《 Chapter 5: Dealing with Demons 》

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As she looks up at those dreadful crimson eyes, Damari freezes. When Alastor moves closer to her and his smile never falters, she lets out a little eep. Alastor stares back at her, acknowledging how unusual it is for him to see a human and how fascinated he is by her. Her light skin makes her appear to be easily pricked, and her smell is really enticing, making his lips thirst briefly. He might easily mutilate her alive simply by observing how weak she is and how strong her terror is. However, he simultaneously suppressed his instinctual inclination.

Because he is willing to assist with the hotel, he first doesn't want to appear unprofessional in front of Charlie and Vaggie. Secondly, he is curious about this human female. He got a good look at her and couldn't help but admire her and her attractiveness. He wanted to hurt her so much worse than just mauling her, maybe even turn her into his puppet so he could rule and claim her. He also wants to keep her alive so that he can amuse himself by becoming acquainted with her. Vaggie was worried when Alastor immediately overcame his instinct and grinned at Damari.

"What's a lovely creature like you doing here in Hell? From what I remember, you are supposed to be dead." Alastor asked.

"I... I don't know. It j-j-just ha-happened..." Damari stuttered, feeling intimidated by his presence.

"No need to be shy around me. I won't bite... much. What's your name, sweetheart?" Alastor asked, enjoying her fear.

Damari didn't want to at first, but she doesn't want to make him mad.

"I-I'm Damari... s-sir."

Alastor takes her hand, making her flinch.

"And what a beautiful name for you."

Then, he kisses it. As he pulls away, Damari couldn't help but tremble at the sensation of his lips on hers.

"And no need to be formal with me. Just treat like I'm your new friend."

Angel couldn't help but be envious of Alastor's conversational style and ability to make physical contact with her by merely resting his lips on her hand. He is capable of doing it. Vaggie runs over to Damari to defend her while once more aiming her spear at Alastor.

"That's where you keep your far distance away from her. She has nothing to do with you. She's here to help with the hotel as well, so treat her with respect and boundaries." Vaggie said firmly, glaring at him.

"Hoohoo! Don't worry. I'm sure we'll get along just fine between you and me, Damari." Alastor grinned before turning to look around the hotel.

Damari exhales in relief, feeling as though she briefly lost consciousness that Alastor approached her closely. Vaggie turns to her and puts a hand on her shoulder as she watches her anxiously.

"You alright? He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"N-No. I'm fine. Thanks, Vaggie. He just... he's really intimidating. And his aura... it's just so wrong." Damari said, gently holding Vaggie's hand.

"I know. If he's bothering you, you can talk to me and Charlie."

Damari accepted her word for it and nodded. She glances across to Charlie with a worried expression and, much to the princess' relief, gives the thumbs up that she is fine. Alastor returns their attention and pulls out his mic staff.

"Well, this just won't do! I suppose I can cash in a few favors to liven things up."

At the snap of his finger, a new fireplace has replaced the hotel's worn down one as he approaches it and picks up the mysterious figure covered in soot, which then opens its eye and stares at the four behind him. The figure poofs off the soot from their body to reveal a small one-eyed demon, akin to a cyclops that remind Damari of that cat KeeKee.

Her one large eye has a hot pink and yellow sclera with a light yellow iris, and a black pupil. She also has a single eyebrow and white skin. She has short pink hair with a yellow highlight. Her teeth are sharp and light yellow, and she has small pink dots at each corners of her mouth, evocative of dimples.

Her attire is that of a red 1950's maid dress and a white apron over it with three dripping splotches. She wears a dark red neckerchief. She has small, pointed limbs with her arms being black and her legs colored dark red.

"This little darling is Niffty!" Alastor introduced.

Niffty drops to the floor, unaffected and waves.

"Hi, I'm Niffty! It's nice to meet you! It's been a while since I've made new friends!" she said, eyeing the four. "Why're you all women?"

Niffty lifts Charlie with no effort, surprising the group while Vaggie immediately points her spear at Niffty.

"Are there any men here?!"she asked, looking at the ground before putting Charlie down. "I'm sorry, that's rude."

Niffty looks at Damari and gasps.

"A human?!"

She jumps up to her and cups her face, making Damari yelp.

