Chapter 15

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Author's note: OMG, like thank you to all followers, I just hit 60 (well I didn't 'hit' 60 of you, that's just mean!) I'm so happy and pleased and CAN'T HOLD ALL OF THE FEELS! They're spilling everywhere!! That and Mianite Season Finale, I just can't even anymore!!! Anyway, now I've finished being a total weirdo cause I'm so happy, hope you enjoy the chapter. I've been told that some of you think I've been focusing a lot on Charlotte and I TOTALLY agree, so to you guys I'm sorry and thanks for staying with me. Here's to more Tom to be seen in the near future, Byeyas!!

"Oomph!" I exclaim, wandering into the back of the woman. I look up and see the blonde waves I expected. Eagerly, I open my mouth to begin questioning her, my mind racing miles ahead of the rest of me, but am interrupted.

"Watch where you're going!" Her voice startles me. It's more bitter and spiteful than I remember; Charlotte's voice was harsh, but never sour. She always had a hint of expression, as if she was enjoying torturing me. The figure turns and I'm startled again. It's Faye! Why is she down here - this is an employee only zone!

When her annoyed eyes meet my surprised gaze, they grow to the size of apples. Her pupils dilate and remind me of a bunny trapped in the beam of a car's headlights. She turns and flees, scampering down the hallway and through the doors back up to the lobby. What on earth did I just witness?! I shake it off and continue on my hunt for this confusing enemy/possible friend of mine.

I'm almost at the point of keeling over in exhaustion when I reach her office door. This is my best bet of finding her, where else would she be? I reach out for the doorknob, but second guess myself and just knock lightly against the wood. No answer. I try again, only this time harder. Still no answer. Fed up, I push the door open and there she is. Charlotte is sitting behind her desk, throwing a tennis ball at the wall with one hand and catching it with the other. Throw. Catch. Throw. Catch. It puts me in a trance like a swinging pendulum. Reluctantly, I shake my head and look at her face. She wears a blank expression but I can see in her eyes a look of deep thought. She looks almost.... depressed? I just don't know what to do with her anymore....

"Charlotte?" I ask only to be returned with the same saddened look. I wait before I try again, "Charlotte, are you okay?" Still no reply. She hasn't moved an inch since I walked in the room. "Charlotte..." My voice raises slightly without warning, earning a raised eyebrow and a smirk from the lifeless figure. That's where I lose it. "How dare you," I falter but quickly style it into a cough and continue, "How dare you?! How dare you act like this? What makes you so special that you can just do whatever you want with no consequences? Slapping me, Helena and just treating everyone like the dirt under your heels. Where is your respect, for crying out loud?" I end up practically screaming in her face. All these weeks of my anger towards her abuse is finally being let free and it feels so good. I watch in disgust as she wipes away imaginary spit off her cheeks and mutters, "Someone could use a mint or two." All I see is red. "I knew you were a spoilt little bitch when I first saw you saunter into the room!" I spit at her and walk out with my head high. I'm pumping with adrenaline and feel as if I could punch through a brick wall.

Whoa, Sam? Calm yourself down! You're supposed to be calm or you'll lose your job! Think of something that makes you happy... Amy? I feel my pulse lower, but it's still too high to be classed as normal. Niamh? My pulse heightens again, enraged by her demons and bullies making her feel self-doubt and insecure about her looks. No, think of something else and quick! Tom? That causes my heart to stop completely, skipping a beat or two. His hair. His smile. Oh, his eyes! Those beautiful brown eyes rinse out all of the anger that was causing me to ball my fists in rage. As cliche as it sounds, I need to see him. Now.

I rush up the stairs, all the way up to his room door. I'm about to knock on the door when I stop myself. What should I say? He probably doesn't want to see me, I'm just the maid after all. But what if he does want to see me? Whilst I'm distracted by my internal debate, I fail to notice the door being opened by a man. A blue haired, brown eyed man.

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