To Commit

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Anonymous POV:

There were news reporters in the room, witnesses to the prosecution, along with some teenagers. No doubt they were support for the accuser, who was nervously fidgeting in his seat. He didn't like being in the same room as the accused, every glance in his direction made the child squirm.

The poor child had been raped by the accused multiple times, ever since he was a small child. The accused was a priest, or formally so. The child had gone and informed authorities about the abuse he'd been put through. Actions had been taken since then to keep the boy safe, but word has it that the boy wasn't even safe from himself. Recovering from an overdose, the boy looked too innocent to be the victim of such a horrendous crime.

The courtroom was mainly silent, except for the small chatter between journalists or between lawyer and client. The boy's lawyer was given to him by the court, which weighed in the odds of his abuser, who had a hired attorney.

It almost seemed unjustified, the boy and his brother had to suffice with what had to be given to them, which in my opinion, wasn't much. However, the accused was set for a fight, with a well known lawyer at his side. The smirk on the attorney's face showed how cunning and manipulative he could be with the right sized pay check.

The innocent boy would need to sway the jury, need to win their hearts with words of misery and abuse. To paint a picture of horrible acts and broken trust from a man of God.

The judge entered the room and the bailiff spoke, "all rise-" I stared at the man, his belt filled with weapons, and he would be more than prepared to stop any moves of attack.

I felt someone nudge me and I looked into the eyes of the man beside me, "Ryo, stand up."

I obliged the words of my attorney and glanced over at the boy, who was still fidgeting. His eyes flashed in my direction before widening with fear. Next, my eyes wandered to the jury: that poor child would try to sway them in his favor.

It was my job to make them believe a crock of shit.

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