《 Chapter 30: Do We Have A Deal? 》

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Six months and two weeks have passed since the sudden disappearance of Damari Valor in the human world. Her parents were grieving at the sudden loss, hoping that someone would find their daughter.


"You sure you haven't seen this woman?" Bonnie asked in the three hours of dusk.

She held a flyer out to any person passing by as they walked past her and Marceline. Marceline was putting up missing person posters of their friend, their phone numbers, and the Valor parents.

"Bonnie, maybe we should..." Marceline suggested, but Bonnie immediately declined.

"No, we can't give up on Dam. What friends would we be if we didn't try?" Bonnie said desperately.

She was the one who filled out the initial police report to find her friend. Marceline sighed though as she looked at her girlfriend, whose hair was much greasier and her eyes had bags under them from months of no sleep. Not that she was fairing any better.

"And what would Dam say if she saw us? Come on, we need a bath and a good night's rest." Marceline reasoned as she took her girlfriend in her arms, who looked to be on the edge of tears.

"I just want to know where she is." Bonnie said as she cried softly.

"I know, Bon... I know..." Marceline said, looking down tearfully.


Meanwhile in Hell

In the brand new Hazbin Hotel, in a room decorated for the latest celebrity in Hell, Damari lay fast asleep. However, her sleep wasn't peaceful. She was tossing and turning, grunting as if she were in pain, and sweat falling from her brow. In her head, a single vision replayed in her head: her killing Adam. How she just stared him in the eyes as she plunged her sword into him with no remorse.

Waking up in a cold sweat, Damari stared wide-eyed at her brand-new room in the hotel, right under Charlie and Vaggie's penthouse suite. Looking at the time, Damari saw it was ten in the morning. Getting up, she got dressed. Before she slipped on her shirt, she saw the tattoo that appeared after her transformation during the battle. It had six wings, three angels, and three devils, all in black and bright blue, but when the light hit it just right, it had an iridescent shimmer. Sighing, she buttoned up her shirt before walking downstairs; there she saw everyone and froze. It had been two whole weeks now, but Damari was terrified of facing everyone after she... Trying to be quiet, she tried to slip past everyone only to be stopped.

"Hey, Damari," Angel called out, waving his arms. Damari muttered a small curse before looking at her friend, who sat beside Husk behind the bar.

"Hey Angel," Damari greeted as she came over.

"Are you okay there? You've been holed up in your room for a while now," Angel asked, trying to see how his friend was doing.

"I'm doing alright, Angel; I was just about to leave. You know, get some fresh air," Damari said as she tried to walk away slowly.

"Oh, do you want company?" Angel asked as he tried to see what was wrong.

"No, no, thank you, I'm good," Damari said before quickly leaving the hotel.

As she went out, Damari saw the picture of Sir Pentious and felt her throat close up before running away. As she ran, she forgot about her disguise. She kept on running till she was in the square, unaware of the drone following her as she ran.

"Hey it's that human, Damari Valor!!" a random demon called out.

Damari, hearing this made her turn to see the paparazzi as they crowded her with flashing cameras and mics pointing at her face.

"Ms. Valor!"

"Over here!"

"You're gorgeous!"

"Ms. Valor! Right here!"

"Outta my way!!"

One of the reporters squeezed their way through and pointed the mic at Damari.

"Damari Valor, how does it feel to be the first human in Hell? Has any other humans try to get in to Hell before?"

Another reporter chimes in.

"What's it like to be a powerful, famous, and sexy human and our first Nephalem after killing Adam?"

Hearing that made Damari freeze and stare into the camera.


Was all she could say before more microphones are being shoved into her face. And some apparent "fans" of hers came over as well.

"Are we safe?"

"We love you!!"

"Can you sign my face?!"

"Are you dating anyone?"

"What's your secret?"

All these questions overwhelmed her, and she started to have a panic attack, breathing heavily as she closed her eyes.

