Sneak Peek + A Temporary Goodbye

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I almost killed her. Again.

"I don't want you to be as much as breathing the same air as her," Nathan threatened lowly, before hauling himself into the ambulance. I knew I'd messed up.

I looked at her unconscious figure, laying on the hospital bed, a sad smile rested on her lips and it crushed my heart. Why do I keep failing you?

I didn't deserve her, I already knew that. But I couldn't stop thinking about her, needing to be near her, loving her.

"You have an obsessive disorder."  The words from the psychiatrist replayed in my head, but I kept on pushing it back.


This is not a chapter.

I just wanted to give a sneak peek of what's to come. We finally get to see things from Raymond's perspective!

Unfortunately, my school is starting up so I have to take a break from writing.

But why can't you write in school?

Well, like my main character Debbie, I also go to a boarding school.

But unlike Debbie the rules are very strict so electronic devices are prohibited and the wifi is very restricted.

Damn, your school sucks.

I know, and I'm very sorry but I will be taking a long hiatus.

How long?

Very long, maybe 10 months or so. I'll try to update whenever I can but I won't be fully active in a very long time.

But what about Debbie, and Nathan, and Raymond?

They probably need a break too. I mean Debbie's in the hospital and Raymond needs to sort out his emotions. Obviously my characters are going through stuff and forcing them to keep living their lives is very cruel of me.

You're making this longer than it needs to.

I know, it's just so hard to say goodbye.

One last present before you go.

Sure, anything you want (who am I talking to?)

Can I see a cute puppy or something?

I'll show you something better:

Before I go I'd just like to thank each of my readers, we may have started with a book club but you stuck around for Debbie even though I know none of you like her. Or maybe you stuck around for Nathan.

Out of curiosity, who is your favorite character and who can you relate with the most?

kimshriya ~ Your comments always put a smile on my face, even when you diss Debbie and tell her she's the most moronic human being ever. I love how you always ask me to update, I swear I'd be a lazy log without you, and I just want to say thank you for sticking with my story.

_IceGab_ ~Your comments are always so silly, and I love how well you know my characters. Sometimes the dialogue you make up is even better than my actual dialogue and I'm definitely going to steal some of it in future. I love how I get so many spam notifications from you and I loved getting to know you personally. Hopefully I get to hear you sing one day as I'm sure you already have a beautiful voice.

Ayomide_Chloe ~ My silent reader, I see you girl. Thank you so much for all the support you've given me with all your lovely votes. You've stuck with me through the very end and I hope you continue to stick with me, Debbie and all the other crazy characters.

novelingmylifeaway ~ I couldn't believe you read till my latest update within three days, like I was very shocked. Should I make my chapters longer? I'm kidding, I don't have the energy for that, but I do want to say thank you for reading my book.

Juani-tryde and kema_calli ~ My real life friends who have supported me from the very beginning. I know I bug you guys a lot about Wattpad and whatnot but it's because I care. When this quarantine started we were all bored as freak and decided to write a book individually. See where we're at now. We've learnt a lot and have grown as writers. We've explored places on this app that we never even knew existed and we've started our own writing journey. I'm proud of us! This may have started as an activity to curb our boredom but along the way I grew fond of my characters and their story. Hopefully, our writing doesn't dull when school starts but I'm very proud that we made it this far.

Alright I think I'm done. There are still many more people I'd like to thank so if you're reading this and I haven't written your name, I'd just like to say a big THANK YOU!

Bye bye now.

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