Chapter 14

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"What do you want?" She answers roughly, wiping her face with the back of her hand. This hostile but familiar Charlotte is acting very differently than the sensitive and emotional Charlotte who was here a matter of moments ago.

"I said, what do you want! Answer me, you servant!" She spits at me and I look down. Her words swarm over me, attacking me from every direction. Then a wave of realization hits me. I realize who I am to her. A servant. She will never treat me any differently because that is what I'll always be to her. A servant. I don't know why on earth she was crying earlier, but I know that it definitely wasn't over me.

I glance up and see her hand raised high. Instinctively, I turn my head and squeeze my eyes shut, bracing for the impact. Wait, why can't I feel it? I look up again and her hand is still raised. I watch as she pulls her hand up further and swings, only to stop a few inches from my face. Her hand is shaking and her bottom lip is quivering. Then the waterworks begin. She falls to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. She sits and bawls into her open palms, similarly to what you'd expect of a two year old. I crouch down to comfort her and stroke her golden hair. I pull her into my arms and cradle her softly, attempting to calm down her erratic wheezing and gasping. Despite her being an absolute bitch in the past, I don't want anyone to suffer whilst I watch, even the devil herself. Eventually, I feel her tense body relax and hear her breathing soothe and return to a steady pace.

"Now, do you want to tell me what that was all about?" I ask in the most motherly voice I can muster. I pull her away from me and prop her up against the bench. I am still kneeling next to her and stroking her hair. At the sound of my voice she sits bolt upright again. She sprawls to her feet and dusts off her immaculate skirt. I watch helplessly as she breathes in deeply and struts out the room without a single glance at me. Her eyes are still puffy and her makeup dripping, but she carries on as if they weren't. That girl confuses me sometimes; one second she's a stone faced, heartless enemy, the next she's a quivering baby in my arms!

I begin to explore the room, distracted by Charlotte's sudden change of emotion. I am running my finger along the line of hooks when another wave of realization hits me; I know where I am, I'm in the break room! All this time I had been thinking I had been kidnapped whilst I am actually still in the hotel. I was scared that I'd been taken away from Amy, Jess and Helena but two of them are in the same building as me. I was petrified that I'd never see anyone I love again. To be honest, I still feel dizzy from when I first woke up but I'm comforted by the knowledge that I'm safe.

So, was the hand real? Or did I imagine it in a time of weakness, my most private fears uprising against common sense to create a mirage. Was that terrible action just a figment of my imagination? I guess it must have been. Anyway, it'd be better to kid myself that rather than worry when 'they' will strike again.

I rush out the room and into the corridor that I have grown to hate and love simultaneously. After all, this was the same corridor where I first discovered Charlotte's true colours, the same corridor I had that awkward and clumsy encounter with Jess on my first day. In the first door on the right is the bathroom where I first met Helena, that kitchen was where I was first told I would be a maid. These few rooms hold a whole ton of memories, practically bursting at the seams. Shaking the flashbacks from the last two and a half years away, I chase Charlotte as my desperation for answers drives me more insane with every step. What happened? Why did I wake up laying on a bench? Most important of all, why was she upset? She made it clear on multiple occasions that she doesn't care for me, I'm just a servant. However, her little 'breakdown' proved otherwise. My brain is still buzzing when I walk into someone. A female someone.

Author's note: Story Time!! Yesterday I went on a school trip that only twelve or so people were invited to. It was all fine until I realised that exactly zero of my friends were going, leaving me on my own. I figured it would be okay though, I'd listen to music and write on the train journey there, no problem. It got a billion times worse when I realised that there was only one girl apart from myself on this trip and it'd be more than likely I'd have to be partnered with her. You probably think that this couldn't be bad, what could be so bad about this, making new friends and all that stuff. But no. This had to be the one girl I would have done literally anything not to be near. She is the girl I based Charlotte on. THAT'S RIGHT, SHE IS CHARLOTTE. I WAS STUCK WITH THE DEVIL FOR ALMOST NINE HOURS STRAIGHT!! What was the worst was when I was writing this chapter in my notebook. She was sitting next to me on the train and watching me when I was writing about a blonde haired Charlotte having a break down. She thought I was writing about her when she had a 'mental breakdown' during a maths exam a few years back and kept nudging me. She started flipping her hair and coating yet another layer of bright pink lipstick to bring myself to compliment her like everyone else who fawns over her. Like, don't flatter yourself, honey, it's not all about you. Anyway, long story short, I was trapped with IRL Charlotte for nine hours and it was literal hell. It was absolutely fantastic (note the sarcasm) Byeyas!

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