To Dread

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As we pulled up to the courthouse, I couldn't help my racing heart. "Calm down Nii-san." I flashed my eyes toward the voice and felt his hand on my shoulder. "After today, everything will be over." I nodded and took a deep breath, telling myself that I could do this. Yukio had me dressed in the same suit I'd worn for that job interview. I'd have to look presentable if the jury was going to take me seriously.

The cram school kids were silent in back, and Yukio motioned for us to get going. I opened my door and when my shoes hit the pavement, the gravity of the situation truly hit me. "Yukio, I'm scared..."

He knew those words way too well, and he hurried to my side. "Breathe, Nii-san, I'm here, I'll always be here for you, remember?" I nodded once again and took multiple, deep, calming breaths. "He can't hurt you." I latched onto that statement like a lifeline, fixing my tie and slowly letting out a breath. My nerves were still on edge, but I wasn't about to have a panic attack at least. "Are you okay?"

I nodded, "yeah, just stressed out." I nodded toward the courthouse. "I suppose we should go inside, right?" He seemed apprehensive, but agreed anyway. My friends seemed concerned and they had every right to be, hell, I was more concerned than any of them. This would be the first time I was going to see him since the last time he used me. I hope he looked as horrible as I felt, that'd be the absolute least of his problems, hopefully.

Yukio opened the building door and let us all in, the interior was just as professional as I'd expected it to be. My instincts were screaming at me to run away, but logically, I knew I had to stay. I couldn't run away from my problems, not anymore. I was done avoiding my problems, it never solved them, and even made them worse.

A woman directed us to a large door and Yukio pushed it open, inside, there was my lawyer, who'd I'd met yesterday. He greeted us and told everyone what was going to happen. "You guys," he directed his words to everyone except me, "since you're the guests of the plaintiff, you'll be sitting in the seats directly behind us." I knew I'd be sitting next to him, a man I'd only just met, who knew more about me than I wished. He was court appointed, but he assured me that he'd do his best. Naito had a personal lawyer, which scared me to death.

It seemed like forever, but finally, we were ushered into the courtroom. We were the only ones there, not even Naito and his paid attorney were there yet, which I was heavily grateful for. My lawyer seated everyone and I sat in the seat he pointed at. He set a file down on the table and seated himself. I glanced back at Yukio, my pained expression mirrored on his own face.

"You'll be okay, Nii-san, you're safe here."

My lawyer, what was his name again? ... I think it was Matsuda... well, I'm going with that. He turned to my brother and I, "he'll be ushered in with handcuffs on, so there is no need to worry, alright?" I nodded and vaguely saw my brother do the same.

After another eternity, people started to walk into the room. Not many, however, since this wasn't a public trial. There was mainly a few news reporters and journalists. I'd been warned that they would be here, a priest was being accused of sexual assault, it was a huge deal. Thankfully, I was a minor, and my name and any information of mine would be kept anonymous.

The court stenographer sat in her appointed chair, a device I could only compare to a typewriter sat in front of her. The bailiff appeared out of nowhere it seemed, but I paid no mind to him. The jury was present as well, the mixture of unfamiliar faces unsettled me. I'd have to convince them of his crimes, speaking of which: I turned to my lawyer, Matsuda or whatever. "Where is he?"

He nodded, "it's normal protocol to bring the accused in last, before the judge appears." I took a deep breath and sat back in my chair, my tense muscles not relaxing in the slightest. "We still have ten minutes before the trial begins, so try your best to gather your thoughts."

It seemed like a lot longer than ten minutes before a door opened, but instead of the accused, it was the judge. She moved to her podium, a grim look on her face. "There appears to be a absence of party, the court calls for a recess. The trial will resume in a half hour, or delayed until further notice."

A wrinkle formed between my brows, a buzz erupting in the courtroom as soon as the judge left. I turned to look behind me, Yukio's expression was pale and my heart began to race. "What's going on?" I said aloud, more than a few faces turning my way.

