The Week-long Sleepover

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One day, at breakfast, Shasta was reading the mail. There was a letter for Harmony. 

"We won A free boat cruise!" she shouted. "For me and you!"

"Alright!" he exclaimed. "We can drop them off at Cocoa and Rainbow's house."

Cocoa and Rainbow were a pair of BFFs who lived nearby. Cocoa was a great dane and Rainbow was a peacock.

"Yeah, because I'm tired of them," Shasta said tiredly, grabbing the phone while Harmony cut out the tickets. 

"Hello," answered a friendly voice. "How may I help you?"

"Hi Rainbow, it's Shasta. I want to ask a favor of you."

"What is that?"

"I would like to ask if my two sons could stay at your house for a week," Shasta said.

"Well...okay," she replied. After working out the details, they hung up. She turned around and found Harmony already packed. "Let's go on a cruise," he said.

So SHasta and Harmony took Icy and Frosty to Cocoa and Rainbow's and then left for the seaport. They stood staring at Rainbow awkwardly.

"Hello there," Icy finally said, "I'm a cowboy from the wild west," as cowboyishly as he could. He pulled out a cowboy hat and set it on his head.

"Whatever," Rainbow said. Cocoa was sitting around listening to music. "COCOA!" Rainbow screamed at him. "We're having guests over and this is what you act like?"

Cocoa stopped and got up. "Um, hi," he told the pups. 

"Hi," Icy replied. "What can we do first? Can we watch a movie? Play a game?"

They played games until dinnertime, and then they watched a movie. Then it was bedtime. 

The next day all the pups wanted to do was play games. Cocoa and Rainbow couldn't take them after a few hours, and they secretly dropped them off at Cookie and his wife melody's house, the cocker spaniels.

Melody took them in quite willingly. She showed them around her house, which was very fancy. 

"Can we watch a movie?" Icy asked.

Melody set them up with Shrek 4 and they watched it. Then it was time for bed. She took out some smelly blankets and led the pups out into the night.

"Where are we going?" Icy asked.

"I'm taking you to my salon. You're gonna sleep there," Melody explained. 

She dumped their bedding on the floor and left. Icy and Frosty were left to make their beds. 

"I think these people are kinda selfish with their nice stuff," Frosty said.

They covered up and pretended to snore. Icy tried to snore louder. Soon they were both asleep and weren't snoring anymore.

The next day, after breakfast, Icy and Frosty got back to watching movies. They watched five in a row. Eventually Melody got sick of it and said she would take them to the candy shop.

But it was a trick. She drove them to a dog named Rufus' house. "You go on in, I'll make a check," she told them. They walked straight into Rufus' house, without being invited or expected. Melody drove off.

Rufus greeted the pups. "Um, it's considered rude to walk into someone's house," he told them.

"What are you talking about? This is the candy shop," Icy said.

"You must have the wrong address or something, because the candy shop is next door."

"Well, then melody got our adwess wong," Frosty said.


"Yeah, you know, the rich, pampered, spoiled, whitish dog," Icy said. "Our parents are away and we were staying at Melody's until she dumped us. I guess she got tired of us and twicked us."

Rufus moaned. "Well, then for the rest of the week you'll be our guests."

"Who is it?" called a voice from around the corner.

"Two hairy husky dogs," Rufus replied.

"Hey, who are you calling hairy, Harry?" Icy shot.

"And who owns that nice voice?" Frosty added.

"My BFF," Rufus replied.

"Who's your BFF?"

Just then a pink horse entered the room. "Yeah, Rufus, who?" she asked.

"Uh," he said.

"Uh, I tink you," Frosty said. "Wufus has a dirty little secwet."

"I'm going to phone the cocker spaniels," he said, eager to get away. Melody answered.

"Hello, this is Rufus speaking. I'm calling about two husky puppies that were dropped off at my house without warning."

Melody bit her lip. "Uh, well, I dropped them off. Sorry for the inconveneince. They were just getting so annoying...I'd like it if you could shelter them," she confessed.

"Well, I'll see what I can do," Rufus agreed. Then he hung up.

"Well?" Icy asked.

"Uh, she said she must've gotten the address wrong and she doesn't know where I live and I don't know where she lives so I guess you'll have to stay here."

"But she dwopped us off here," Frosty said.

"Yes, yes she did," Rufus replied, and that was the end of it.

Then he introduced them to everyone in the house. There was a collie dog named Chocolate Layers, and a small chick. It didn't really have a name, so everyone just called it The Chick. He explained the siuation to them. 

"Aren't you going to introduce us to the pretty horse?" Frosty asked. 

