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I normally never do these, but fine JustaKidwithStories, I'll do your little challenge

Guess I gotta tag people too


Anyone else who wants to join, feel free to do so!


Yes, my boyfriend and I was made to break up by my (and I think his too) parents. I still like him and we occasionally talk sometimes.

Middle Name

Is uh.. this even safe to put on the Internet?

Shoe Size

7 ish I think

Eye Color

Dark brown, but it's kinda cool cause depending on the lighting, they look like a russet color

Last Time I Cried

... when I thought my dad was going to die from his internal bleeding

Biggest Fear

Being in pain, dying, people randomly coming up and touching me, being cornered, and dogs cause I got bit by one, and feet, they freak me out, stop-- just wear shoes and socks-

Last Song I Listened To

Bottom of the River

Last Person I Texted

Blue, if I remember right

Relationship Status

Taking a break, but I hope as soon as I can leave home me and him can get back together. Like I told my mom, he was my first friend at school, my crush for four or five years, my date (at the time, friend) to prom, I'm not going to just 'move on' as quickly as people are telling me to. If he doesn't want to, that's fine, I respect him and his choices.

Fav Sports Team

I don't like sports, too sweaty-

Fav Color

Black, blue, and green, sometimes light gray

Best Friend

... don't make me choose please-

Fav Celebrity

I don't really keep up with celebrities, but uh... frick, I don't know, Markimoo and Eef

Any Scars

Buckle up folks-

Dog bite behind my thigh, burn scar underneath the top of my thumb, top of my middle finger, above my knee where a pencil was jammed into it, multiple small scars from my PK from when mom picked at them despite me telling her to stop, and finally a small scar from where I hit my lower jaw, not once, but twice in the same spot. One time from camp and I had to reset my jaw myself, and when I feel down the stairs

Kissed Anybody


Someone I Hate

Don't get me started-


Ever Done Drugs?

Heaven's no, the only highs I have received are high fives and friendship highs


5'3" maybe

Am I Happy RN?

Eh, not really

Do I Drink?

Mountain Dew, yes

Last Thing I Bought

*intense thinking noises* I think it was glow in the dark fabric paint for Amee's jacket

Last Thing I Ate

Sloppy Joe's, but I have to wait for it to get soggy cause I got feelings in and now can't chew anything

Day or Night?

Evening rn, but as it what I like better, night. I get to be by myself, read fanfic, what YouTube, and animate. Can't do any of that stuff during the day -_-

Fav Lyrics

"No fancy suit, and no fancy dress, just us, just us, just love, just love, just us, just us, just love, just love" - 2 Poor Kids

"Hey now, don't try this at home" - Disclaimer Song

"I always thought I might be bad, and I'm sure that it's true. But I think you're so good, and I'm nothing like you" - Love Like You

Second Chances

Oh yeah, especially if I know you weren't completely in the wrong. If you knew it though... we'll see

Pet Peeves

People telling me what to draw *glares are some people in the audience* you know who you are

Random Fact

If a left handed person is born to two right handed people, they were a 15% chance (like me :D)

If one parent is left handed it goes up to 25% chance I think, and both are left handed, there is a 45% chance

Current Mood

Hungry, but can't do anything about it

Last Book I Read

The Invader Zim (dear God, auto put Zimbabwe-) comic book volume 4

Jealous Type?

... yeah


April 2nd


*laughs in multi fandom*

But seriously: IZ, WC, Unus Annus, and mine and my friend's Pokémon Nuzlocke comic we are working on

Fav Song


Tough one, hard to say, but here are some that I sometimes listen to a lot



hey would you look at that, the song this book was named after


Worst Mistake

We uh... we don't talk about that here

Someone I Trust

Leo, Amee, Dog, Kit, Citrine, Rae, Cindy, Kim, Kid, Blue, my friend Cate, Jere, and a few others online too

Do I Believe in Love

Yes, I believe in love and soulmates

Am I Okay?

Mentally? Eh, physically, eh, emotionally though, kinda tired

There now am I cool now?

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