"Stop... please... Just stop...!"

But no one listens as they kept crowding her until she finally snapped and her different colored eyes glowed as she glared at the paparazzi.


With a blast from her power, all the paparazzi are sent flying as they fall to the ground, dropping their things in the process along with the camera. Damari quickly ran away once again, not wanting to deal with them. Her surroundings started to blur, and her ears were ringing as she couldn't hear anything but her heartbeat.

She stands up to find a place to calm her down only to see... Adam. But it's an illusion Adam and he's not wearing a mask. Damari backs away, thinking this is just a dream as he glares at her.

"What were you thinking, Damari? That you could just... kill me and think that no one would know?" Illusion, Adam mocked.

Damari doesn't say anything as she stares at him in horror.

"It has to come out, hottie. It has to."

She then looks down to see her own angelic sword on Illusion Adam's chest where she stabbed through with golden blood staining his robe. Damari's breath gets heavier and heavier by a minute as she tries to calm down and runs through Illusion Adam, making him fade away. Damari tries to run away but ended up stumbling on her own feet until she eventually collapsed. Her vision starts to fade into black. Before she fell unconscious, she heard a familiar sound of an electric buzz near her and felt clawed hands cupping her cheeks. Their voice is muffled as they sound worried. But that was all she could hear before closing her eyes.


Slowly waking up, Damari finds herself on a pink couch covered in a fluffy blanket, her head propped up on a soft pillow. When she opens her eyes, she is met with a light blue land hammerhead shark.

"Whoa!" Damari yelped as she jumped up, flinging her fluffy blanket off of her.

The land hammerhead shark just tilt his head and then start panting like a dog, wagging his tail. Damari stare at the pet shark in disbelief as she awkwardly wave at it.

"H-Hello... uh..."

She looks down at its collar to reveal the name "Vark".


Vark smiles and walks over to her and starts licking her cheek.

"Oh! S-Stop it! That tickles!" she giggled, trying to push the pet shark off of her.

Vark puts his weight on her, making her lie back down on the couch as he keeps on licking her. Damari laughs at his constant licking, not hearing footsteps coming into the room.

"Hehe. Looks like he likes you."

Damari stops laughing and looks over to see an amused Vox. Vark smiles and gets off of her and runs up to Vox, placing his two paws on his chest. Vox pets him on the head with a fond smile that Damari had never seen. Shaking her head, Damari narrow her eyes and looks around the room.

"Why am I here?"

Vox stops petting Vark and grins.

"You're in Valentino's place."

Damari immediately got off the couch.


"Relax, he's not gonna do anything to you. Not when I'm here. And a little thank you would be nice."

"Thank you?? For what?"

"I just saved your life. You had a panic attack."

This made Damari recall herself collapsing.

"Those losers out there would've taken you away somewhere if it wasn't for me." Vox said.

"...You were spying on me?"

"More like watching over you."

"That's basically stalking!"

"Eh, no big deal." he shrugged.

Damari sighs.

"Thanks for... saving me and your hospitality. But now I need to go."

She turns and starts walking towards the doors when Vox's next words stopped her.

"What were you doing out there undisguised?"

Damari turns to him.

"What are you talking about?"

This made Vox scoff at that question and walk over to her with Vark sitting down to watch their interaction.

"You know what I'm talking about. You look like you've seen a ghost."

Damari looks down in silence, knowing that he's right. But she's not going to show him her vulnerable side.

"It's nunya."

Vox raises his eyebrow.

"What's a nunya??"

"Nunya business." she said with a glare, making his screen glitched at that answer.

Vox glares back at her before calming down.

"Alright then. But you seemed pretty down. You look like you could use something to distract yourself like..."

He stopped in mid-sentence as he suddenly got an idea and grinned at her. Damari flinched at his sudden change of attitude.

"Maybe you could work for us."

"No. I'm not selling my soul to you or any of you."

