《 Chapter 31: Ways To Be Wicked 》

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The next morning, Damari wakes up and gets out of her bed to get herself ready. She quickly grab the things she needed before placing them in her backpack and bringing a couple her bags. After brushing her teeth and fixing her short hair, she puts on her outfit to look professional as she looks at herself in the mirror, admiring how she looked.

Damari nods and grabs her things and leaves her room not before kissing her Charlotte on the head. She walks downstairs to see her friends in the living room. Charlie notices her and gets up.

"Oh! Morning, Damari! Join us? My dad made us pancakes." she said, holding out a plate full of pancakes with a smiling face on top.

"Sorry, Charlie. But I'll gladly eat this pancake. I gotta go to work." Damari said sadly.

"Work? Since when did you start working?" Angel raised his eyebrow.

"Work? What kind of work?" Vaggie questioned.

"Very important business. Thanks for the pancakes! Okay, byeee!" Damari said before heading out while eating her pancakes along the way.


As soon as Damari made it to the Vees tower, she was met by excited Velvette.

"Damari! Right on time!" she greeted, surprising Damari.

"Uh, yes. I am."

"Good! Because we're going to be shooting a very classy piece, very vintage, very old school, classic. I need you and the other girls to be real bitches on this one."

Damari was surprised by that.


"Yeah. Real, nasty bitches. Completely out of reach from these male models, okay?" Velvette said.


"Great! Makeover!"

Velvette snapped her fingers and all the demon ladies rushed over to Damari and pulled her towards the chair where the mirror is and they got started on putting on her makeup and doing her hair. Before she knew it, they're in front of the background board with spotlights and cameras. Damari finds herself wearing a Cruella De Vil outfit that she recognized and holding a cigarette that looked very expensive while her hair was changed to black and white and she sees other female demons wearing different kinds of dresses that are Cruella themed. Velvette approached them, nodding to their outfits including Damari's.

"Okay, we're reading everything. Give me that intensity."

Damari and the girls get into their position and start posing as cameras snapping can be heard along with flashes. Every click they hear, they pose again and again by Velvette's order.

"Yes. Okay. We're looking beautiful. Really great. Damari, give me everything you got!"

Damari did her different kinds of pose while holding a cigarette while looking like a real bitch girl with a hint of seduction.

"Okay. Beautiful. One more! Ah, yeah!"

More camera snaps are made.

"Okay! Switch it up! Just like that! Yeah!"

Damari sits down on the couch with a tired sigh and drinks her bottle of water after lots of picture taking and posing. She knew that being a model would be hard and tricky, especially Velvette bossing around aggressively. Speaking of her, Velvette just came back inside the studio, brows furrowed and pencil furiously drawing designs for her "Hell's Best Model" competition she was entering in as Damari heard the rumors from the female demons. Velvette noticed Damari and ran to her immediately.

"Hey, Damari! How'd you enjoy your job? I was wondering, how do you like the new designs, I'm thinking of entering you as my best model and I want your opinion on these designs."

Damari look at the gorgeous designs and look at Velvette in shock. Velvette makes a confused face at her and exclaims.

"What? Are they bad? They're bad aren't they, I knew they were bad. UGH, I HATE THIS SO MUCH!"

"Oh, no, no! They're good! I just never seen anything so amazing! What type of theme are you going for the competition?" Damari said, waving her hands.

Velvette's eyes widen as Damari compliment her work, then she immediately smirks at her.

"Hmmmh, ya really think they're that good, toots? As far as the theme goes, we can do any type of theme, so I have more freedom. But right now the designs I got are for a more 'Goth aesthetic'."

"Goth, huh? That sounds perfect. You can even make it more like an elegant type that screams 'Goth'."

Velvette's smirk somehow grew wider in a sly smile as Damari spoke and nodded at her ideas

"Oh, Toots you just read my mind. An elegant, yet seductive 'Goth' design. I like the idea already and I know you're gonna be absolutely perfect for it. What do you say doll? You down to be my model for the competition?"

"Sure! I can even help design those outfits!"

Velvette squeals with joy. She then puts an arm around her.

"Oh my god, you're so perfect for this and willing to help too! We're so glad to hire you! We're definitely gonna win this competition. And we're DEFINITELY going to have you looking like a literal GODDESS by the time we get that runway!"