"OMG! I've never met a human before! You look so pretty! What's your secret? I like your outfit! Oh, have you ever kill anyone?" Niffty asked, while smiling darkly at the end of her question.

"N-Not that I recall, no. And thanks... As for my secret, I guess it comes... naturally?" Damari replied through her mushed cheeks that are squeezed by Niffty.

"Ohh! We're so going to get along so well!" Niffty smiled, jumping off of Damari and looking around. "Oooh, man! This place is filthy! It really needs a lady's touch!"

She goes around and grabs a spider and crushes it.

"Which is weird because you're all ladies, no offense."

She stares somewhere as she takes out a feather duster.

"Oh, my gosh! This is awful!"

She then speed cleans throughout the hotel.

"Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope!"

Niffty spots a cockroach and stabs it with a sewing pin.


The five stare at Niffty as a voice coming from an unknown demon can be heard nearby. They turn to see an anthropomorphic avian cat demon. His look is evocative of a magician, paired with a casino referencing playing-card theme.

The sclera of his eyes are black, with yellow irises and slitted pupils. He has long, red eyebrows with black vertical stripes near the tips, and a small black heart above each eyebrow. His fur is taupe-colored, overlayed with white on his face, torso, feet, and upper arms. The insides of his ears are white with a red tip at the point and red heart in the center. A black tuff of fluff protrudes from each, creating the appearance of small hearts.

He has a darker shade of taupe encircling his ankles, mimicking spats. His tail is taupe and long, ending with a large spray of "plume-like" fur or feathers, which are dark pink with black and white stripes. He has yellow-orange hearts underneath the paws on his hands.

His wings are large and red, with dark taupe on the undersides. The undersides of his wings are decorated with black stripes which feature red and white roulette wheel dot markings. His outside of his wings are decorated with more black stripes, which wrap around the joints and run around a row of white roulette wheel dots.

He accessorizes with a black top hat with a red hatband and a golden button-like decoration, as well as a red bowtie and black suspenders over his shoulders. The cat demon lays his card down the table as he grins at the gamblers.

"Hah! Read 'em and weep, boys! Full Ho—"

He stops to see demonic illusions and voices distort the surroundings temporarily.

"—tel? What the fuck is this?"

He looks around and spots Alastor, eliciting an angry purr as he points at him.

"You!" he sneered.

"Ah, Husker, my good friend! Glad you could make it!" Alastor smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Husk is his correct name as he moves his hand away and points at him again.

"Don't you 'Husker' me, you son of a bitch! I was about to win the whole damn pot!" he yelled, pointing to the jackpot until it disappears into nothingness.

This made Damari wish she has that kind of attitude from Husk towards Alastor if she wasn't so afraid of him.

"Good to see you too!" Alastor said, unfazed with his retort.

Husk facepalms angrily with a loud smack.

"What the hell do you want with me this time...?"

Alastor wraps his arm around Husk, making him drop out a few cards.

"My friend, I am doing some charity work so I took it upon myself to volunteer your services! I hope that's okay!" he explained.

"Are you shittin' me?!" Husk exclaimed in disbelief.

"Hmm... No, I don't think so!" Alastor said, squeezing him a bit.

Husk shoves Alastor off as his wings flair out.

"You thought it'd be some kind of big fucking riot just to pull me out of nowhere?!"he glared as Alastor is dusting himself off. "You think I'm some kind of fucking clown?!"

Alastor grins as if he's about to laugh, but decides not to.


Husk crosses his arms.

"I ain't doing no fucking charity job."

Alastor teleports behind him through his shadow.

"Well, I figured you would be the perfect face to man the front desk of this fine establishment!"

He gestures towards the bar he made out of his magic. Alastor then pulls Husk's lips into a forced smile, which Husk pulls it back down into his frown.

"With your charming smile and welcoming energy, this job was made for you! Don't worry my friend..."

He walks over to the bar, revealing the soles of his shoes to have deer prints.

"I can make this more welcoming! ...If you wish."

He then makes a bottle of "Cheap Booze" appear out of nowhere. Husk stares at the booze for a second, contemplating before facing Alastor.

"What? You think you can buy me with a wink and some cheap booze?!" he asked, approaching Alastor before grabbing the booze and looking at it. "...Well, you can!"

