Chapter 1

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Zakohel was writing notes about how to rule a kingdom. This was the fifteenth time he's been through this lesson. He had no intention of listening when he could basically recite the entire thing from memory.

His tail subconsciously lashed at the ground. He was upset that he was here again. This was his punishment for whenever he was caught doing something wrong. In the eyes of his family, He himself was what was wrong. Zakohel had no intention of changing himself either, He refused to become like his family.

Something he noticed about his instructor was that he seemed to change the lesson slightly each time. Taking pity? Heh.... Is this what it feels like? He couldn't care less what the instructor thought. But the one thing he liked about his instructor, Whose name was Vleyt was that he too, seemed to dislike the royal family. Zakohel excluded. Vleyt was the one who taught Zakohel to read, draw, write, and play the guitar.

Zakohel was humming a song that he's had stuck in his head since morning. He was daydreaming again.  "You know, Zay... You could run away," Vleyt whispered into his ear. Zakohel was startled out of his thoughts. Why did he use that nickname again?

"Why?" He asked, fiddling with his bracelet subconsciously. He wanted to run but he didn't want to leave the country into the hands of his tyrannical family.

"You will soon be wanted by your family, You are one of very few that can stop them," Vleyt spoke. "The prophecy says that only those with silver blood can stop them," Prophecy?

Now Zakohel was interested. He was always interested in prophecies. Mainly because they were so cryptic. "Run," Vleyt went on, "find the Draco, Life," Vleyt disappeared into a mist. What the fresh Heck just happened? Thought Zakohel, but he didn't want to find out. He was already hated for not being able to protect his baby sister.


Zakohel was packing his things. His bag included a notebook, scroll for drawing, some food, water, some money, and a change of clothes. The clothes were designed for a peasant so he wouldn't be recognized. He was to find a draco. Shouldn't be too hard, Unlike a Vulto, Dracos had wings. They could also be identified when they were in human form because of the cloak they wear. At least, that's what the books say... 

He decided that the best place to take off from would be the royal training grounds. He ran there, careful not to be seen. He felt giddy, almost excited. He made it to the training grounds within a few minutes.

Looking around, He knew no one was around. Figures. It's 5 in the morning. Not many people would be awake at this time. He started levitating, as soon as he was high enough, he set up for the furthest village. Find the draco. Where do I start? It could be anywhere... He decided that he would look in all of the Vulto villages before going to another country. 

The flight to the nearest city was long and agonizing. Zakohel had very little patience. "Where could this draco be," he muttered to himself. 

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