"Goddess..." Damari sweat dropped.

Velvette lets out a scoff at her response.

"Girl, what's with that look? You're gonna be the most stunning thing that those other sinners and demons are going to be drooling over when they look at you on the runway. Trust me, you're going to be a literal goddess once we're done doll-face."


Velvette grins and smirks again at Damari's response.

"There we're talking. Now lets get to work, we got a competition to win."

Velvette grabbed Damari's wrist and dragged her to one of the many work tables in the studio.

"I got some more designs in mind, but first lemme see what ya working with. How tall are you Toots?"


Velvette smirked slightly at her and looked at her up and down for a moment.

"Tall enough. Okay, next, give me your measurements. Waist, hip, inseam and bust."

Damaro did as she was told.

Velvette jotted down the measurements.

"Perfect. You're gonna look SO good in these outfits, I can already tell."

Velvette began drawing out sketches for dresses and outfits on her sketchbook, sketching with intense passion.

"Hmmm... you gonna be okay with wearing some revealing clothing doll? Cuz it's part of the competition."

"Eh.... This is Hell, so a little revealing wouldn't hurt..." Damari said, slightly nervous. "When is the competition?"

Velvette looked at Damari and gave a slight nod at her response.

"You'll be fine, I'm not gonna have you walking down the runway completely naked, its only a little bit of skin."

Velvette chuckled at her question and checked the calender on the wall.

"The competition is in 4 months, exactly on the 15th of November, so we got plenty of time to design the outfits and get you gorgeous doll."

Damari nodded in response. Velvette smirked again.

"Okay doll, now one last question. How good are you at makeup? You're gonna need it for the competition ya know."

"Pretty good. My mom taught me how to."

Velvette beamed at her response, a gleeful look in her eyes.

"Good, good. We're already getting somewhere. Now, doll, I want you to go through the closet and find me some fabric that we can work with."

Damari nodded and headed towards the closet while excusing the designers that are working nearby. She rummaged through the closet to find anything that they could work on until she finds some good fabrics: the dark blue ones and others that could match anything that's full of elegance and gothic.

Velvette looked over Damari's finds and began to look over the material, running her hand over the fabric, testing the stretch and feel of them.

"Hmmm... these are good finds doll. A nice dark, elegant blue and some with black, they'll go well together and I can work with these. Good job."


Velvette smirked and gently patted her shoulder.

"No problem, toots. Now, why don't you sit down and take a look at the designs I got so far? You can tell me which one you like and we can make alterations from there."

"Sure." Damari said, grabbing her sketchbook that are full of designs.

As she looked at the designs, they all fit the theme of elegant and goth, some with plunging necklines, some with sheer fabric, some with lace or tight, leather designs. However the overall look was all elegant and sexy. As she wad looking, footsteps stopped by in front of her.

"Well, well, didn't expect to see you here."

Damari looked up and glowered to see her ex boyfriend Casanova, who's a white cat demon.

"You..." she growled.

"Missed me, Damari?" he smirked.

"Not a bit. Are you working here?" she said.

"Pretty much." he said with a hint of pride.

"I thought you worked at the cafe."

"Got fired. No thanks to you..." Casanova said with a glare.

"You did this to yourself. Just like what you did to me back then."

"I'm surprised to see that you're actually still alive and a human. Still stunning as ever." Casanova smirked, looking at her up and down.

"Don't. Even. Start." Damari warned with a hint of glowing eyes.

Velvette who was watching the interaction and quietly sketching on her sketchbook decided to chime in, having enough.

"Hey, cat-boy, what's the issue here?" she questioned.

Casanova immediately jumped and quickly put out a fake smile.

"N-Nothing, Miss Velvette! I'm just... welcoming my coworker..."

Damari rolled her eyes at that. Velvette placed her hand on her hip and looked at the cat with a slight glare. Clearly, she didn't believe him.

"Uhhh-huh, yeah I don't buy it cat-boy. You were glaring at the poor toots like she insulted your grandmother."

"I-I apologize! I-I was just messing around!" Casanova said.

"Don't give me that crap, cat-boy. I am NOT that gullible, we all know you were trying to pick a fight here."

Velvette walked closer and looked down (literally) at the cat, still glaring with her hands on her hips.