Husk then downs the booze. Vaggie was not up for it as she turns to the group.

"Hey, hey! Hey, hey, hey! No! No bar, no alcohol! This is supposed to be a place that discourages sin! Not some kind of mouth...brothel...man cave!"

Angel Dust suddenly launches himself at Vaggie.

"SHUT UP! SHUT! UP! We are keeping this!" he said firmly, pointing to the bar with all his finger.

Angel then comes up to Husk and starts flirting with him.


Husk turns himself away in disgust.

"Go fuck yourself."

Angel grins and holds Husk's face.

"Only if you watch me!"

Husk gets even more disgusted and annoyed while Damari couldn't help but cringe at Angel's dirty flirting. Charlie comes up to Husk, looking ecstatic.

"Oh, my gosh! Welcome to The Happy Hotel! You are going to love it here!" she said, trying to go for a handshake.

Husk reaches for his booze, looking uninterested.

"I lost the ability to love years ago." he said, continuing to down his booze.

Damari became worried about Husk's romantic life as a result of this. Husk turns when he senses someone staring at him and spits out as he appears shocked to see Damari.

"Alastor... You never told me that there's a human here?!" Husk exclaimed, pointing at her.

"Hehe... Hello there. I'm Damari." Damari smiled nervously, waving at him.

"A lovely one she is! She is going to be helping the hotel as well." Alastor said, wrapping his arm around her.

Uncomfortable, Damari gently removes his hand from her.

"Y-Yeah, what he said. And it's a long story if you're wondering how I got here. But I look forward to working with you, Husker." Damari said with a smile.

Alastor chuckles at the moniker he gave Husk, who momentarily displays annoyance. As he looks at Damari up and down, Husk temporarily calms down.

"It's Husk. And sure." Husk said, glancing away.

Damari thought she caught him blushing. She had no idea that Husk had been startled to encounter a human and had been captivated by her and her presence.

"So, whaddaya think?" Alastor asked Charlie.

"This is amazing!" Charlie squealed, rubbing her cheeks excitedly.

"It's... okay." Vaggie flatly said with crossed arms.

"I think it's a good work in progress." Damari admitted.

Alastor grins and reels the three towards him.

"Hahaha! This is going to be very entertaining!"

He then lets go of Vaggie and summons a fireball, launching it to the hotel ceiling just so he could distract Charlie and Damari fast enough for him to shove Vaggie away. He dresses himself in a tux and matching top hat.


♫ You have a dream!

Alastor twirls Charlie and dresses her up and does the same with Damari, much to her surprise.

You wish to tell!

He turns to Vaggie who's now on the floor, whose face is red with pure anger.

 And it's just laughable

He turns back to Charlie and Damari and tosses Charlie mid-air, taking Damari by the hand.

But, hey, kid, what the hell? ♫

The background behind Charlie changes to neon colored lights featuring two apples and a skull. Alastor summons a cushion for Charlie to land on as he and Damari both tap dance together and the two slide down the railing of the stairs with Charlie following them.

♫'Cause you're one-of-a-kind! A charming demon belle!♫

♫ Now, let's give these burning fools a place to dwell!

Alastor then dresses up the rest of the hotel staff.

Take it, boys!♫

Shadow demons appear from the floorboards and begin playing their instruments as Vaggie tries to talk to Charlie who is having too much fun. Damari feels herself dizzy for a bit as Alastor pulls her in with him and the others as his shadow demons surround them.

"Boo!" Shadow Demons said.

♫ Haha! Inside of every demon is a lost cause!

He puts a fedora on Angel's head as he snaps his fingers back at Alastor with Husk giving Alasotr a middle finger. Alastor goes over to Vaggie and adds a hat and fur coat on her and then slaps Vaggie's butt, making her angry.

But we'll dress 'em up for now, with just a smile!♫

(♫ With a smile! ♫)

♫ And we'll chlorinate this cesspool with some old redemption flair!

Alastor kicks off skull which Niffty rushes in and cleans off.

And show these simpletons some proper class and style!♫

He then summons a shadow clone of himself as his shadow demons sing again.

(♫ Class and style! ♫)

Alastor snaps away his shadow after as he goes over to Charlie and pinches her cheeks.

