To Weep

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My heart hammered in my chest and I feared it would break through if I got any more nervous. Which seemed impossible at the moment, not while I was at my wits end, my entire being frayed from the torturous hour of silence and suspense.

The woman took a deep breath, "we the jury, find the defendant guilty to the charges of statutory rape, and first degree sexual assault."

There was a loud holler behind me along with cheers of relief. However, my mouth wouldn't move, it hung open, no words coming forth. I stared at the woman, unsure if I heard correctly. The judge pounded her gavel and spoke over the ruckus of the crowd. "Court is adjourned, sentencing will be held at a later date. Have a good night." Sluggishly, my gaze followed her as she got down from her podium, exiting through a door to the left.

The cheers got louder behind me and I felt someone nudge me. I blinked and looked up at Masuda, his hand was outstretched and I instinctively grasped it. He shook my hand and smiled, "I'm happy for you, kid, go on and live knowing that he will pay for his crimes." He nudged his head backward and my eyes traveled past him.

Two men in uniform had Naito in cuffs and were carting him away. The man I've been terrified of for so many years, finally had a look of apprehension and fear in his eyes. My breathing hitched when his gaze met mine, his features growing dark.

I was suddenly hefted out of my seat, the warm embrace of my brother snapping me out of the haze I was under. "It's over, it's actually over." He said aloud, his voice was shaking, but oh so happy. I pulled away slightly and looked him at him fully. Tears were streaming down his face and a broad smile showed his brilliant teeth. "Nii-san? Are you okay?"

"I don't think it's set in yet..."

He laughed and pulled me into another hug, "it will, and when it does, it's the best feeling." I smiled against his dress shirt, warmth seeping from his body into mine.

It was over? It's done with?

I blinked a few times and Yukio grabbed my hand, pulling me toward the door. The rest of the group followed behind us, my friends cheering and Shima slapping my shoulder. "That bastard got what he deserved, I hope he gets the shit beat out of him in prison."

I turned to him slowly, my feet tripping slightly, "that can't happen in prison, though. There's guards and stuff..."

My pink headed friend smiled at me, the gesture holding a sense of malevolence. "The guards can only stop so much, prisoners can out number them by the thousands; depending on where you go. But," he huffed, that smile growing a little more wicked. "Not all prisoners are okay with the idea of rape, and it's kinda common for the accused rapist to get a taste of his own medicine." My eyes widened, "Im sure he'll get pretty fucked up, not only did he rape someone, he raped a kid."

I swallowed hard and returned my gaze to the front, where Yukio was pushing open the courtroom doors. It was still raining slightly, and it seemed to match my mood. While the others were ecstatic about the ruling and were hoping for a harsh punishment for him... I didn't really know where I stood. I was happy that he was gone, trust me. I couldn't be any more overjoyed at the ruling. However... Father Naito had been a good man beside the obvious. Now, he was being taken away, and he might even endure the hell I went through. The phrase is true about how I wouldn't even wish that on my worst enemy.

Yukio opened the passenger side door for me and I stepped inside, buckling my seatbelt. I stared outside my window while everyone else piled inside. They seemed to sense my troubled mind and kept their cheers quiet. "None of us could really eat before the trial, so we've missed lunch." Yukio stated, turning slightly to look at my classmates, "do you guys have money? We could stop somewhere to eat."

It was decided that we'd go to the local buffet restaurant. While there, I couldn't seem to find an appetite, even when Yukio pointed out a few of my favorites. "What's wrong?" He'd mumbled to me sometime later.

I'd simply shook my head and toyed with my chopsticks.


Yukio's phone rang a little before we finished up, Bon and Shima gave each other a glance before bursting into tears. "Is your.... ringtone... Danny Phantom?" Yukio had every right to blush with embarrassment, but I didn't pay any mind to it. I'd known his obsession with the tv show as a child, I wasn't all the surprised to hear the theme.

Clearing his threat and averting his gaze from the laughing teens, he answered. "Hello?" I sighed and set my chopsticks down, the dinnerware barely used. My eyes wandered over the restaurant, couples smiled sweetly and friends laughed with one another. I wonder how our little group looked, all dressed up and somewhat sullen because of me. I imagine we look as if we'd come from a funeral. "Yeah, if you want... No, no, it should be fine... okay, we'll be there soon."

I heard him set his phone on the table and I moved my eyes over to him. He addressed the entire group, "so, who wants to go see Sam and the guys?" His eyes wandered to me, knowing that I had a good portion of the say in the matter. I swallowed hard, we'd be going back to the monestary, but Naito wouldn't be there, so everything was fine, right?

I nodded slowly, "yeah, that'd be nice." Yukio's eyes shifted, but he looked away before I could gauge his emotions.