"Oh ho! Don't worry! Not for your soul, you're already too smart for that than you already are. Just a simple deal!" Vox reassured her.

"And what kind of deal is that?" Damari asked.

As if on cue, the doors opened and she turned around to see Valentino and Velvette walking inside.

"Oh good! You're awake! Hope you got comfortable in my home." Valentino said with a grin.

"I was... until I found out it was your place." Damari retarded.

"Nevermind that, we overheard about you making a deal. About working for us." Velvette said, getting to the point.

"As I was saying, you work for the three of us and hang out with us. You needed a job, right? We could use someone whose smart and professional like you." Vox explained.


"And I'll make sure to give as much as break for your friend Angel Dust as he needs under your command. Even if I don't like it..." Valentino said, mumbling the last part underneath his breath.

"And you get to work for me to be the best model and designer. I could use someone who's actually better than what those bitches made they call clothes.." Velvette added, tapping on her phone.

"...Why should I even trust any of you? You're not gonna force me into anything that I will be uncomfortable with." Damari asked.

"No worries. You'll just be working under us without any soul contract. It's better than nothing, right?" Vox said.

This made Damari look down, taking his word for it. She could get her mind off of everything that happened. Though that doesn't mean she can trust them. She looked up at the Vees after thinking for a moment.

"If I do work and hang out with you, you have to promise me Angel wouldn't get hurt and in return, I'll do some singing and dancing for your... "movies", I'll try and do some tech stuff that I'm not familiar with, and I will work on designing clothes with Velvette more often since I'm more comfortable with it. However, should any of you hit me or sexually assault me any other way, our deal is immediately off."

"Hmm... Excuse us for a moment." Vox said before he and the other two Vees huddle around and whisper amongst each other. "What do you guys think?"

"I think it's a great opportunity to have her on our side. It's perfect!" Velvette smiled in excitement.

"If I have to grant Damari's wishes, I guess I can." Valentino said. "At least, I get to see her body upclose."

"Then it's settled then." Vox grinned before they pulled away and faced Damari once again. "Alright. We'll grant your wishes."

"And you also have to promise me not force me into.... sexual intercourse. Especially with trying to get an information out of me about Alastor and the hotel. Deal?" Damari added firmly with her hand out, much to his dismay.

Vox sighs at this, thinking why Damari is more aware compared to the sinners that don't think about consequences. He looks at Damari and grabs her hand.


Once they shake on it, electric sparks bursts out before fading away. Vox pulled her to his face for him to look at her upclose with a sickening grin.

"Looking forward to working with you, Little Doll~~"


At the Hazbin Hotel

Angel keeps on pondering what's going on with Damari as he glances to where she had gone off. He could tell she's not feeling like herself lately ever since their battle against the Exorcists. He's not the only one as everyone else, including Alastor and Lucifer are just as concerned for Damari as well.

"You're worried about Damari, aren't you?" Husk asked, noticing Angel's behavior.

"Yeah... It's just... she's not usually shutting people out and barely even talks to us." Angel said with a sigh.

"I may not know what's going on inside her head, but I can tell by the way she expressed herself earlier. She's terrified." Husk stated, cleaning the bottle.

"Terrified? Of what?" Angel raised his eyebrow.


"Herself?? Why?"

"Yeah, why?"

They turned to see Vaggie and Charlie approaching them.

"You noticed the way she acted earlier, right?" Husk asked.

"Yeah... She's not usually like this." Vaggie said with worry.

"Is something wrong with Damari?" Charlie asked.

"It may have something to do with the whole fighting back the Exorcists incident." Husk said, making their eyes widen.

"That--that's true. At first, I thought it was satisfying the way Damari killed Adam, but now that you say that... I never thought of how guilty or scared she's going through." Vaggie said.

"Oh... I'm sure she did it to protect us." Charlie added.

"But that's the thing. She's never killed anyone before. Sure she killed the loan sharks, but with the a human who may or may not be an angel? And THE first man himself? Not what she ever expected. I can already tell by the look of her face. It... makes me worried for her..." Husk explained.

