The Boyfriend

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Amazing book cover (picture at the top^^) by PrincessSeaLily. Thank you so much :)


Her full pink lips turned upwards into a hesitant smile as she scrunched her eyebrows in confusion.

"What?" She questioned at my incomprehensive question. Then she inspected me as though looking for something. An apple, maybe.

"Why does the banner on our door read Apple?" I clarified, maintaining contact with her baby blue eyes, until they indicated understanding.

"Oh," she chuckled, before silence presumed once again. I took that time to examine her outfit. She wore a cream crop top cami with the words high maintenance scribbled in bold italics and ripped jeans. On her feet were pink and white adidas superstars. I honestly expected something more costly but she dressed quite ordinarily.

After some thought she finally responded, "I don't know."

I laughed at that, wondering why it took her so long to say such simple words.

With the eased tension I casually extended my hand, feeling much more comfortable. "The name's Debbie."

"Michie." She took my hand and gave it a firm shake. "Glad to meet you."

"Likewise." After that our conversations became more smooth and we settled down to unpack our heavy load.

Three exhausting hours later and our once bare room now looked inhabited. I sat on my neatly laid bed, thinking of what to do next, but then my tummy grumbled in hunger.

"Wanna go eat?" Michie chuckled, getting up from her cotton candy themed bedspread, already leading the way to the cafeteria.

I followed her through the hallway, pausing once we got to the open field. I peeped at the boys hostel, hoping to see signs of my brother, but to no avail.

She led me to a building closer to the school campus, it's iron double doors open and welcoming as I inhaled the tempting aroma of different delicacies.

Rushing ahead of her, I could hear her light laughter as I entered the premises. At least now I know where all the people went, my patience modulating as I inspected the long line.

"The line is too long," Michie commented behind me, voicing my thoughts out loud.

"Yeah let's just ask the last person to save two spaces for us, lines aren't my thing." With that I strode to the back of the line and tapped on the petite figure waiting anxiously.

"Please can you save our spaces in the line?" I asked kindly. She looked up at me, her dark brown eyes contemplating.

"I'll try," she sighed, after I gave her the puppy dog eyes. Works ever time.

With that, I thanked her and went to the table Michie reserved for us at the center of the cafeteria. No one seemed to sit there for some reason.

"So," I indulged. "Is this your first time coming here?"

The doctor said it would be easier for me to regain my memories if I stayed around people I was familiar with.

I wanted to remember, but at the same time I didn't. What if there was a reason my brain locked my memories? What if I didn't like what I remembered?

"Nope, I've been coming her since my mum became the principal," she answered.

That means she was here a year ago. That means - wait, did she just say principal?

"Your mum is the principal!" I vociferated, as though I didn't hear her the first time.

"Unfortunately," she sighed. "Though at times it has its assets."

"So your mum is the reason why I'm in this hellhole," I concluded, tugging lose strands of my hair behind my ear.

"How so?" She looked amused at my frustrated state.

"My mum told me that a good friend of hers is in charge of the boarding school and even recommended her kids go there," I stated.

"Yup. Sounds like something my mum would do," she smiled, giving it another shrug. "At least you got to meet me."

I smiled at that. "Plus the food smells great." I glanced at the food line to see it had drastically reduced. The girl I told to hold our space was now nearer to the front, a tray in her hands ready to receive food.

"Food time." Licking my lips in anticipation, I got up and headed straight for the line, ignoring the furious looks I received from cutting to the front.

"Hey!" The guy behind me protested, his hand grabbing my shoulder. "You can't cut the line."

Without thinking I ripped his hand from my skin and brought it behind his back. "Don't ever lay a hand on me without my permission," I growled into his ear.

"Ow! Ow!" He winced, "I get it now let go." I released my hold and he stood to his tall frame. "Damn you're really strong for a girl."

I resisted the urge to punch him, sighing out my frustration as I explained, "My friend here saved these spaces for us." Pointing at her suprised face for further indication.