"Alright," he pushed away from the table, and stood from his seat. The others started doing the same, "let's head out then." I nodded and followed after them, sitting in the front seat, again. It's become pretty normal for me to have shotgun. No one seems to care about it anymore, it's trivial compared to the problems we have now. How I longed for those days back, where we could be dumb and just have fun.

As I watched the scenery pass by, my elbow propped up by the window, I truly thought over today. Naito was guilty, and it was torn on whether or not I was happy about that. Sure, he was a monster to me, doing the unthinkable to a child. However, once I reduced everything, I simply was just a demon. My kind are always torturing humans, why should I get special treatment? Just because I'm half human? Even though I appreciated it, it just didn't seem fair. Naito had been a great priest, and I assumed that I was his only victim. Now, Southern Cross was out of yet another priest, as well. And this one was my fault, too.

I sighed softly, making sure to keep the action to myself. Lest Yukio throw a huge fuss and ask me what the problem was. My eyes traced the door and scenery going by, recalling a time when I'd considered jumping out of the moving vehicle. I could never do that, I've promised Yukio that I wouldn't. Not only that, but I realized how much I love life, even if it's shitty for me. I feel as though I'll be miserable for the rest of my life, but at least I got to feel something in my short years. Speaking of which, the Grigori have probably heard about this whole ordeal by now. I shuddered, why would I ever kill myself when I have a group of people ready to do it for me?

"Ri-chan, are you okay?" I was snapped out of my morbidity, and the look on my face must have reflected that. Shiemi flinched and Yukio gave me a glance, "you've been zoned out for while."

I pushed on a false smile and rubbed the back of my neck, "yeah, that happens, I'm just really tired, too." I sighed and relaxed into my seat, "is it bad that I just want today to be over?"

They seemed to believe my act and I heard my friends coo. "Nii-san, I don't blame you for that. Honestly, I want the same. But enjoy today, don't just throw away time..." he went quiet suddenly and I looked over at him. However, he seemed fine, maybe it was just my imagination.

The rest of the trip was silent and the air was tense. It was a relief and a curse when we pulled up to the monestary. He's not here, calm down. When I felt a tap on my shoulder, I did the exact opposite, however. I flinched away from my attacker and yelped. My eyes connected with Yukio's and I saw him tense. "It's okay, Nii-san, it's just me." I swallowed hard, embarrassment flooding my cheeks. I pushed open the van door and hopped out without much thought. I can do this, he's not here.

When everyone was out of the vehicle, Yukio led us to the door, an action I've seen many times in the past few weeks. The door opened after a few moments and I was met with the face of Amai. I hadn't talked to him much during any of our visits, but he's been here for years. "Sam, the kids are here!" I couldn't help but notice the shift in power as soon as we got here. Without a priest, there was basically no leader, but Sam seems to be the one everyone is counting on at the moment.

"I'll be right there!" I rubbed my shoe anxiously on the pavement while we waited. I knew that nothing would happen, but my brain refused to ease up. My classmates were aware of my restlessness, as well, but they didn't say anything. After a minute, I heard footsteps by the door, "hey guys!" My heart rate piqued, but settled down once I saw his face.

"Hey," I said along with the others. Sam ushered us in, talking about this and that.

"Sam, not to bring up bad news, but..." Yukio chewed on his lip for a moment, "what are you guys going to do without a priest?"

Another altar boy chimed in, "we already have one!" I think it was safe to say that all of us were shocked by that.

"You do?! Who?" Yukio looked around, trying to spot the new recruit.

Sam laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well... we only have a temporary replacement right now." Yukio questioned what he meant and the man smiled. "In a month or so, I'll be able to become deacon, and after around six months, I'll be taking over the monestary."

My eyes bugged, "you what?!" All eyes flashed to me, and my own began to water. "You've been going through school forever, you're finally done?" Sam nodded, a small smile on his face. My god, Sam would be our priest. It wouldn't be some old creep, someone new who I'd never know. I swallowed hard, "that's amazing, Sam!"

The man I'd grown up with smiled and laughed, "thank you Rin, I appreciate it." I bit down on my lip, why couldn't this have happened earlier? I felt tears well up in my eyes and I sighed heavily. Naito was gone, that bastard won't be able to ruin this for me. Sam was taking over the monestary.... that was basically like having it in the family again.

I felt arms embrace me and I clutched at their clothes, "it's okay, Rin, shhh."

I shook my head and sniffled, "I'm just so happy!" I wiped my tears, but they kept coming. The smile on my face was more genuine that it had been in months, maybe even years. It pulled at my lips and hurt my cheeks, but it felt so good. "I'm so happy."

I vaguely heard Yukio voice past my cries, "it's been an interesting day."

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