《 Chapter 6: Renovating the Hotel 》

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Damari's window is creaking and open, as the wind howls. Damaei breathes deeply and rolls over.

Damari finds herself in a forest in her dream, and she notices something at the edge of the trees. This weird white and pinkish pony has a cutiemark on the side of the butt and forehead that resembles a skull. When the pony sees her, it turns and bolts.

"Whoa! Wait!"

Damari follows an enigmatic pony. She stops as they go to a thrift store she used to go often, but the pony keeps going inside even though it appears to be abandoned. Damari looks intently at the shop. Damari sprints in, steeling her anxieties. The front door crashes behind her, and when she looks through the windows and roof openings, the whole interior shines. Suddenly, she finds herself facing Charlie, the first time she entered Hell. Charlie smiles at her.

"Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!" she said.

When Damari encounters numerous terrifying demons in Hell, she gasps when one of them jumps out at her. With a gasp, Damari finally awakens and scans the room.

"It wasn't a dream..." Damari muttered, then gasped in horrifying realization. "It wasn't a dream!!"

She runs over to the balcony doors and opens them to see that she's still in Pentagram City, Hell.

"Good morning, terrifying underworld..."

People scream as fires rage across the city are the responses she receives. The sight makes her frown, and she shuts the doors. She glances about her chamber once again and recognizes the familiar sleeping cyclopean cat.


KeeKee wakes up, blinking one eye. She sees her and gets up, smiling at her while stretching.

"Oh my God! KeeKee!!"

Damari runs up to her, grabs her, and hugs her.

"You're okay!"

She holds up the cat and then remembers something.

"Wait a minute. You were the reason I'm down here in the first place! You knew about the box! Why did you bring me here? Do you know what trouble I have to go through?" Damari said, glaring at cyclopean cat.

KeeKee smiles sheepishly and licks her nose. Damari sighs, knowing she can't stay mad at her. She hugs her again.

"Good morning, you little cutie-pie."

She puts her back down on her bed after giving KeeKee a quick kiss on the head. KeeKee observes her while Damari goes through the drawers to see if there are any more clothing she can wear because the one she wore yesterday is in a hamper. She was going to the restroom when she noticed folded clothing on the table, sighing. She doesn't recall seeing it. When Damari approaches it, she finds a note beside it.

Hey Damari,

I noticed you lack some clothes and thought I'd give you Cherri's old clothes she won't be wearing. Don't worry. She doesn't mind and I already let her know that. Hope this fits you.

♡ Angel Dust

P S. I might have snuck into your room and picked the lock while you were sleeping. Sorry :p

Damari chuckles, picks up the clothing, and goes to the restroom. After a little while, she exits and compliments on Cherri's attire.

"How do I look, KeeKee?" Damari asked, twirling herself around.

KeeKee nods and goes back to sleep. After that, Damari turns to leave the room and moves toward the door. She glances down the corridor for a moment before turning to go to the stairs. Damari notices that everyone is still asleep and she's alone. She goes to the kitchen, opens the pantry, and is relieved to see that their coffee is just regular. She grabs some vanilla creamer to add before starting to make it.

"Well, good morning, my dear!" a radio voice greeted.


Damari jumped and turned to see Alastor grinning at her.

"G-Good morning, Alastor."

"Mind if I keep you company? I could use some coffee too." he offered.

Although Damari wanted to refuse him, she grudgingly gives in since she doesn't want to enrage him and is aware of how strong of a demon he is.


When she's done, Damari returns to the coffee pot, adding vanilla creamer and dividing the coffee into two cups. Alastor accepts a cup that she presents him with pleasure. After taking a seat, the two enjoy their own coffee. There is an uncomfortable silence between them. Damari tries not to stare at him as she holds the cup to her lips. Alastor is merely lounging and giving her an intimidating look while maintaining a serene smile. It's time for Damari to break this stillness because it is becoming unbearable.

"So... What's your hobby?" she asked.

Alastor gives a chuckle.

"I'm glad you asked. I love to do radio broadcasting as you can see that I am a radio demon after all. But mostly I enjoy causing chaos... and hearing people screaming..." he finished in a sadistic manner as the room around them darkened.

Damari laughs awkwardly, regretting ever asking him that. She quickly clears her throat.

"That's... lovely. I actually love listening on the radio whenever I'm on my bike or on the weekend reading books." she said.

Alastor grins, feeling prideful at hearing that.

"Oh, really? Tell me, is radio still popular in your human world?"

"Pretty much more than watching TVs." Damari nodded.

"That's good to hear." Alastor said, grinning wider like he had won.

Just then, footsteps were heard and they glanced over to see Charlie and Vaggie coming in.

"Oh, hi! Good morning, Damari, Alastor!" Charlie waved. "I see you guys are getting along well."

"A little too well..." Vaggie said, glaring suspiciously at Alastor.