"Listen Cat-boy, I don't care about whatever squabble you got with my toots here, but that ends right now. You so much as throw a dirty look her way and I will tear your head off, got it?"

Velvette was definitely not in the mood to deal with this cat-boy's crap today.

"I'm sorry... It won't happen again. I'll get back to work..." Casanova said, tail coming in between his legs.

Velvette huffed and nodded, satisfied with his response. She then turned her attention to Damari as he walked away.

"Doll you okay? He didn't try anything, did he?"

"No. He's just annoying. I can't believe you would hire someone like him. He's got no talents or anything besides playing around with women." Damari said, watching him walk away like a coward.

Velvette scoffs at him as he leaves.

"Ugh, don't even remind me. I only hired him 'cause he was the only decent person who applied for the job. Can't believe you dated him, toots."

"Yeah. I was young and stupid. But enough about that. I think these designs you make could make a few changes here and there." Damari said, pointing to some certain pictures of the outfits.

Velvette hums in agreement as she takes back the sketch book and looks over her sketches, noting the changes Damari point out.

"You're right, those little alterations would make the designs even more stunning. You have a good eye for style, doll."

"Thanks." Damari said, smiling.

Velvette smiled back as she continued to make adjustments to the sketches based on her suggestions.

"Alright toots, I think these sketches look just perfect now. We'll make these dresses and outfits look even more beautiful with you modeling them."

Damari happily got to work as she started designing clothes with the help of sewing machines. While doing that, she even help other designers how to properly make an outfit that will make Velvette less harsh on their work.

Velvette was watching as Damari helped the other designers like a hawk. She was impressed with how effortlessly Damari helped the designers with their work and kept things in place. She smirked, impressed by her and decided to give her a little praise.

"You know, doll, you're really good at this. You helped those poor toots with the work and even I'm impressed with how well it turned out."

"Well, they have to learn what you expect from them along with knowing their creativity." Damari explained, showing Melissa how to design the sleeves properly.

Velvette hummed in agreement at Damari's words and smiled at Melissa's progress with her sleeve design.

"Very true, toots, you got a good head on your shoulders. I need more like you around here, it would definitely make my job easier that's for sure."

"Won't let you down." Damari said.

Velvette chuckled and smirked at her response.

"Oh I don't doubt that, doll. I don't think ya could let me down even if you tried. You're already making my life so much easier around here." she said before shouting to them. "Alright! If you're done with your work, let's get to more shooting! Bring in those outfits you've made and get to dressing!"

They nodded and the girls including Damari grabbed their outfits they've made before changing their clothes. Damari wears a casual fancy blue night outfit. They head back to the photoshooting place as Velvette make an announcement.

"I hope you all have talents because we'll be having you guys play instruments while we photoshoot you! So let's get to work!" she said, snapping her fingers.

The demon girls and Damari immediately grabbed the instruments they need and started playing while posing for the photographers.

"That's lovely! Good!" Velvette said, while instructing harshly to the photographer to get a good angle. "Do it right! I need to see them clear! Not crooked!"

She marches around the models and nods to them as flashes was made.

"Lovely! Beautiful, beautiful!" she said before heading over to Damari, who's holding a cello. "You! Look up, look up!"

Damari did as she was told as the demon photographer snaps pictures at her.

"That's good! That's lovely! Okay, now bite your lip. Like this." Velvette said, showing her biting her own lip.

"Bite my lip?" Damari questioned.

"Yeah. Like you're a piece of meat. I don't know."

Damari bit her lip as another photo was snapped a couple of times.

"That's great! Beautiful! Beautiful! Now, keep your head down and look up at the photographer while you keep your lip bit."

Damari did it as instructed as the photographer snapped more pictures at her.

"That's it! That is great!"

"Do I have to keep biting my lip?" Damari asked through her biting lip.

"Oh, no. Don't do that all the time. It'll mess up your lipstick." Velvette said, looking down at Damari's cello. "Why don't you play something? Play something. You know, anything."

Damari thinks for a moment before playing her cello for a bit and then stops as flashes from the camera was shot once again. Velvette nodded to her performance.

"That's beautiful! That's lovely. Oh, that's good. Keep playing. Just keep playing while we photoshoot you."

Damari nodded and started playing "Paint It Black".


