didn't seem indifferent to using force.


It's only been a few hours, but I've already thrown up once. It was when we were changing rooms, I had quickly stuck my head out a window and vomited up my breakfast. However, it did zilch in soothing my churning stomach. Yukio seemed to notice my distress about an hour later.

"Are you okay?" He asked as we cleared yet another room. We were only halfway done, but I was already sweating profusely and my breathing was labored. I nodded my head and he rolled his eyes, grabbing my arm and inspecting me closer. "Nuh uh," he stated, a troubled look in his eyes. "You're sick as a dog, maybe you should sit out for awhile."

I shook my head forcefully, "let's just get this over with. The quicker we get done, the better." He was apprehensive about the idea, but eventually dropped it.

"Fine," he scanned over my classmates, who seemed worried about my wellbeing, as well. "Lets move on, then." Kuro walked behind them, worried eyes not leaving me.

"Aren't you coming?" I nodded and swallowed the bile that was rising in my throat.


At this rate, we wouldn't be done until after sunset. I was holding everyone back, but no one wanted to say so. Yukio had to work twice as hard to keep the pests at bay and make sure that I wasn't about to collapse in the middle of battle. Finally, he'd apparently had enough.

"That's it, you're going back to the monestary." He reached into his pocket and started dialing a number. I was too weary to protest, instead, I just sat down against a wall. Shima, Koneko, and Izumo walked over by me.

"Man, I didn't think you'd get this sick from spoiled fish." My pink haired friend furrowed his brows then promptly yelped when Izumo smacked the back of his head.

"Of course he would, you idiot. It's spoiled fish." She shook her head in annoyance, "and his body is on overdrive now because he's been fighting demons. Of course he's worse off now."

I laughed breathlessly, "thanks, Kamiki-chan, well said." She just huffed and walked away, ever the tsundere.

Yukio came back shortly after, holding out his hand and helping me to my feet. "Sam said he'd come get you, we will finish up here, you go back and rest." I nodded and he nudged his head in Kuro's direction. "He can go back, too. No one else can hear him except you, so his demon telepathy is null without you here." Again, I nodded, my stomach starting to churn violently.

I quickly made my way to the nearest window, thrusting it open and emptying my twisting gut. Unsurprisingly, Yukio was extremely concerned about me and wouldn't stop fussing until I was seated outside.

Sam came about ten minutes later, and Kuro and I sat in the backseat along with a small trash bin, just in case. I didn't need it however, just sitting for that short time had calmed my body down considerably, and I was extremely grateful for that. When we arrived back at the monestary, I got strict orders to go to my room and get some sleep. I didn't hesitate to listen, either.

I was vaguely aware of the fact that Father Naito was back, and I was also vaguely aware of the fact that it left me alone and defenseless in my room for the next few hours. However, my mind was shrouded in illness, and as I lay down on my bed, Kuro curled up against me, I had no thoughts of what could possibly go wrong.

I did, however, have racing thoughts when I was suddenly woken up sometime later. Fear shot through my veins when I heard Kuro low growl, and I could tell he was panicking and very very terrified.

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