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I walked downstairs in my waitress uniform silently. "Could I use the floo network please?" I asked. Mr. Weasley nodded. "Sure. We owe you." He said. I looked at him confused.

"Ginny told us." He said smiling. I huffed. Of course Weasley told them. "It was a moment of weakness sir. I would've done the same for anyone." I said calmly as I could.

I arrived back at the Burrow tired. "Hello Malfoy." Granger said from the sofa drinking from a mug. "Granger." I nodded civil. As I walked into the kitchen.

Granger frowned. "What are you doing?" She asked as I tried to open the top cupboard. I ignored her and carried on jumping up. Granger laughed. I scowled. Stupid shortness.

"What do you need?" Granger asked opening the cupboard with ease. "Coffee." I snapped scowling annoyed. Granger chuckled. "You're cute when you're not mean." She laughed tears rolling down her cheeks.

I crossed my arms. "No I'm not." I protested. "Yes you are." Weasley 9 said walking down the stairs. "Here's your coffee." Granger said handing me my coffee.

"I am a perfectly normal height." I grumbled snatching the coffee from Granger's grip. Weasley 9 laughed. "For a midget yes." Granger joked. I smirked. "Well you're all just giants. You should all go to the circus with your towering heights." I protested.

"By the way your waitress uniform is very revealing." Granger said looking down at me. I gasped and covered my chest dramatically. "Remove those dirty thoughts from your brain now." I pouted. Weasley 9 laughed as Granger blushed.

I sat on the spare bed looking down at the letter.

Dear Alana Malfoy,
You know me. It's me the White Rabbit. I need your help. Meet the last place I saw your beautiful face. If you don't your girlfriend, Granger will pay the price. You have 3 days.
White Rabbit

"Impossible. This is impossible!" I yelled at the letter expecting it to reply. Instead it's neat handwriting mocked me. White Rabbit. He's dead isn't he? He died along with my soul and memories.

"What's impossible?" Granger asked. I shook my head. "The White Rabbit." I whispered more to myself. "What do you mean?" Potter asked. "The White Rabbit." I said louder this time.

"It can't be. Not after all this time." I yelled. "Have you gone mad? What is it?" Weasley 9 asked horrified. But I didn't care. It can't be.

"The White Rabbit. My old friend. Can't be." I said annoyed stomping my foot like a brat. "Who the fuck is the White Rabbit?" Potter asked annoyed. I laughed in spite of myself.

"Only my childhood friend." I frowned confused. "But what's his name?" Granger asked confused. "Albert Reeding." I said proudly. I laughed at their confused expressions.

"He saved me. My best friend. He saved so many people. He's dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Impossible. All of it. No. Can't be. He's dead. Died. I saw." I rambled madly. All 3 Gryffindors looked at each unsure and concerned.

I ran a hand through my hair. "Only we knew his nickname. His identity. His existence. He burned with his mansion. His protection. This is not happening. No, no, no. Never." I yelled pacing the room. Granger stopped me.

"What's going on?" She asked confused. I shook my head. "It's fucked up. Albert is wrong. It's wrong. I know it is." I replied looking right at Weasley 9.

"Why are you looking at me?" Weasley 9 asked. I grinned. "I knew it. Remember Albert? Or well Archie Morris?" I asked eagerly. Weasley gasped. "Archie? No way! He died." She said shocked.

"Tell us." Granger demanded.

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