Dream Come True.

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She smiled broadly as her heart beat so fast she was worried it would burst out of her chest. She looked beside her and beamed up at the smiling face of a proud Impa who carefully placed the veil over her face.

Taking a deep breath, the doors to the hall opened as the two begun to walk, their arms linked, towards the end of the hall. She saw everyone!

Siren, who now occasionally went by her actual name, Mia, was there, a proud smile upon her face as she watched her best friend walk down the isle. It seemed odd to call Siren, Mia but she decided to put her warrior self behind her though she only told friends to call her that. Pike was also there, his arms round Mia's waist and resting on her baby bump. A small little girl was clinging to Mia's leg shyly as she watched the beautiful bride walk down the hall.

Hable and Karen were there as well. They had their hands clasped together as they smiled at her as she walked down towards the alter.

Arthur and Isaac had their arms wrapped round each others shoulders. Isaac gave her a joyful thumbs up, making her chuckle at his child-like persona.

Then her attention was turned to the one waiting for her at the alter. She smiled again, utter happiness filling her thoughts as she neared him. His face was blurred by her veil but not for long...

Impa left her at the alter and went to stand by Pike and Mia.

Zelda could hardly contain her smile as she realised this was not a dream. Her veil lifted and she was now looking into Link's deep blue eyes which were full of happiness too.

Link and Zelda had honestly never thought this day would ever come. Everything was perfect. In years after the war, Hyrule had been rebuilt, relationships had blossomed and families had sprung up. Link and Zelda thought that they didn't have a future together, but that was because they believed they were going to die but there they were, standing in front of the alter, exchanging wedding vows.

Both Zelda and Link could barely hear the words the priest was saying to them. They were too focused on each other to pay attention. Before they knew it, they were saying 'I do'.

"Then you may kiss the bride," the priest smiled as everyone in the crowd leaned forward in anticipation.

"Bout time!" Isaac chuckled from the crowd, making people around him laugh.

Zelda threw her arms round Link's neck and pulled him into a majestic kiss. Link wrapped his hands round Zelda's waist as the crowed cheered and clapped.

Zelda nearly dropped the bouquet of Silent Princesses to the floor as she lest herself in the kiss.

"Ahem! Get a room!" Isaac shouted, making the crowd laugh again.

Zelda broke apart from the kiss only so she could throw the bouquet in Isaac's direction to shut him up. Instead, he caught it and bowed happily.

"Thanks your majesty!" He shouted, holding up the bouquet and wrapping his arm round Arthur with a smirk.

Zelda and Link both rolled their eyes with a chuckle before they continued their kiss.

When they were finally done, Zelda leapt into Link's arms so he was holding her bridal style. The crowd cheered as Link carried her towards the ballroom where the party was being held.


"May I have this dance?" Link smirked, bowing low.

Zelda knew what he was doing, she remembered all those years ago on her eighteenth birthday. He had asked her the exact same question.

"Why not?" She mused with a knowing smirk before taking her husband's hand and running onto the dancefloor with him.

The rest of the dancefloor cleared as the new King and Queen entered the center. Link placed his hands on her waist and she rest her hands on his chest, admiring his white and gold wedding tunic.

The couple swayed and twirled to the music, making the crowd clap every once in a while. The onlookers were stunned by how natural their movements were, they moved in sync to the rhythm.

"Remember this?" Link cooed, twirling her round just like he had done all those years ago on her birthday.

"Yeah, remember this?" Zelda purred, getting closer and closer to him, their faces almost touching.

Link smirked, knowing that he had kissed her for the first time on her eighteenth birthday. They danced slowly as Link leaned in and gave her the softest, sweetest kiss ever. Zelda felt her heart flutter at the touch.

It wasn't long before others took to the dancefloor to join the happy couple. To no one's surprise, Isaac was the first to go out, dragging Arthur with him.

Pike and Mia were dancing together, their little girl propped up in both their arms. Zelda smiled over at Siren-Mia, it was still unusual to call her best friend Mia when she was used to calling her Siren but she knew it was for the best. Zelda loved the little girl in her friend's arms and thought that Mia was very brave to start a family.

Isaac was as funny as ever, he and Arthur were dancing together. Isaac refused to put down the bouquet and told everyone that he was trying to give Arthur a hint.

Hable and Karen were closer than they had ever been. Hable and Karen didn't do much dancing that night but they did dance when Link and Zelda invited them to do so.

That evening was fantastic and funny. Though Zelda and Link were supposed to be respectful King and Queen of Hyrule, they acted like drunk teenagers.

The crowed adored how relaxed their rulers seemed and how friendly they were.

They had tried to behave like proper rulers until Isaac had cut into their dance and 'stolen' Zelda away to dance with. Zelda, being a good friend went along with it and so did Link. Link danced with Arthur.

After that, there was no going back so they continued to have childish fun together. Link and Zelda danced with every one of their friends in turn, sometimes more at once. The crowd couldn't help but laugh as all the boys of the group huddled together in a weird dance.

The fun didn't stop at dancing. When they were all too tired to dance, they found a huge table near the buffet corner and begun to play food and drink games.

One of the games was to see who could eat the most chocolate cake in one minute. Another was to bet on how much spiced whiskey it took to make Pike drunk. They did play drinking games but of course, Mia and Julie, her little daughter couldn't play. Obviously, Link and Zelda won the drinking games because of how good their tolerance was.

As it got later and later, more and more guests begun to leave for the night, wishing their congratulations for the new King and Queen.

As the last guest left the castle, Zelda let a broad, cheeky smile cross her lips as she knew what that meant.

It was her and Link's wedding night, and she knew exactly what that meant...

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