Hot Cheeto Girl

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Totally ignoring Jaycee, Michie addressed her friend. "What do you mean by that?"

"I'll explain later," she replied, giving me one last look before exiting the restroom.

Completely perplexed, I turned to Michie for an explanation, but she just shrugged and followed suit.

"What just happened?" Jaycee questioned, her face contorted as she adjusted her glasses.

"I wish I knew," I replied back, sighing out my exhaustion from what just happened. "Let's go eat."

With that we both left the restroom on the way to the cafeteria, but got stopped at the open field.

"Debbie!" I turned to see Scar waving at me from the entrance of the school. "My friends and I are heading out to eat, wanna come?"

Her eyes shifted to Jaycee, assessing her briefly. "You can bring Shorty with you."

Snorting at that, Jaycee glared at Scar in distaste. "It's fine, go ahead without me." Without waiting for my response, she headed to the cafeteria.

Well that was rude. Marching over to Scar, I stood defiantly. "What you did to my friend wasn't nice," I confronted.

"I'm not nice," she shrugged, getting on her black Triumph Bonneville with yellow highlights. "You coming or what?"

"Are we even allowed to leave the school premises?" I questioned back, still ogling at her sweet ride. She passed me the extra helmet as I sat on the cool leather exterior, my arms wrapped securely round her waist.

"Didn't take you as someone who cared about school rules." I laughed at that. Reeving the engine, we took off.

The wind slapped my bare skin in an exhilarating way, filling me with much needed adrenaline as my hands stretched out on their own accord. "Woohoo!" I shouted, though my voice was muted by the helmet.

My excitement fiddled as we stopped at a dingy rundown metro restaurant. Parking her motor, I climbed down and inspected the area. "What are we doing here?"

"Follow me," she chuckled at my confused state and lead the way to the back of the restaurant. The rusty door creaked as we opened it, stepping into the darkness, my other senses now heightened from the loss of vision.

"Almost there," she called out, her voice seemed far away and I followed the echo, my hands meeting with the debris on the walls to guide me.

"Where are we?" Suddenly a bright light emerged from the end of the wall, momentarily blinding me.

My pace hastened as I ran towards the bright light, once I got to the other side I hit something hard that sent me collapsing to the ground. Luckily, a hand grabbed me before I made impact, my eyes shut in preparation of what was to come.

"What's she doing here?" A familiar voice hissed out, setting me up straight and checking for any bruises, even though I didn't fall at all.

My eyes met with his dark green ones, the proximity of our position rendering me from thinking straight. I could smell the intoxicating fragrance of his Valentino V cologne igniting my nose buds, identifying the scent of spicy cumin and earthy cedarwood.

"You can stop eye raping each other now," Scar voiced out. I'd forgotten she was even here, my eyes trailing to hers. Then I looked around the whole building and my mouth hung low from shock.

Graffiti, loud and boisterous, was painted all over the walls, leaving no room for it's original color. It was colorful, and you could tell right away that the person responsible put a lot of emotion into each art. I couldn't find the right words to explain it's beauty.

"That's," I began, my eyes still wide, absorbing all of it. "A lot."

Scar laughed, sitting on the surprisingly clean floor. There were no furnitures, just a room filled with art. I sat next to her, making sure to keep a fathomable distance from Raymond, I don't know what I'll do if I'm entranced by his cologne again.

"Where's the food?" I asked, annoyed that my tummy hadn't been fed yet.

"Dagger is bringing it," I was about to question her on the bizarre name, but the door banged open and two people emerged.

"Who's hungry?" The first one shouted, his voice booming. He carried white plastic bags in his hands, and I could tell from the red scrawls printed on them that we were eating Chinese.

His curly hair was dark brown, matching his twinkling eyes. He had a lean muscular body and his thin lips were pulled in a playful smirk.

The guy beside him looked more intimidating, he wore a short sleeved black t shirt that displayed the black ink running down his arms. His eyes were a mixture of green and brown but that didn't stop them from being hard and cold, I got chills just from staring at them for too long.

