Dream Demon

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(Copied and pasted from my message board)

Bruh, I dreamed I killed a demon last night.

Apparently I had ran into him twice before, so he greeted me and told me "no funny business" basically, and started to play a game of life risking chess with other people. When it was my turn, I had grabbed a small 1 off of this toy set thing (no idea why a 1), and started to play with him.

Eventually, something happened (I think one of us cheated?) and we got into a fight, and I was able to stab him and hold him still long enough for me to pop the 1 in his mouth and kill him. Right after that my alarm went off, but it hands down one of the best dreams I remember... I have no idea what started it though.

What freaked me out more was that I normally know when I'm dreaming, and I recognized I was dreaming and tried to change it, only for it to go back and the demon going, "actually, it's my world tonight"

Yeah, I was legitimately scared when I woke up, mostly because shortly after I got up, we learned my uncle passed away from covid right around the time I woke up after killing it (around 7), and it just felt really off putting

Justa asked what it looked like, and honestly, I wanted to draw it because it just... unnerved me

It was weird because it was like it had a really triangular head, with some kind of crest thing, and drawing it was weird.

So, here it is

For the life of me I couldn't draw the spines or fur this thing had, but it had them too

Idk anymore, I remember someone shouting it's name but I can't remember what it was, 'M' something

I would say hope you enjoyed, but rn, I don't think anyone is going to enjoy this

Take care

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