"I see..." Angel said.

Just then, the doors opened to reveal Damari walking inside with some bags. The labels of which the others couldn't see.

"Damari, your back." Charlie cheered with a smile.

Damari flinched for a bit and quickly smiled.

"Oh! H-Hey, Charlie. Yeah, I am..."

Vaggies glances down at the bags Damari is holding.

"You sure have been busy."

Upon her noticing, Damari panicked a little and nodded, slightly hiding the labels. This went unnoticed by Alastor as he squints at her suspiciously at her attitude.

"Oh, yeah. Just thought of doing shopping."

"That's good to hear. And Damari?" Charlie said.


"Whatever you're going through, please know that we're here for you. We still care about you."

This surprised Damari as they all gave her an assuring smile.

"We could still hang out and talk things over. Heck, I'll even have Cherri take you to somewhere that'll make your mind blown. Not literally." Angel joked, making her chuckle.

"And we'll still help you get you back home." Husk added.

Damari was speechless that they're willing to help her and comfort her whenever she feels down. Charlie holds out her arms.

"Chamari against the world?"

Smiling, Damari hugged Charlie while still holding onto the shopping bags.

"Chamari against the world."

After hugging, they pulled away.

"Need help carrying these?" Angel asked, looking at the bags.

"Oh, no. I'm good. I'll just bring them to my room. I'll come back down." Damari shook her head.

"Good. 'Cause we're having a buffet tonight." Charlie said.


Damari then head upstairs, feeling all better but she still feel a little scared of her own action against the angels. She looks back down at her friends who are chatting and gets guilty for not telling them that she made a deal with the Vees. She then continues walking, not knowing Alastor followed her through her shadow.

As soon as she makes it to her room, she places the bags on the table and lies down on her bed with a sigh. Suddenly, she hears her phone ringing and checks it to see it was Vox. Sighing, she answers it and she sees a face of grinning Vox.

"What is it, Vox?"

"Just wanted to make sure that you travel back to your hotel safely. You've got a lot of paparazzi chasing you down." Vox said in amusement.

"Gee, I wonder..." Damari rolled her eyes.

"Does your friends know?"

"...No..." she said, glancing away.

"Good. It would've been a disaster for you. You're making a right choice." he said. "Though I'm surprised you never told Angel at the very least of what you did."

"It's best if he doesn't know or anyone else get involved in my situation. I don't want them to worry. And the only reason I'm doing this is to keep myself busy and get my mind off of things. You better not do anything funny to me and treat me with respect." Damari said, threatening him a bit.

"Have I ever told how cute and sexy you are when you get so brave and threatening at the same time?" Vox asked with a lovestruck smile.

This made Damari get weirded out.

"...No. But thanks, I guess. I gotta go. Talk to you later."

"See you soon, Little Doll. Tomorrow is a big day. You won't regret this."

With a wink, Vox hangs up. Damari rolls her eyes.

"I sure hope not. And it's Damari, creep."

With a deep breath, she gets out of her bed and walks out of her room to join her friends for the buffet. Just then, a familiar glowing smile appears out of the shadow from the corner of the room and reveals Alastor as he walks inside the room and looks at the bags Damari brought in and inspects them. His eyes narrows while still smiling as he sees the VoxTech labels and other different kinds of labels from the Vees and other expensive places to shop at. The room darkens as it glows green and he appears angry while holding his threatening smile. He couldn't believe that Damari is now working for the Vees and that's not good for him.

"Oh, Damari Valor~~ What have you gotten yourself into?"


A/N: Hope you guys like it! I decided to continue the story while we wait for Season 2. I might add a new antagonist before having the Vees become the main antagonists once Season 2 is officially released. Oh, and if it's no trouble, can you guys give me and my friends who are helping me write the story ideas of what the next story should go? Love ya!! Peace out!!

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