♫Oh! Here below the ground, I'm sure your plan is sound!

He approaches Damari, who's next to Charlie, and holds hands with her as they both twirl.

They'll spend a little time, down at this Hazbin Ho—

The hotel door explodes, knocking Niffty off as Charlie, Alastor, Angel Dust, Damari, and Vaggie look outside. There standing before them is Sir Pentious' war ship outside the hotel. Sir Pentious pops his head out of the window and grins evilly.

"Hah! Well, well, well. Look who it is harboring the striped freak! We meet yet again, Alastor!"

"Do I know you?" Alastor asked, tilting his head.

As Sir Pentious' ego shrank, Angel grinned amusingly. Damari couldn't help but chuckle at the malicious burn Alastor unintentionally caused. Sir Pentious hears the laughter and hisses as he turns to look at Damari.

"You!!" he sneered.

Damari freezes and smiles nervously.

"Hehehe... Hi... No hard feelings, right?" she asked.

Sir Pentious just glares at her and then turns attention to Alastor, his hood flaring open.

"Oh, yes you do! And this time, I have the element of—"

He then pulls a lever, releasing a big cannon to their faces.

"SURPRISE! Ahaha! I'm so evil!"

With a snap of a finger, an otherworldly dimensional portal opens with tentacles and shadow demons emerging from it, destroying Sir Pentious' ship while he is inside. Alastor can then be seen finishing it off as he clenches his fist with a few drops of blood dripping off his hand. Alastor is then shown grinning menacingly in satisfaction for a moment as the others look at him in shock and horror. Damari was glad that she's on his good side, for now. She just prays he doesn't do anything to her. Alastor turns to the group, turning back to his happy self and breaking the tension.

"...Well, I'm starved! Who wants some Jambalaya? My mother once showed me a wonderful recipe for Jambalaya. In fact, it nearly killed her! Hahaha!" he said, heading back to the hotel.

Niffty happily follows him next as the rest follows after. Angel turns and blows a kiss at Husk, making him freeze in disgust before walking back after. Charlie turns to Vaggie excitedly at what the future is going to hold for them. Vaggie gives her a small smile before frowning worriedly once Charlie turns back to follow Alastor. She later follows as well with Damari staring at the place around in Hell for a moment and then walking after the group.

"You could say the kick was right out of Hell! Ohoho, I'm on a roll! Yes, sir! This is the start of some real changes down here! The game is set! Now..."

Alastor uses his magic to change the sign atop the hotel from "Happy Hotel" to "Hazbin Hotel".

"...Stay tuned. Hahaha...!" he said sinisterly.


Following the jambalaya dinner, Damari is now in the room that Charlie and Vaggie chose for her after assuring her that she wouldn't have to pay rent and that the place was free. She may be seen lying on her bed in her new unicorn-adorned pajamas that Charlie brought out for her. Damari doesn't seem to mind them as she cuddles her Coraline doll and stares up at the ceiling. She turns when she hears a knock on the door and sees Charlie standing there.

"Hey! Gettin' comfy?" she asked, walking out with some clothes. "Brought some other more clothes in case you need them. I'm too old for these. O-oh, except for this one. Oh, and this one. Oops, this one too. Sorry. This one as well. I'm glad you're livin' with us, Damari."

"Yeah. Me too, Charlie." Damari smiled.

"Tomorrow is going to be a big day. I can feel it." Charlie said, smiling back. "Good night. Sleep tight."

She then closes the door behind her with the clothes that she's going to keep. Damari giggles and then grabs her backpack, taking out a black music box and blows on it. She grabs a hold of the cover and closes her eyes.

"Come on, come on!"

She then opens it. Nothing happens. Damari opens her eyes and sees it to no avail. She then closes and opens it three times more and sighs.

"Looks like I'm going be here for a while."

When she hears her phone vibrate, she takes it out of her bag to find texts from her friends Marceline and Bonnie asking her where she has been and expressing concern for her. She considered telling them all that had occurred, but ultimately decided against it. Damari is unsure if she could and concerned that they will believe she is insane, especially if she tells her parents. She wants them to stop worrying. She simply informed them that she was OK and would be busy due to an unforeseen circumstance.

