Mothtail AU

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Aka, if De had the guts to do Sin Commands

So, basically, I took Mothtail's original story of him being emotionally and mentally abused and being manipulated into becoming a servant to his brother, and cranked it up a few notches.
Note, I own only Mothtail and Sweetfur, and this is an AU, so it's just my little spin on things. I know Hickory might not be evil or anything, but because of his description and blatantly choosing Milkweed over Moth, I came up with this idea. I'm not saying to attack Ally what so ever, they are an amazing writer and person, so please, please, please, don't attack them for this.

I'm also not in the SS discord, so I have no idea what most of the cats are like, so these are just what I think they act like.

Trigger warning, there is a lot of blood!

With that out of the way, onto the doodles!

One day, Mothtail finally decided to stand up against Hickorylight after giving into Charaxwing's and Monarchbreaker's telling him to.

Hickorylight didn't like this what so ever, and as a reminder Mothtail was just a mindless servant, he attacked him and gave him a large scar on his chest, but while doing so, accidentally knocked Mothtail's head on a rock and giving him a small bit of brain damage.

The Myrtles were able to save him before he could bleed out, but because of the new trauma inflicted by being attacked for actually trying to be himself, he started to grow paranoid of it happening again, eventually gaining PTSD as before, Hickorylight never physical attacked him.
It began to grow out of control, and eventually, Mothtail started to get voices in his head that started to make him go insane. Between the attack and voices that sounded exactly like his tribemates, he started to lose himself.

During one of Hickorylight's many 'reminder' speeches to him, he took a quick step forward and triggered Mothtail's new PTSD. Thinking he was being attacked again, Mothtail defended himself and accidentally killed Hickorylight.

The tribe quickly learned about this, and Nutmegstep became the new Pharaoh.

At first, the tribe agreed on just executing Mothtail, but Milkweedsong, not wanting to see his unstable brother die for something he knew would probably happen one day, suggested they exile him.

Nutmeglight agreed to it, though was very reluctant about it, and exiled Mothtail from the tribe.

He began to wander the desert by himself, with the only thing keeping him company was the voices in his head.

Occasionally, he would be spotted by patrols, but he just watches from afar and doesn't come near the camp.


There we go, an Insane Mothtail AU! I know it's not my best short story thing, but I hope this is at least a little decent.

I'm currently working on an animation meme with Mothtail too, and I'm almost done with it, so get ready for that to hopefully come soon.

If any of the SS team wants me to take this down for good reason (Ally is upset about it, they are upset about it, ect.) I'll take it down without a fight.

Anyways, hope you all enjoyed!

Take care!

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