The First Day of School

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One day, at the breakfast table, Shasta suddenly stood up and announced, "That's it. You two are getting behind in your education. I'm putting you in public kindergarten."

"Noooo, not public," Icy moaned.

"Yes, public," Shasta said. "I don't have the time to homeschool you."

"Great," Icy said sarcastically. "No more school free days, hard phonics, hard math, and a bunch of kids I don't know."

"You're just in kindergarten!" Shasta hollered. "And I want both you and Frosty to go."

"Don't make us!" Icy whined.

"I've got some work to do," Shasta said, leaving.

Icy and Frosty looked at each other, puzzled.

A few minutes later, Shasta came back. "I found a kindergarten that is perfect for you two,!" she said, pleased. "But, you're gonna have to go to the doctor first."

"Noooo, not the doctor," Icy screamed.

"I'm afraid you will have to cope," Shasta said firmly. She called the doctor and arranged appointments for the next day. Icy and frosty were in a panic. That night, they couldn't sleep.

The next day, Shasta drove the pups to the doctor. They went to talk to the fluffy orange cat behind the desk. "Good morning," Shasta said as casually as she could. They talked about the appointments for a second and then sat down. Icy and Frosty were more nervous than ever.

After a while, a pink lizard came in. "Hello, I am Bright Bubble," he said. "I'll start your check up now." He led them to a room with a couch. He set the pups on it and examined their ears, eyes, and all the easy stuff. "Your pups are pudgy," he told Shasta when he was done.

"I know," she replied.

Then they went into another room where they met the doctor: a black and white dalmation. "I hear your pups need school shots," he told Shasta. It wasn't long at all before they were sitting on the table and the doctor was getting his supplies ready. When they saw the syringe, it nearly scared them out of their fur. 

But the dalmation knew his stuff. Taking out an mp3 player, he gave one earplug to each of them. Soon they were bobbing to the music. 

A moment later, they were competely shocked to find the band-aids already on their arms. "It's time to go," Shasta told them. 

The pups were releived. "That's a high five!"

"What music were you listening to?" Shasta asked them in the car. 

"Spongebob," he replied, as if it should have been obvious.

"Oh.'' Shasta didn't like Spongebob.

"You have school tomorrow," she said, changing the subject.

"Not tomorrow! Please tell me you didn't say tomorrow," Icy whined.

Sure enough, the next morning Shasta woke them bright and early. She dragged them to the kitchen, stuffed some toast in their mouths, and pulled them to the car. 

When they arrived at the kindergarten, she pulled them to the door. Outside their classroom, she told them, "Have fun, and after lunch the bus will take you home."

Then she pushed them in and left. There were 7 kids in there already. Four of them were strangers. One of them was Cookie's son, Harmony's opponent in the dancing contest. And to their great joy, Ocean and Gray were there! After introducing each other, the door opened. 

Icy and Frosty turned in shock. There stood a lovely yellow cat with elegant blue eyes. Icy almost fainted.

"Hello," she smiled at them. "my name is Sunbeam, your teacher." She showed them their new seats. Then the lessons began.

After a while they played. To their surprise, the pups were actually having a lot of fun. Soon it was time for lunch. In the cafeteria, Icy and Frosty both ordered pizzas.

Then it was time to load on the bus. When Shasta saw the pups arrive, she went outside to take their backpacks. 

"I liked school," Icy told her.

"Good," she replied. It was just the thing she wanted to hear. "You can go for the rest of your life!"


And he did, at least for the next 20 years.

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