Is it Prison?

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Ever had that feeling that someone is watching you in your sleep?

I tried drifting back to nothingness but I just couldn't shake this alarming feeling that I was being watched.

A tap on my shoulder jolted me so hard, that my hand acted faster than my brain could process and I slapped the stranger on the face.

"Ow! Remind me to never wake you up again." I just stared up at him confusedly and looked around the room, trying to recall where I was and who he was.

He took in my confused gaze and sighed. "My name is Nathan, I'm your sexy older brother, and you're in your bedroom, now hurry up and get dressed, we leave today."

I shook my head in an attempt to bring my memories back. "Where are we going to?" I asked.

He gave me a defeated look before angrily saying, "Hostel."

Like a painful shot in the head, I remembered all the events that occurred yesterday. Abruptly getting up, I turned to my brother who was still sitting at the edge of my bed stroking my white rabbit.

"We have to protest," I fumed. Stretching my sore limbs, I headed to my bathroom to quickly wash my face and brush my teeth.

This isn't fair. I need more time.

"Both of them are already on board."

"You mean dad agreed?" I asked, shocked that dad would've wanted to get rid of us. Mum I can understand, but dad?

"Yep. Apparently he's tired of always cleaning up the broken plates and cups."

"That has only happened twice this week." I finished brushing my teeth and headed to the shower. Taking off my clothes, I stepped in and felt the hot water sliding down my back, soothing some of my problems. "Why are you in my room anyways?"

"To help you pack," he said from behind my closed bathroom door. "And to stop you from jumping out the window."

"That has only happened once this week," I yelled at him defensively. "And you know why."

"Debbie," he said, concern etched in his voice. "Your memory is getting worse."

I know my memory is getting worse, I wanted to shout at him. That's one of the reasons why we're going back to that hellhole.

"I don't wanna talk about it." After wrapping my cotton towel, I came out of the bathroom to see a massacre of my clothes strewn carelessly on my bedroom floor. I looked up and laughed at the sight of my brother, with my black lace bra on his hair. "How did that happen?"

"I don't wanna talk about it," he replied, looking a little flustered.

I grabbed my black bra from his head. Looking at the pile of clothes, I took a green short sleeved shirt with black dungarees and headed back to the bathroom.

Coming back fully dressed, my room was now clear of clothes and my brother was standing next to a big black box, a triumphant look adorning his features. "Done," he said proudly.

I looked at him, then back at my neat and organized room. "I'm impressed." I went to my mirror and removed the towel on my hair. Grabbing my hair brush, I styled my black locks into a messy bun, completing my casual look.

"When are we leaving?"

"At eleven," he replied. I looked back at my alarm clock to see that it was eight. Cursing, I turned to him.

"What day is it?"

"Sunday," he said cautiously, eyeing my curled fists, he dodged before my fists could hit his ribcage, making them hit the wall behind him instead. I yelped before caressing my knuckles.

"Why did you wake me up so early on a Sunday?"

"It's ten Debbie," he replied, rolling his eyes as he heaved my now heavy suitcase down the stairs.

Oh, that's right. My alarm clock is broken.

Sighing, I grabbed my phone before following his lead. Halfway down the stairs an apple is chucked in my direction, catching it swiftly I take a huge chunk. "Thanks Dad."

"Alright kids." He gestures towards the mahogany door. "Let's get going."

Groaning, I sluggishly walked past him. Once I catch sight of Nate in the front seat smirking, I grumble, grudgingly taking a seat at the back.

"Slow poke," he teases, proceeding to continuously poke my cheek. Sometimes I think I'm the older one.

Grabbing his hand, I force it up his nose whilst sticking my tongue at him. Thereby reminding him who's superior.

My dad enters the car a look of shock plastered on his face at the unusual position of me with my hands controlling Nate's, while he's trying to break free of the contact.

"I'm honestly gonna miss you kids," he mumbled as he started the engine.

"Then let's go back," I inquired. I don't want to face my demons yet.