"And who's this?" Came the first guy, checking me out not so smoothly, the smirk never leaving his lips.

The second guys stare was more calculating, as though trying to recall something. "She looks familiar," was all he said, before sitting down next to Raymond.

Ignoring both of them, my eyes stared longingly at the goodies, mouth watering at the heavenly smell. "Food." My arms outstretched to receive them.

But at the last second the first guy tugged it from my reach, wagging his fingers at me. "Name first, food later."

"Debbie," I grumbled out, snatching the food from his hold. He smirked at that, taking a seat beside me, a little too close for comfort.

"Dustin." He smiled this time. He was actually kind of cute, in a playboy sort of way. "Dagger to those close to me."

Completely disregarding him I turned to the boy that truly intrigued me. "And you?" I asked, taking a bowl of sweet and sour sauce and pouring it into my fried rice.

"Daemon." His British accent was tranquilizing, and the way he pronounced his name made it sound like Demon, but I'm guessing he has his reasons for that.

"Daemon," I tested it out, sounding smooth on my lips. Realizing I'm the only one eating, I stretched some of the food out. "Don't you guys want some?"

"I'd rather watch you eat," Dagger replied, his smooth remark didn't go unnoticed by Raymond, who physical tensed as Dagger took some food off my hands, his skin coming in brief contact with mine.

"Make one more stupid comment and you won't have to watch anyone eat again," I threatened lowly. It sounded stupid coming out of my mouth but at least he got the message, backing up slightly.

"I like this girl," Daemon spoke up, giving me a look of approval. I smiled at that.

"I knew I chose well," Scar said proudly.

"What are you talking about?" By this time I was done eating and fully satisfied.

"Everyone, welcome the new member of our group." She pulled me up and raised my hand high in the air, like I won a WWE match or something.

I was about to object but someone else beat me to it. "No," Raymond's deep voice echoed, as he stood up also. "She can't join the group."

"Oh please let's keep her," Dagger pouted, standing up and putting an arm around me.

Growling, I ripped his hand from my shoulder and pushed him forcedly onto the ground. Then I climbed ontop of him and pinned his hands above his head, making sure my nails left red prints on his skin.

He struggled under my hold, trying to wriggle himself free but to no avail. "She's definitely joining," Daemon said. "We need someone like her in our squad."

"Agreed," Dagger wheezed out from beneath me. I loosened my hold on him as I stared shockingly at Daemon, suprised he agreed with Scar. He used that to his advantage, grabbing my waist and flipping us around.

Thankfully, my skirt hadn't ridden up from that, and I sent him a deadly glare, indicating he should get off me. He didn't budge, and for a second, his eyes glazed over in lust.

But that second passed when he was ripped off me vigorously. "What's your problem mate?" Daemon spoke roughly, before reaching his hand out to pick me up.

I slapped his hand away and got up on my own accord, irritated and seething. Adjusting my skirt, I took deep breaths to calm me down. "Don't I get a say in this?" I honestly didn't want to join the group, seeing no interest in anything gang related.

"Of course you do," Scar responded.

"Is this an actual gang?" I asked, making sure I knew what I was getting into.

"Hell no," she laughed out. "Just a group of friends hanging out."

With that I glanced at each one of them. Scar crossed her hands in a dominating manner and you could easily tell she was the leader of the group.

Daemon just gave me a thoughtful look, his lips turned up in a half smile, showing his assent to my inclusion.

Dagger was more than eager, but I'm not sure it was for the right reasons.

And Raymond, well Raymond looked pissed out of his mind. Interesting...

The thought of that made the offer more appealing to me. "Sure," I shrugged. "Why not?"

"Then it's official." Scar clapped, obvious she was happy I accepted.

"Welcome to the Flaming Hot Cheetos."


New update for my lovely readers.

Lovely poster of the Flaming Hot Cheetos by Juani-tryde.

Read, comment, vote and enjoy!!!

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