"Shh, calm down, Okumura-san. The defendant must not have showed up quite yet." Matsuda stood from his seat, "you and your friends go and prepare a little more, you've got half an hour to burn."

I turned to my friends and emotional support, but they all seemed emotionally unfit themselves. "Guys... please tell me everything is going to be okay..."

Some of them avoided my eyes, the rest of them gave me terrified looks. "W-what if..." Shiemi spoke softly, "what if he ran off?"

My stomach twisted and I shot out of my chair, "no, the police should've had him in custody, right?"

"Nii-san, he posted bond, remember?" My brother seemed extremely distressed, which only added to my own anxiety.

"I have to go to the bathroom." I choked out, walking as fast as I could out of the courtroom. I had no idea where the restroom was here, so I immediately headed for the exit. I needed fresh air, or I feared that I would pass out. I pushed open the door and breathed in deeply, my nerves calming only slightly.

I closed the door and leaned my hands against the metal, I'd gone out the back, and out here, I was away from prying eyes. That gave me the freedom to shed the few tears that I allowed myself. I hung my head and sighed deeply before raising it slightly to stare at the scratches on the door.

I pushed myself off the surface, shoving my hands into my pockets and looking up to the sky. It was a clear day out, the sun was overhead and promised a lovely sunset.

Suddenly, a hand wrapped around my face and covered my mouth. My eyes widened and I screamed into the palm as it forced me backward into the body it was attached to. A blade touched my neck and I struggled to get away, the sharp edge piercing me. "You can never escape me." My struggling stopped as his voice echoed in my ear. Out of habit, I stood still, knowing what would happen if I disobeyed him. "Those bastards will lock my ass up, no doubt. But if I'm going to be spending the rest of my days in prison, I suppose I might as well get my revenge and end all of your's." I felt a small trickle of blood flow down my neck, most likely staining my white collar.

He hummed lowly and I closed my eyes tightly. "Should I have my way with you one last time?" He pressed himself against me and I felt his disgusting erection against my back. I pleaded behind his hand, begging him to let me live. "Fuck you, you little shit! Let you live?! You've ruined my life, a human being born through a lawful marriage. Why should something like you; spawn created by Satan inside a cheap whore, be allowed to live?!" The blade pressed a little harder and blood flowed at a steady rate. "Fuck you!"

Blue flames licked against my skin and he hissed in pain, but didn't let go. "Fuck you," he was so close to cutting a major artery, I knew it.

"Freeze!" I couldn't see the man, but I felt Naito shift slightly. "Put the weapon and the boy down!" His grip didn't lax on me, instead, it grew tighter. "Now! Or I won't hesitate to shoot!"

With relief, I felt his hand unclamp my mouth. "Please," I whined quietly.

"Fuck you," he spat, his free hand pushing my shoulder and the hand with the blade ripped backward. There was a loud gunshot and I fell to the ground.

The knife had gone far too deep, passed the major artery and slicing open my windpipe. I choked on my own blood, which shot out of my mouth and poured from my neck.


I shot up, clamping a hand over my neck and breathing in so harshly it burned my throat. I sputtered and felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over at the person next to me and was met with teal eyes. Confused, I glanced around, we were in the van, including the cram school kids. I glanced at the radio, there was twenty minutes until noon, and the sound of rain tapped against the roof of the vehicle.

"If I'd known that you were going to have a nightmare, I wouldn't have suggested a nap..." Yukio said calmly, and I recalled how restless I'd slept the night before, and how tired I felt at the moment.

Looking down, I noticed my change of outfit. My suit was gone, replaced by a dress shirt and a pair of good jeans. I sighed heavily, "it was so real, it could've actually happened."

Yukio hummed, "I heard, you said something about Naito. Don't worry, he's already inside, but we'll have to go in soon, as well."

I nodded; thank god.

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