"Yeah, surprisingly we are. I was just telling him about my hobby." Damari said, defending him.

"And we have pretty much something in common, I would say." Alastor said.

"How're you doing in your first night in Hell?" Charlie asked her.

Damari recalls her dreams and shakes her head and smiles.

"I slept well."

"That's good to hear." Vaggie sighed in relief.

Damari glances around the place and notice that most of the hotel is still incomplete.

"We should renovate it. This place doesn't appear... welcoming..." she suggested.

Charlie looks around and realizes.

"Oh, yeah. You're right. We do need to put some decoration to this hotel if we're ever going to invite those sinners here."

"I agree. We need to get to working." Vaggie nodded.

On cue, Angel, Niffty, and Husk are coming down from the stairs.

"Good! You guys are awake. We could use your help." Damari said.

After the three of them tipped their heads, not quite understanding what she meant, they all began cleaning. While Niffty begins sweeping and cleaning cobwebs, Damari starts her mission by giving the floor a thorough mop to make it glitter.

Then, when Damari starts to take a bulky garbage bag from the hotel to the closest trash can, the bag bursts open and spills out right in front of her. Frustrated, she starts tossing the trash in herself, only to have the trash can transform into a monstrous being that starts to pursue Damari. As they sprint back and forth, Angel Dust and Charlie try to assist her in stopping the thing from pursuing her, while Alastor, Husk, Vaggie, and Niffty watch from the door.

"I knew about that garbage monster." Alastor chuckled.

"And you didn't tell Damari?" Vaggie glared.

"It's part of entertainment. Besides, I think she can handle herself just fine."

After battling the garbage creature, Damari is getting ready to clean all of the soiled bowls and dishes next to the sink. However, she finds it difficult to move around while attempting to free the hose, which is stuck in some way. Eventually, she succeeds in freeing it, but she knocks into the dirty silverware stack in the process. Husk and Niffty arrive just in time to prevent the pile from toppling over and seize a plate and an additional hose before it falls on Damari. Husk throws the plate up, but Damari and Niffty shoot at it, getting it into a dry rack nearby as Damari smiles at them.

Ultimately, the hotel environment is seen to be completely transformed from how it seemed the day before, with Damari and the crew shining, dusting, and spraying every last piece of dirt and dust out of the rooms and everywhere.

"I gotta hand it to you, Damari. This place looks great. Those sinners are gonna be blown away." Charlie said.

"Blown away? Ha!" Damari scoffed, surprising them. "No. All we've done is mop the floors, improved the hotel and food, and cleaned some dishes. This place is still a house of broken dreams."

She opens a window to look at the exterior, as the arrow sign falls and crashes to the ground.

"Harsh, but on point." Charlie said.

"What ideas do you have in mind, my dear?" Alastor asked.

"If we're gonna impress the sinners, we've got a lot more work to do. We need a complete and total transformation." Damari explained.

"And how do we do that?" Husk asked, raising his eyebrow.

"I'm glad you asked."

Damari puts a full drawn picture of a new, improved Hazbin Hotel.

Everyone looks down at it in awe.

"Whoa! You made all of this?" Charlie gasped.

"That's pretty impressive of your drawing." Vaggie nodded.

"Thanks. I've been up a little late to figure out a way to renovate this place." Damari smiled.

"Oh? Is that a radio station?" Alastor asked excitedly, pointing to the picture.

"Yep. I figured you would need it if we're going to get their attention to have them come to our hotel."

"And what's with that pirate ship?" Vaggie asked.

"I just thought it might be cool. Plus it has a cruise nest, where that's when you get in for you to keep an eye on anything. For extra security." Damari explained.

"Good point. I'll take it."

"And what's with that smiling face on the other side of the hotel?" Angel asked.

"Oh, that? I'm not sure. It's a blimp, which I'm still thinking of where to get that."

"That's great. But what about the inside?" Charlie asked.

"I got that covered."

Damari then puts blueprints on a table and rolls it out.


"Ohh. Looks like I'm going need more of my little helpers for this." Alastor said, summoning his voodoo minions.

"You guys ready for this?" Damari asked.

"Born ready, baby." Angel grinned, pulling out a hammer.

And so, for the rest of the night, the group spent it hammering away and completely changing Hazbin Hotel, until it would become unrecognizable. By the next day, they're seen looking at their new hotel.

"This place is perfect! Those sinners are so going to love it here!" Charlie exclaimed in happiness.

"And it's all thanks to you." Vaggie smiled at Damari.

"I'm glad I could help." Damari said, smiling at the brand new hotel.

"Can we go inside? I'm tired from all that working and cleaning." Angel said, stretching his limbs.

"Of course. Let's all take a break and I'll figure out how to get those sinners inside." Charlie nodded.

