Kiss Of Death

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Beautiful chapter aesthetic by prettyimbecile ~ image at the top ^^


I didn't pull back.

For the first few seconds I didn't even react, surprise still trapping my movements.

But when his second hand touched my cheek, my eyes shut on their own accord and I closed the space between us.

Fireworks. Butterflies. My ovaries combusting. 

I felt none of that.

Instead, it felt peaceful. As though I'd been searching for something for a long time and finally found it. I relished in the feeling his lips brought me.

Then something sparked in my brain, and I felt a memory try to squeeze through the cage trapping it.

"So sorry but do you know where I can find Mr. Mathews math class?" I asked the boy at the entrance. He looked lost in thought as he turned to me, eyebrow crooked.

"What?" I would've laughed at his expression if I wasn't already late to class.

"Mr. Mathews math class," I repeated, hands coming to hold my head at having to repeat myself.

"Oh yeah, follow me." He trudged into the school building and I walked beside him, using that time to absorb his appearance.

He was tall, but not much taller than me, with wavy brown curls that hid his forehead. He was definitely attractive, and the way he walked made me believe he knew that.

My eyes connected with his deep green ones and I quickly looked away, ashamed I'd been caught staring at him.

"So, are you new here?" he asked, ignoring the fact that I was non discreetly checking him out.

"Would I be asking where the math class was if I wasn't new here?"

He laughed. "Yeah, that was a stupid question." I nodded, smiling at being the cause of his laughter.

We'd stopped at a particular classroom, one of the many attached to the walls of the hallway. "Here we are."

"Thanks." I went to open the door but he stopped me, hands holding mine on the door handle.

"Do I get a name for helping you out?" He smiled, showcasing the left dimple on his cheek.

"Debbie," I answered. "And you are?"


I smiled into the kiss, climbing on top of him as I welcomed the familiar feeling of his lips on mine.

He groaned, hands tightening around my waist as he brought me even closer. He tugged at my black roots and I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips. I felt lighter, as though we'd somehow transported into space, everything else fading in the background.

His tongue slipped into my mouth and that's when my entire body exploded, more memories invading my thoughts.

"You can't tell me you've never swam before!" I exclaimed, my hands reaching the sky at the acclamation.

"It's not a big deal," Raymond said beside me. He grabbed my waist and brought me closer to him.

"We need to take you to the pool," I concluded, my hands wrapping around his neck, bringing us so close that our noses were basically touching.

"Do you know what else we need to do?" He smiled, glancing at my lips while licking his.

"What?" I asked, jumping on his lap as my hands tangled with his hair.

He answered my question with a kiss.

I pulled back, trying to absorb all the information that had just been thrown in my face.

I knew Raymond before. Not only did I know him, but I kissed him?

We were both heaving, our breaths exchanging with each pant we took. I couldn't look him in the eye, but instead chose to focus on his chest.

"You remember." He made it sound like a statement and not a question, the slight tint of hope evident in his voice. Not just hope, he sounded happy beyond reason.

"You remember!" he shouted, making me flinch. He hugged me tightly and the air flowing in my chest constricted. I couldn't think properly.

I knew Raymond. We've kissed before, and he never mentioned it?

I was still trying to grasp the reality of the situation. His lips felt familiar. His touch felt familiar. Everything about him felt familiar.

Finally I looked at his eyes, those ammolite irises. His smile was so wide I was scared they'd break his face in half. "We knew each other?"

He nodded excitedly, the gleam in his eyes very evident. Upon closer look I realize those were the start of tears. He looked beyond happy and for some reason that scared me.

We knew each other. I could already feel myself hyperventilating, my breaths coming out shorter and heavier. 

"Hey, Debbie." He held my chin and I could feel myself relax under his touch. "It's okay."

I gnawed the inside of my cheek, staring at him perplexed. "How come you never told me?"

He scrunched his eyebrows, definitely not expecting that reaction. Did he expect me to kiss him again? "Well I couldn't exactly tell you I was your former boyfriend," he explained.

"Boyfriend?!" I didn't think my eyes could widen any more than they already had, but by now I was sure they were the size of two planets. "We dated?"

He nodded slowly, letting the information sink in.