"You could've just said that," he grunted. Adjusting his blue polo shirt and dusting non-existent follicles from his black joggers.

Ignoring him I retrieved a tray from the tray rack and proceeded to serve myself a hefty plate of spaghetti and meatballs.

"Isn't that too much for a girl," he commented behind me, serving himself the exact same size. My already low patience was thinning.

As though he wanted to infuriate me even further, he pressed his silver tray into my back. Hissing, I stepped on his foot. Really hard.

"Damn," he cursed out, smirking at my reaction. "Strong and feisty." Taking deep breaths to calm me down, I poured myself a refreshing glass of apple juice.

"The name is Jason by the way," he introduced, as though I was interested in anything about him.

"Didn't ask," I backlashed, leaving the banal line and heading back to the table.

Unfortunately, he was following behind me. "Leave me alone," I hissed in annoyance.

He was about to reply but was abruptly cut off by someone else. "What didn't you understand by her statement?" A deep voice resonated as a highly muscular man now stood in front of me, blocking my view of Jason.

He made no attempt in hiding his biceps, only wearing a grey tank top with matching grey sweatpants. His messy brown curls looked as though he ran his hands through them frequently. His confidence stance and intimidating ambiance matched his structure well.

"Sorry," Jason uttered, looking anything but apologetic, backing up slowly then turning to another table. But not before sending me an irritating wink.

Glaring at his retrieving figure, I quickly remembered my manners and turned to thank the man, but he had already disappeared. Not thinking much of it, I returned to the table.

"What took you so long?" Michie questioned, already halfway through her burger.

"Do you know anyone named Jason?" I questioned back, our irking encounter still at the back of my mind.

"Jason Asselton?" I held back a laugh at his uncanny surname, quietly slurping my noodles, I urged her to continue. "Yeah, he plays for the school lacrosse team."

Not holding it back any longer, my mocking laughter echoed of the cafeteria walls, surprising not only Michie but every other student within range in the cafeteria.

"What's so funny?" Her shocked expression almost sobered me, until I thought of it again and was sent back to another wave of choking laughter, my cold meal hardly touched and long forgotten.

"Asselton? Lacrosse?" I choked out in between laughs, holding the edge of the table to keep from collapsing. At that she just shook her head in amusement.

"Your laugh is so freaking weird," she commented as I finally calmed down. I stabbed my cold meatball, before bringing it to my lips. "But it's also cute," she revelled to herself. "I wonder how you'd react if I also told you he was part of the schools rugby team."

My mind reeled back to his lanky figure, imagining him playing rugby with a bunch of well built boys. "You're lying!" My eyes widened in shock, not believing her for a second.

She kept a straight face for two more seconds, before reeling in laughter. "But I'm telling the truth," she whined, understanding why I found it hard to believe her.

"Sure." I rolled my eyes, then we settled back to eating in silence. I really enjoy the fact that we get along so well, but our comfortable silence ended briefly.

"What is she doing here?" a deep voice sounded behind me. Turning back, my eyes locked with his green ones and any remark I wanted to bark out got caught in my throat.

This undeniably attractive man eyed me sceptically, taking in ever aspect of my casually messy appearance.

"Oh," Michie commented, looking flushed as her voice went an octave higher. "Ray Ray, this is my new roommate Debbie," she introduced.

His eyes never left mine as she spoke, inspecting ever inch of me until his rosy lips upturned to a smirk. My heart rate sped up slightly as he rose his right eyebrow in a challenging way.

Where do I know you from? Those eyes looked so familiar. Could he be-

"And Debbie, meet my boyfriend, Raymond," she finished, her star struck daze pointed towards him.

All thoughts left my head, completely shocked at the revelation. It's definitely not him.

He seemed pleased at my reaction, even going as far as kissing Michie while still staring at me.

The food no longer seemed appealing to me.


Another update for my lovely readers.

Thoughts on Raymond.

Vote, comment and enjoy!!

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