Holidays Pt. 2

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"We meet again Malfoy." Said Weasley 7 said. I saw the tears in his eyes. His twin had died this year. I looked down at the grave marked Olivia Bloomsfield. "I guess." I replied hoarsely.

"So who was Olivia?" Weasley 7 asked curiously. I shrugged. "Ask your sister." I replied.

Weasley 7 had somehow brought me back to the Weasley house. "Let go of me you buffoon!" I yelled annoyed. "Why is she here George?" Mrs. Weasley asked annoyed.

"She was crying over a grave marked Olivia Bloomsfield. I was wondering if it was a Deatheater or something." Weasley 7 said. Anger flared in my eyes. "How dare you! Just because I was standing over a grave does not mean they were a Deatheater!" I yelled annoyed.

Olivia was stronger than me. She actually resisted all the Dark Lord's attempts to turn her into one of us. The Weasley's fell silent. "W-was that who you were screaming about in your sleep?" Weasley 9 asked.

Everyone turned to her. "Who is Olivia Bloomsfield?" Mr. Weasley asked forcing truth serum down my throat. "One of the strongest people I know." I whispered.

"Yes. But what relation was she to you?" Granger asked. I twitched trying to not answer the question. "Girlfriend." I blurted out. Everyone fell into a shocked silence.

"You're not the only people to lose an important person." I said calmly destroying the silence. "B-but you're a Deatheater." Weasley 8 said dumbly. "Was. Plus as Potter knows I was forced." I said hoarsely.

Mrs. Weasley's eyes softened. "Why were you working at the cafe? You have plenty of money." Mrs. Weasley said. "Actually, we went bankrupt. But Draco's mooching off the Parkinson's. My parents are in jail so I decided to get a job." I admitted.

"Wow." Potter said. "So you're not as straight as you pretend to be and your family's bankrupt? Plot twist." Potter continued.

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