The Institute for Knowledge

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School uniform at the top^^ (aesthetic made my moi)


"Why do they make us wear this?" I groaned, adjusting the navy blue with red stripes tie on my collar. After another failed attempt at trying to knot the godforsaken thing, I flung it on my bed in frustration.

"Here." Michie grabbed the tie and swiftly knotted it to perfection. Shocked, my gaping mouth hung open as she handed it back to me. "Let me help you with that."

"How?" Came my immediate response. Hanging it on my neck once more, I adjusted it until it fit snuggly around the collar of my cream colored shirt.

"When you've been here for as long as I have, knotting ties is like a second nature." She shrugged, her own tie hanging loosely around her neck, the first two buttons of her shirt popped open to show some of her fairly toned skin.

Unfortunately, the school also made us wear navy blue skirts. Something about uniforms giving orderliness or some rubbish like that.

Her skirt barely reached her thighs, giving little room to the imagination and she wore black 2 inch heels that seemed to bring more attention to her long, toned legs. All in all, she looked hot.

I matched my quarter length navy blue skirt with long knee length socks and put on my black leather shoes. "You ready to go?" She questioned, using a scrunchy to pack her straight hair into a high pony tail.

I glanced at the bathroom mirror, thankfully each dorm room had their own mini bathrooms consisting of a toilet, a sink and a shower. It was small yet convenient.

Loose curls hung from my messy bun, but it seemed to compliment my heart shaped face well. Licking my pouty lips for moisture, I stepped out of the bathroom and grabbed my navy blue blazer that hung off my study chair.

With that we both exited the room, looking prim and proper as we followed other anxious girls out the door. The once vacant field occupied by different students, sitting on the wooden benches, eating and catching up.

We made our way to the cafeteria, the line thankfully concise and in a few minutes my plate was served with scrambled eggs, french toast and baked beans, a glass of orange juice placed neatly beside it.

Michie had gone with a much healthier breakfast consisting of only fruit condiments and plain yogurt. Sitting on the centre table again, we dug into our food. "Mind if I sit with you guys?" Jaycee asked, her voice more bubbly and chirpy.

Her blazer was too big on her petite figure, seeming to drown her in it. Nodding, I smiled as she set her tray down next to mine, displaying wheat bread with an ample supply of scrambled egg, accompanied by a mug of hot chocolate.

Michie barely acknowledged her, her eyes too busy skimming through her phone and I had to clear my throat blatantly in order to catch her attention. Like a deer caught in the headlights she looked up, then saw Jaycee and smiled softly. "Hey."

"Hi." After that Michie went back to her phone, furiously texting whomever was at the other end. Minutes passed and she stood up abruptly.

"Sorry I have to go," she apologized, taking her tray and hastily displacing it in the waste bin. Puzzled, I turned to Jaycee, who was already staring at me.

My question got held up in my throat, when I heard the shrieking sound of the electronic school bell, signaling the end of breakfast. Quietly, we deposited our empty trays, before Jaycee directed me to the chapel.

Every Monday morning the whole school gathered for assembly, discussing different topics and acknowledging different students who have gone out of their way to help the world in one way or another. This assembly however, was just a brief introduction into the new semester.

"Good morning students." The mic amplified the principal's voice through small speakers attached the the corners of the chapel, so even the people at the back could hear her clearly. "Welcome to another year at the Institute for Knowledge."

After that I kind of droned out on whatever she was saying, sneakily getting out my MP3 player, listening to soft music as I waited for the monotonous meeting to end.

Fifty minutes later we were dismissed, the blaring bell resonating round the hall. My first period was math, and it took me quite some time to find the classroom.

Opening the door, to find a court man scribbling on the whiteboard, students hastily trying to catch up with what he was writing, I figured I was in the wrong class. "Um is this Mr. Matthews math class?" I directed at him.

I saw everyone sigh in relief as he paused whatever he was writing on the board, sending me thankful glances before they went back to work. "Ms. Adabel, I presume." His voice came out raspy, as though he'd just woken up.

"Mr. Mathews," I detested being called by my surname. "Please call me Debbie."

"Take a seat then Debbie." He went back to scribbling on the board, his handwriting scattered and barely comprehensible. At that I inspected the classroom, looking for an empty table. Luckily there was a vacant chair near the window.

"Hey," I greeted the girl next to me. She didn't seem to be paying much attention, her black hair streaked with purple highlights covering the earphones in her ear. Tapping her lightly, I spoke a little louder. "Hey."

"Don't tap me," she hissed out, taking her earphones out annoyingly. "What do you want?"

"Don't worry." Her attitude had already put me off, and I started retrieving contents from my bag.

Understanding that she came out rude, her features softened and she turned fully facing me, the sunlight reflecting the pearl ring on her nose. "Sorry," she apologized, "I just don't like people touching me."

I nodded at that, taking mental notes for future references. "What are we learning?"

She fleetingly glanced at what the teacher was writing, her auburn eyes calculating all the scrawls written on the board. "Pythagoras Theorem," she concluded turning back to me totally disinterested in the topic.

"Thanks." I honestly couldn't care less, already having learnt all this at home. "My name is Debbie by the way."

"I know." She smirked, her eyes seemed to hold more information than she would let on. "I'm Callie."

The name didn't suit her appearance. She had high cheekbones and a cut on her right eyebrow, giving her a dicey aura, her voice was deep and melodious. Unlike most, she didn't dress like the school informed us. Her unknotted tie hung on her neck and her skirt was stained aesthetically with different shades of yellow.

"But my friends call me Scar," she finished. We continued talking, neither of us paying attention as the teachers voice droned on.

Hours passed by and I went through my other classes quietly, only talking with Jaycee, who was unsurprisingly in most of my classes. Finally, the lunch bell rang.

"Food time," I celebrated, as Jaycee and I exited computing class. Pausing to wash my hands in the girls restroom, I was surprised to see Michie there, along with two other girls.

"Get out!" One of them shouted, her chubby cheeks inflamed as she spoke, worriedly glancing at Michie. The other girl eyed me sceptically, quietly assessing me from head to toe.

"It's ok Koko," Michie sighed, standing up weakly as she adjusted her now rumpled skirt. That's when I noticed her tear brimmed eyes and puffy cheeks. She'd been crying.

Worriedly, I tried to read her expression, but she had already hardened her resolve. "This is my roommate Debbie," she sounded pissed. Did I do something to piss her off?

"Nice to meet you Debbie." She fake smiled, acting like she didn't shout at me a minute ago. "Anyways I got to go for choir practice, see you guys later." With that she left the restroom, lightly bumping into me in the process.

"What's her problem?" I snarled, not liking her unnecessary attitude. There's only so much of that one can take.

"She's just very protective of me," Michie replied, her eyes didn't meet mine as she spoke.

"What's wrong?" She looked meek and tired, not at all the confident girl I've grown accustomed to. Finally looking up at me, I noticed how her big eyes displayed how broken she really was.

Her other friend still scrutinized me, her fingers stroking her chin slightly in deep thought. Her eyes seemed far away, as though she was recalling a memory and when she seemed to have it, she stood up casually from leaning on the wall, arms crossed in conclusion. "She's the reason."

"What?" Michie and I both voiced out, her statement making no sense. Unwavering, she took a few steps towards me.

"She's the reason Raymond broke up with you."

That's when Jaycee decided to walk into the girls restroom, her doc martins clanking on the bathroom floor as everyone else was stunned into silence.

"Are you pooping in there or what?"


Another update for my lovely readers.

Read, comment, vote and enjoy!!

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