She moves approaching the door and opens it, revealing a balcony from which she can observe the city of Pentagram while sighing. Damari has a dejected expression as she considers her Earthly friends and parents. A brief peek reveals her friends and family grinning and showing her love and attention. She closes her eyes, draws a deep breath, and begins to sing.


Charlie hears Damari singing and gently enters her door to discover her on the balcony with Vaggie behind her. Charlie and Vaggie tears up as they listen to Damari sing through her suffering and anxiety the entire time.

Damari returns to her bed after singing, lies down, and cuddles her Coraline doll as she drifts off to sleep. As Vaggie consoled her as they left her room, Charlie watched her wipe a tear and discreetly close a door. They're committed to finding a means to return her to her family.


Meanwhile, outside of the hotel, Sir Pentious is revealed to have survived the beating served by Alastor along with Egg Boi #23 as he crawls out of the hole that was made.

"Now will you shoot me with your ray gun?" Egg Boi #23 asked.

Without a word, Sir Pentious just collapses of exhaustion.

Somewhere else, in the porn studio, a tall, slender moth demon with greyish-lavender skin and cerise-pink eyes, over which he is always depicted wearing gold-rimmed heart-shaped sunglasses with cerise-pink lenses. He has a wide mouth full of sharp, red colored, pointed teeth, and possesses a single golden fang that sits to his far left of center.

His stature is tall, estimated to be around 10 feet, which he emphasizes with long black heeled boots. He wears a floor-length vivid-red coat, which features a white fur trim at the wrists, as well as black and white striped fur trim down the coat center-front to the bottom hem. A large fluffy white 'collar' decorated with small red love-hearts is wrapped around his neck - this plumes up from his coat's break-line, although it is unclear whether this collar is attached to his body or the coat. His coat is pinned with a gold chain and gold love-heart shaped broach fastenings at the breast.

He accessorizes with a matching vivid-red top hat, that has a wide, asymmetrical zebra-print hat-band. Two appendages sprout from the band of the hat: on his left, one black spiked antennae, and on his right, what appears to be a large black and white striped feather.

He's right now smoking a cigarette as he puffs out a red smoke. A knock was heard and the door opened and he turned to see a slim, technology-themed demon, standing at approximately 7 feet with a flat-screen TV for a head. The monitor projects two eyes with red sclera and light blue pupils, the outline and wrinkles of his left eye being cyan, and a mouth with sharp teeth that glows light blue.

His skin is dark grey and his fingers are light blue from the second knuckle. He wears a dark blue tuxedo with lighter stripes and a black and red striped shirt. He has a red bow tie and a light blue undershirt with an upside-down broadcast symbol. On his head, he wears a black top hat with red and blue designs reminiscent of a broadcast symbol and radio wave symbol, respectively. His TV antennae stick out the top of the hat, the right one bent into a zigzag.

"Vox, what brings you here?" he asked.

"Well, Valentino, there's something... you should see." Vox said with a grin.

Vox moves closer to the TV screen and places his hand against it while Valentino arches an eyebrow. After a brief period of glitching, the screen displays the news report about Angel and Cherri's clash with Sir Pentious. Only when it stops at something that attracts his attention does Valentino realize where this is going. There stood Damari, brandishing a revolver and appearing attentive and on guard.

"A human..." Valentino voiced.

"In the flesh. She's a beauty, isn't she? So perfect." Vox said, purring at Damari and tracing her face.

"Yes, indeed she is." Valentino grinned.

He was charmed by the human girl's attractiveness when he got a better look at her. She appeared delicate, but cat has claws because that's how he views her. He is shivering with lust over her body and expression given that he believes she is a virgin. She may be a cat, but cats can be easily controlled and domesticated. Vox was contemplating the same thing, and they both grinned nefariously.

"What are we going to do with her? Shall we find her?" Vox asked, placing his hands behind his back and walking around.

Valentino holds up his smoking red cigarette with a thoughtful grin.

"Not yet. In times, we'll have her. It looks like Angel Cakes found himself a new toy." he chuckled darkly. "For now, let's wait and see what that human girl is doing before we strike."

"Of course, Valentino." Vox nodded, looking at Damari's face on TV screen once more.

Valentino grazes her cheek on the screen.

"I can't wait to ruin you, kitty~"

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