"But that doesn't make sense," I said, creating distance between us by getting up. "I think I'd remember if I had a boyfriend-" as hot as you, I finished in my head.

"It's okay Deb-"

"Why would you hide this from me?" I could feel the frustration steering up in my core. I turned around, grasping my hair to control my anger.

He tried to reach for me but I dodged out of his way. "How could you hide this from me?"


"What else do you know?"


"This doesn't make sense!" I was getting worked up, a small ache creeping into my head.

Calm down Debbie, I repeated but it had no effect on me. Then he touched my shoulder, that bit of contact tipping me over the edge.

"You liar!" I screamed in his face. I was so close to slapping him, punching him, just taking my anger out on him, but the small ache in my head intensified and my body weakened at the pressure.

Involuntary thoughts came from the day I was discharged from the hospital.

"The doctor said you have to revisit your past in order to retain it," Nate worded out for me.

But I didn't want to come back, I didn't want to remember.

It tore me apart that an essential piece of me had crumbled, but trying to revive it would hurt twice has much.

Especially if those chances reverted to a permanent loss of memory, so I refused adamantly.

"I don't want to go back Nate." He took my hand and rubbed circles on them, trying to calm my nerves.

"It's not up for discussion." It all came crashing back, a giant headache already forming from the thoughts. "Mum says you have to come back."

Tears leaked from my eyes as the headache intensified, my legs could no longer support my body and they gave out beneath me, sending me to the floor.

"Nate!" I shouted. "Get Nate!" I saw Raymond run before another image dotted my vision.

"Yes we've already paid for the tuition," came my dad's voice. I reduced the volume of the TV as I tried to eavesdrop on his phone conversation.

"Make sure they all act normal. The doctor said it all has to come to her naturally."

"Yes I'd like her to be in the same room as your daughter since they knew each other before."

"No, she has to pretend not to know her."

I held my head in my hands at the intense pain emerging from it. Crouching on the floor as more images flashed in my mind.

"Who was there when it happened?" The doctor quizzed my brother, his hands tapping away on his board.

Nathan glanced at me worriedly.

"Don't worry," the doctor assured him, "I gave her a sedative so she's practically unconscious."

But I could hear them clearly, though drowsy, I was perfectly aware of my surroundings.

Nathan cleared his throat. "Her boyfriend."

"Where is he?" The doctor asked.

"In the other room getting treated," Nathan responded. "He was affected too."

"Memory loss?"

Nathan shook his head. "Just some nasty injuries."

"Is he also going to be attending this boarding school?"

"Once he finds out that she's coming back," Nathan glanced at me, "Definitely."

I tried to reach out to him, hold unto him, but my body felt weak. I was shutting down.

"Debbie!" his voice was distant, but echoed in my head, adding to the pain. "Debbie!"

Not knowing what else to do I banged my head on the grass, trying to ease the pain. Numb the memories.

Get out of my head! I screamed internally.

"Raymond get her to the clinic now!"

The pain in my head eased a bit, a slow void consuming my thoughts once more.

"Nathan, she's bleeding!" I knew they were shouting, but everything sounded distant, faraway.

Nathan was beside me in an instant. "Stay awake Debbie!"

But my eyes closed on their own accord, sleep felt so inviting.

"Don't you dare close your eyes Debs!"

I welcomed the darkness, pulling me to an endless void.

The last words of the doctor, before his sedative finally succeeded in knocking me unconscious, came to my mind.

"He's the key."

"What do you mean doc?" Nathan scrunched his eyebrow as he held my hand protectively.

"He can either help her gain her memory, or lose it for good."


Dun, dun, dunnnnnnnn. Damn, that was pretty intense.

How were the flashback scenes? I hope I didn't confuse you guys. It was kind of challenging switching between the past and the present so please tell me if it was confusing.

This was actually meant to be chapter 15, but I felt it was too soon so I had to push it forward.

Anyways, if you don't want Debbie to die I suggest voting for this chapter ;)

I'm just kidding. I can't kill my main character, can I?

Suffice to say the next chapter won't be in Debbie's POV. Any clue as to who will take over the book next?

Read, vote, comment and enjoy!!!

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