The Late Night Sleepover

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One day, the huskies were taking a walk downtown and spotted a flyer stuck to a lamppost. It read:

Attention! My family's house was burned down recently. It was horrible and we were lucky to escape. Me and my family are currently living behind the cafeteria. If you know of any place we can stay while we work on finding a new home, please leave a reply on this paper. Dandelion

"Oh dear," Shasta said. "We have to help them."

"I was afraid you would say that," Icy said.

Shasta shot him a dirty look, then said, "Let's go to the cafeteria right now."

"Why did you have to?" Icy whined. "The last thing I need is some kid hanging from my light fixture."

"Nonsense!" Shasta replied. "I'm sure whatever kids she has won't be hanging from your light fixture."

"I'll bet they will!" Icy determined.

Harmony and the pups waited while Shasta went around to the back of the cafeteria and met with them. She came back with 4 dogs. The mother and father were very alike. They were brown spaniels of some sort. The two puppies were different; one was a grey boston terrier, and the other a black and white puppy. They didn't know his breed.

"Hello," Icy and Frosty said.

"Harmony, kids," Shasta said, "This is Dandelion and Color Me Crazy, and their kids, Ocean, and Gray."

After their awkward helloes Shasta ran into a problem: There were 8 dogs and only 4 seats in the car. Eventually they figured out what to do: They put the four adults in the seats and the kids in the trunk. Dandelion's two kids were incredibly scared of Icy and Frosty. Icy and Frosty were incredibly mad at them.

The adults were just the opposite. They talked the whole way home while the pups didn't make a sound. 

When they reached their house, Dandelion was amazed. While Harmony and Shasta gave the parents a tour, The pups were left alone. Icy and Frosty darted off, leaving ocean and Gray alone. Giggling, they ran into their bedroom and locked the door, thought they left it open so they could trick their visitors.

Many minutes later, the two pups finally came to Icy and Frosty's room. As soon as they were about to go inside Icy slammed the door and it locked.

A few moments later Shasta banged on the door. "Icy and Frosty, what had gotten into you?"

"I don't know," they replied at the same time.

"Well, do it again!"

"OKAY!" they both said together.

"I mean  DON'T do it again," Shasta clarified.

That night, she was preparing for bed. The parents were going to sleep on an air mattress, then got out two sleeping bags and placed them in Icy and Frosty's room. No one spoke a word all night.

The next day, the adults went out to work on Dandelion's new house. Home alone, the pups suddenly adjusted to each other very well. "What do we do?" Ocean asked.

"Well, we could play board games," Icy began, "we could play tic tac toe, we could drink hot cocoa, we could drink hot tea...."

"We'll play board games first," Frosty said. "Let's get going."

So they did that for 2 and a half hours. Then Icy and Frosty helped them fix hot cocoa, even though it was July. By then it was getting late, and the adults would be back soon. 

From then on the pups were best of friends. Several weeks later the time came for Dandelion and her family to leave. They were sad, but still pleased because they had a new home.

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