Everyone then went inside to do their own thing. Damari feels her neck parched and heads over to the bar where she sees Husk cleaning the bottles.

"Hey, Husk."

Husk stops cleaning and hums in reply.

"May I have a cup of ice water?"

Husk sighs and stoops to pick up an object. When he stands up, he gives her a bottle of vodka rather than the water she requested. Damari looks up at him after gawking at it for a while in shock.

"Um... Husk. I ask for a water not a... liquor."

Suddenly, Husk looks up and glares at her.

"I don't careeee...! I just wanted to win a jackpot, but thanks to Alastor, I didn't win it and I was so close!!" he ranted.

Damari takes notice that he appears drunk and realizes he must have been drinking a lot while they were working on renovating the hotel.

"Uh... I'm sorry to hear that. But Husk, you're drunk. Maybe I should—"

"But then I realized that I have already won a jackpot...!" Husk said, slurring.

"And what's that?" Damari tilted her head in curiosity.

Husk suddenly leans closer to her, causing her flinch.


Then he collapses, hitting his face on the counter. Damari's expression grew red. She was not prepared for that. Then, with an awkward posture, she walks around the counter, picks up a bottle of water, and pours it into a cup before adding ice. Damari sighs with relief after taking a large gulp of it. She fills a new cup with water and continues to drink until the ice melts. She sighs as she looks down at the unconscious Husk. Damari returns to her room to retrieve an item from her backpack before descending again.

She fills a new cup with water, places it next to Husk, and turns to leave. Husk groans as he glances about after waking up a few minutes later. He spots some painkillers with a note next to him, along with a cup of water. He takes it and begins to read.

Hi Husk,

The worst part of drinking is the hangover, so these pills should help. Please take care of yourself.

From, Damari

P.S. You should really be careful of what you say. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone

Husk took the pills before taking a sip of water, blushing at the thoughtful gesture. He started to remember what she meant when he realized what he had said. He then slammed his face back down against the counter with a sigh.

Damari settles into a reclining position on the couch. She is greeted by Angel, who is seated on the chair, upon noticing her.

"Hey, Damari. I see Cherri's outfit fits you."

Damari looks at him and smiles.

"Hey, Angel. Thanks for the clothes by the way. I appreciate it."

"Yeah, no problem. I'd say you're looking good." he said, giving her thumbs up.

"Hehe..." she chuckled. "So, what's your life like in Hell? What's your hobby?"

"Well, I'm glad you asked. Hell is... kinda normal and full of shit. As for my hobby... well..." Angel started, smirking.

This made Damari realize a bit too late that she made a mistake of asking him when she only wanted to get to know him.

"As you know, I'm a famous pornstar and boy, do I love getting... knocked down." he said, looking horny.

Having to listen to his sex life story, she didn't like the direction this was going. His attention to every detail caused her to pass out in her chair and let her soul spill forth. Damari gets back up as soon as Niffty, who just so happens to be around, shoves her soul back into her mouth. But Angel was far from done talking; his somewhat embarrassed expression continued as he talked and talked about how wonderful sex is. She started to pass out repeatedly as a result, and Niffty kept trying to revive her.

Before they knew it, the conversation had come to an end, and Charlie and Vaggie were entering with a tray full of drinks and snacks.

"What's going on here?" Charlie questioned.

Husk, enraged, was seen choking Angel. Husk seemed to become enraged after seeing the entire scene.

"Why'd you have to traumatize her like that?!" Husk demanded, tightening his grip.

"Come on! It was just a story!" Angel choked out.

"A sex story that she clearly didn't want to hear about!!"

Speaking about Damari, Charlie and Vaggie witness her turning to face the wall and repeatedly hitting her head against it while Niffty tries to stop her and soothe her.

"No way. No way, ever..." she ranted, banging her head again.

"Damari!!" Niffty shrieked.

"Angel, what did you just tell her?" Vaggie demanded, getting mad.

"About my sex life...!" Angel choked out.

"WHAT?!" Charlie and Vaggie exclaimed in shock.

"Are you insane?! You just broke Damari! She's a Christian for Christ sakes!" Vaggie shouted.

"Yeah, that's not right! Damari, please stop hitting yourself! You're gonna get a bruise!" Charlie said, coming over to pull Damari away from the wall.

"Husk, release him. I'm sure he already learned his lesson." Vaggie said.

Husk lets Angel go with a grunt. Damari was calm now, although she seems flustered, and Angel gasps for breath.

"Angel, please apologize to Damari." Charlie scolded him.

Angel looks at the embarrassed Damari and sighs.

"I'm sorry, Damari. I know you just wanted to get to know me and I... probably got carried away and I wanted to mess you around."

"I-It's alright, Angel. Honestly, I should've seen this one coming." Damari nodded.

Vaggie sighs.

"Damari, from now on, cover your ears if you hear anything that makes you uncomfortable."

"Got it."

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