A Chatty Night

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One day Shasta announced that there was going to be another fair in two weeks. Icy and Frosty bounded all over the house in excitement. Shasta told them to relax.

Then she noticed that Harmony hadn't heard. So she said it again. Harmony was in the middle of watching The Phantom Menace and groaned when she said it. He plopped his favorite pink winter hat on his head. It had a white pom pom on it too. Some pets might've said it looked girly on him, but he'd been wearing it for years and his family was used to it.

He said slowly, "I'm off to the gym."

"There is no gym, joker," Shasta accused.

So Harmony said, "I'm off to the salon."

"They're closed on Sundays!" Shasta said loudly.

"Ha ha," Icy spat out.

"THAT'S IT!" yelled Harmony. He tramped out the door, not saying where he was going.

Many nights later, Harmony hadn't returned. Shasta was thinking that it was Icy's fault. One night she went to their room and found them giggling and talking about Harmony. She banned them from playing outside and said they weren't going to the carnival.

Shasta began to grow really worried.Harmony had even missed the season premiere of his favorite show, Clone Wars.

It was almost two weeks since he'd left. The night before the carnival, Icy and Frosty were in their room, worrying. If Harmony didn't come back tomorrow then it was no fair...literally.

The pups chatted about Harmony's  arrival. Other things, too. "I'm worried," said Icy. "We're going to be bug juice."

Suddenly Frosty said, "Ew, what's that terrible smell?"

"It's my chicken and cheese cat treats," Icy replied.

"CAT TREATS?" Frosty said rather loudly. "Why on earth do you have cat treats?"

"because they smell good."

"Good! They smell horrible!" Frosty said.

Icy screamed in a frustrated way.

"SILENCE!" Shasta's voice boomed angrily through the wall.

They still continued to talk, but not about cat treats.

"So, what now?" Icy asked.

"I don't know," Frosty said. "We could go to sleep."

"But sleeping stinks."

"But I'm tired!" Frosty shot back.

"No you're not! You just want to read your favorite book," icy accused.

"I can't read, smartie."

"Well, learn, because I want to be right," Icy argued. "In fact, if I'm a smartie you're a stinky."

At that Frosty raced out of the room.

Oh no, Icy realized, jumping up to follow him.

In Shasta's room, Frosty had already told on him. "Frosty called me a smartie," he cried.

"Tough," Shasta replied. She put them back in their room. This time they didn't speak at all.

The next day the two were sulking at the breakfast table when there was a knock at the door. It was Harmony! He was holding a Clone Wars dvd. "We've got some watching to do," he told them. They screamed.

Shasta saw him upstairs with them and it made her very glad. Then she joined them for breakfast and they all went to the fair.

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