Velvette and the others were speechless as Damari plays. Velvette gestures the photographers to keep on snapping the pictures of Damari as they did. As soon as Damari finished playing, Velvette clapped.

"Wonderful! Lovely song! Now that's perfect! Alright, everyone! Take a break! We'll be doing one more shooting!!"

"Yes, Ms. Velvette!!" everyone chorused.

After their break, everyone changed their clothes again along with their hair and makeup and are back to shooting. Damari is wearing her black gothic cathedral window lingerie style dress. 

Unfortunately, Velvette left to go grab Valentino and Vox as she had checked the time that Damari's hour is almost up and will get off. But what's worse is that she left Casanova in charge. Damari and the girls have been struggling to do a nice pose to the camera. Damari took it worse as Casanova wouldn't stop ridiculing her.

"You're not doing it right! Pose more like you're showing your body! Smile wider!" Casanova ordered rudely.

Damari rolled her eyes and glanced at the clock on the wall, wondering where Velvette is now. Casanova even touched them inappropriately to make sure they "pose" for him. Damari was one step close to murdering him. As they pose towards the snapping camera, Velvette, Valentino, and Vox finally came into the studio. Casanova sees them and grins, thinking this is his chance to show them that he's more better than Damari.

"That's nice. Remember, you are princesses not trans, yeah? I like to see your feminine energy." Casanova said to the girls before turning to the Vees.

"Is the shoot good? Did you get them right?" Velvette asked.

"Oh, yes. It's great. I have to make sure they pose properly like you said, especially Damari. She's a little... difficult." he said before turning to Damari and the girls. "Strike a pose!"

Valentino and Vox narrow their eyes at Casanova's behavior towards Damari. Velvette noticed it too as the girls look like they're sweating and a little tired as they struggled to keep their pose. Damari knew that this is too much as her arms are tired.

"Okay, I've had enough." Damari said, stopping her pose and grabbing her things.

Casanova noticed her and fake smiled.

"Damari, hey, I'm trying to create here. So can you just strike that pose? Yeah? Fucking idiot."

This made the Vees glare daggers at Casanova, who just give them a smile like it's nothing.

"Damari, don't. We need this job." Melissa whispered worriedly.

Damari ignored her and grabbed the camera from the photographer and marched towards Casanova. Casanova turns and was about to tell her off when Damari punched him across his face, causing him to fall on his back. Casanova covered his face in pain and removed his hands to see blood on it. His nose is bleeding. Damari gets on top of him on her knees.

"Let's get dirty now. Smile." she ordered.

She starts snapping pictures down at Casanova. He tried to cover his face when she smacked his hands away.

"Smile. Give me your best smile."

"Why? Fucking hell! I got blood! You--" Casanova whimpered.

Damari smacked his hands away again.


Casanova shakily smiled at the snapping camera, whimpering.

"That's better. Now be a cat as you are."

Casanova started meowing. Vox and Valentino shivered at seeing Damari's dominant side. Valentino secretly took a picture of Damari on top of bleeding Casanova with his phone.

"This just got interesting~" he smirked.

"Never seen that side of her before." Vox agreed.

"Yeah. Be a cat. Meow meow." Damari nodded.

Casanova kept meowing while doing a cute look.

"Who's a good bitch cat?"

He was about to wipe off his blood from his nose when Damari smacked his hands.

"Ow!" he whimpered.

"Keep your hands where they belong."

Casanova reluctantly did as he was told. He glanced over to see the Vees snickering at him, making him get flustered in humiliation. Damari snapped more pictures of him until she was done.

"Okay, that's a good one." she said before standing up and tossing the camera aside to the ground. "That's a wrap."

Damari then turned to the Vees.

"Velvette, am I done now?"

"Oh, yes. You are very much done. You can now work with Valentino and Vox." Velvette nodded before glaring at Casanova. "As for you, clean yourself up. You're on cleaning duty now."

Casanova couldn't believe what he was hearing and reluctantly stood up and walked away to clean out the blood from his nose. Damari packed her things and walked out of the studio with Valentino and Vox.

"So, what's my task?" she asked.

"Oh, you're going to love it. That's why I have Vox here with me to help me with something I've never done before." Valentino said, smirking.

Damari hoped it's not something gross since she's clearly heading to his porn studio.

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