My hands were already on the car door, ready to latch it free. But as I glanced at the window and saw our modern peach colored duplex diminish in size, I knew there was no going back. Sighing, I let go of the door handle and reached for my MP3 player.

The rest of the car ride droned on as I listened peacefully to Juice World, slowly drifting into slumber.

I awoke due to the pressure of my side cheek meeting the concrete floor. "Ow!" I exclaimed.

"Why do you always sleep in car rides?" my irritating brother asked, completely ignoring my outburst of pain. I already knew he opened the car door while I was sleeping.

Rolling on my back, I lay there gazing at the scorching sun as it's rays danced on my olive skin, darkening my mood even more.

Feeling another presence lie next to me I turned to face my brother. "I really don't want to be here," I admitted to him. His hand found mine as he rubbed his forehead with his other.

"Neither do I," he replied. Then he stood up and gently took me with him.

That's when I noticed the gigantic school behind him, protected by iron bar gates. Electric lines, like a deadly hallow, wrapped round the whole school. It reminded me of a creamy Victorian castle from the nineteenth century. How can something so old look so immaculate and intact?

"Alright children, be on your best behavior," my dad spoke from inside the car, hindering me from my thought process.

Turning to face him, arms crossed with what I'm hoping gives off an intimidating vibe, I slowly walked up to the vehicle. "No hugs?" I asked.

His smile stretched even wider and what seems to be the beginning of tears were evident on his eyelids. "I'm really gonna miss you Debbie, please keep an eye on Nate for me."

I returned the smile and gave him an army's salute. "Don't turn soft on me now old man," I chuckled in response.

With that I retrieved both Nate and I's bulging boxes and made my way to the entrance, giving him and dad time to have one of their private chats. Even though I know that consisted of them talking about my condition.

Checking in, I greeted the pristine young lady behind the receptionist desk with a beaming smile. "Good morning madam." My politeness was almost choking me. If only mum could see me now.

"Morning young lady, the check in counter is by the quad, please take your belongings for inspection." Her soothing voice calmed me somehow, till I finally processed her words.

"What?" My manners briefly forgotten, till I regained composure and asked again, "Pardon?"

Her shocking expression quickly morphed into a higher than thou one as she stuck her nose high into the air.

"It's a mandatory inspection to make sure students aren't sneaking in illegal belongings."

I ignored her suspicious gaze and made my way to the check in counter. Then went through my messages as they proceeded to violate my privacy.

"What's going on?" I heard my brother almost exclaim behind me, probably from seeing a burly man rummaging through his underwear.

"Mandatory inspection," I mocked in a highly sophisticated British accent, adding air quotes to emphasize my distaste.

"Like I'd hide a gun in my box, that's too obvious." His witty remark didn't go unnoticed by the bodyguard. To avoid any further conflict he added, "But why would I carry a gun to this fine institution?"

"Nice save," I commented sarcastically. The unnecessary check in was finally done and after finding no weapons or drugs, they lead us to our assigned dorm rooms.

Sadly, the male and female hostel was separated so I had to part with my brother at the open field with beautiful trees and benches scattered in an orderly manner.

"See you at the other side sis," he grabbed his belongings and trudged over to the boys side. As much as I'd hate to admit it, the thought of us separating felt like a slight stab in the heart.

Guess I'll have to take this journey on my own. The thought scared me, but I knew better than to show it. You're tough Debbie.

Taking a deep breath, I walked into the girls dorm. As expected it was immaculate, the common room consisted of colorful bean bag chairs and a huge flat screen TV mounted on the wall at a nice viewing angle. Along the walls hung notice boards filled with different posters of what I'm to assume are activities one can participate in.

Thankfully it was empty and I could save myself from awkward introductions. Increasing my pace, I sauntered past the endless rooms on the carpet layered hallway until I reached room fourteen. My room.

Happy that I didn't have to endure the stress of dragging my luggage up the dreary stairs, I opened the door.

"Apple?" Was the first thing I could utter as I gaped at my new roommate.


Yes unfortunately for you guys I am one of those cliffhanger writers. So you'd have to endure many more of this.

If you know how to make awesome book covers please pm me :)

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