"Uh, yes, this is Strawberry Smoothie or whatever her name is," Rufus said.

"Cherry!" the horse said.

"Strawberry Cherry Smoothie?" Rufus asked, confused. "Or maybe Cherry Smoothie. Or Cherry Strawberry Smoothie."

The horse rolled her eyes and walked away.

"I do not tink you have a chance with her," Frosty whispered to him.

"I would wecommend watching a movie now," Icy said. 

"Well, then I'll set you up one, and I don't care what you think of it," Rufus said. He set up Shrek the third and made them some popcorn. When it ended the puppies came to him and said, "We did not want to watch that!"

"I said I didn't care." Then he consulted Chocolate Layers about where they could sleep. 

Rufus showed them his sofa, then put some blankets and pillows for them. "Goodnight," he said and went to sleep on a spare bed.

The next day was the 4th day into the week. Rufus fed them breakfast and showed them a rock-climbing set they had in their backyard. He dumped them with The Chick, who played some games with them for a while. When it was time for lunch, Rufus fed them and then went to watch an R rated movie.

After that, he ran out of things to do with the pups. They started bugging him, and he just couldn't take it. Somehow he managed to last the day, and he put them to bed early. 

The next day he woke early and got in the car. He drove the sleeping pups to a hotel and told them that their parents were inside, in room number 4. As soon as they went inside, he drove away.

When they got to the room, all they found  was a deer making a bed. "Who are you?" Icy asked.

"Um, I'm Honey," he replied. "Why are you here?"

"Wufus told us that our parents are here."

"Well, he must've tricked you," Honey replied. 

Icy then explained everything, starting with the breakfast table. 

"Well, I guess you can stay with me," Honey offered. 

So they played games and watched movies and Honey actually handled them pretty well. What the pups didn't know was that Honey was thought of as dumb by everyone in town. He could actually be pretty lazy and careless about kids and jobs. 

So after awhile, they started bugging Honey, and he got so sick of it that he dumped them on the road. They pounded on the door but it was locked and they got no answer.

So the pups went and sat on the road. Then a car came rolling along. 

"Oh well, I guess this is the end," Icy said. But the car stopped in front of them. The headlights blinded them and they couldn't see. They didn't even notice a black and white dog getting out of the car.

"NOOOOO! I DO NOT WANT THE END!" Frosty wailed. 

Suddenly he was touched on the shoulder. They both screamed and ran to the sidewalk. 

"Hey, it's okay," the dog called. 

"Who are you?" Icy asked.

"I'm a member of the Black and White Club," she said. The Black and White Club was a group in town that modeled pets and made clothes magazines. "You two would make excellent models."

"Is that a good ting?" asked Icy.

"Yes! Being a model can mean riches! I can take you to the studio," she offered.

"Sure," they agreed, and got in the car. 5 other black and white pets were sitting in there. "i wonder what mommy would say if she knew we were being kidnapped by models!" Icy said.

Within a few minutes they had arrived at the building made up of pink glass. "Here we are, "said the black cat that was driving. They all piled out. 

Inside pets were standing around and talking. The dog came up to them and told them where they could sleep. "You'll get modeled tomorrow," she promised.

The next morning Icy woke up with a wet pillow. "Oh good, you're awake!" a penguin called. "Ready to start modeling?"

For the next few hours Icy and Frosty felt famous as they posed and got to try on all sorts of outfits. Their picture even got put on a poster in the window.

A few hours later, the pups were sitting in comfy chairs eating pizza when there was a knock on the door. In burst Shasta a Harmony, looking extremely shaken up.


"Oh, we went to Wufus's, and Honey's and we almost got hit by a car..."

Shasta was fuming. "We got back this morning only to find that Cocoa and Rainbow had dumped you. Then we've been on a wild goose chase for the past several hours looking for you, only to discover that you were gone from Honey's apartment!"

"We finally saw you guys' poster in the window, and, uh...what happened?" Harmony asked. "We're gone for one short week and you take a tour of the city and become famous models."

"heh, yeah," Icy said, grinning. "I didn't realize that!"

Shasta sighed. "Okay, well, it's over now. We're going home."

"Aww," they whined. Sadly they said their goodbyes and thanked the Black and White Club. Then they went home. It had seemed like ages.

"I guess it wasn't your fault," Shasta told them. "But you won't beleive how many pets I had to chew out."

"yeah, but we had fun!" Icy said. They would never forget that vacation. "Didn't we Frosty?"

"Yeah," the puppy replied. "But you know what's best?" He jumped on Harmony's back. "Coming back home."

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