The Last Stand.

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Arrow after arrow Zelda shot into Ganondorf's chest but still he would not die. He just kept marching towards them with his jagged blade ready to kill them. Link poised the Mastersword and when Zelda realised the arrows were not doing anything, she pulled out her red-hilted sword and her ordinary kitchen knife.

Ganondorf lifted his jagged sword above his head as he came forward and swung it down at Zelda. Link leapt in the way and swung the Mastersword to evade the attack. Zelda knew that normal weapons like her bow, arrows and knife wouldn't be able to kill Ganondorf, but she knew she could at least help Link.

She darted to the side and stabbed the beast in the leg, making him howl in pain. Link took his chance and swung the Mastersword round, aiming for the beast's chest but he missed his mark.

Zelda lurched back, taking the knife out of Ganondorf's leg just in time for his jagged blade to swing past her. Link blocked the attack, locking Ganondorf in a sword lock with both of them using all the force they had to push the other.

Suddenly, a horn blew off in the distance. All of Zelda's army stood in wonder as the Rito army flew over the hilltops and joined the battle. Link broke out in a broad smile, knowing he had persuaded the Rito to fight. Finally, they focused back on Ganondorf.

Zelda loaded her bow again. She knew that she couldn't kill him but she wanted to distract him away from Link. She scored a hit on Ganondorf's neck, it tore through his flesh and lodged itself inside of him. The arrow head had gone all the way through, it just poking out the other side of his neck while the tail of the arrow was still sticking out of the end.

Ganondorf roared in fury as he pushed Link to the ground and turned on Zelda, his face dropping with rage, sweat and blood. Zelda's heart filled with fear at the sight of his malicious eyes, like those she had seen back when she was married to him.

"Link!" Zelda yelled, panic laced in her voice as she back away.

She tumbled over a dead Bokoblin and fell to the ground. She continued to scramble backwards in a desperate attempt to get away from the tyrant known as Ganondorf.

"Link!" She yelled again right before Ganondorf picked her up by her neck.

Zelda could no longer scream as Ganondorf lifted her up off the ground with his strong arm and slowly begun to crush her neck. She clawed at his hand, needing to breath. She couldn't scream for link or plea for help, she just hovered there, her arms too numb to raise her weapons and fight back.

"LET HER GO YOU BASTARD!" Link bellowed, leaping into the air.

Before Ganondorf knew what hit him, there was an almighty crunch as Link sliced the Mastersword straight through Ganondorf's arm, cutting it clean off! Ganondorf howled in pain and threw Zelda's limp body up into the air. Link watched in horror as she came crashing down to the ground amongst the Bokoblins.

"Zelda!" Link yelled, his eyes filled with tears, knowing it was very unlikely for her to have survived that fall.

Ganondorf was clutching at the bloody stump that was his arm and roared in rage at his amputated limb. He turned on Link who was frozen with fear, his eyes still fixed on where the Princess had fallen.

Ganondorf growled as he picked up his discarded jagged sword with his other hand and launched a blow at Link. He came out of his sorrowful trance when he heard the whistle of a sword cutting through the air. He wasn't quick enough.

Link stumbled back as the jagged blade cut down his bicep. Link looked up into Ganondorf's red evil eyes and glared back at him with an equally ruthless fury. Ganondorf was puzzled by the rage that filled Link's eyes but he didn't have time to question it because Link had lifted the Master above his head to strike.

Before, Link and Zelda had been on defence, only just being able to evade or block Ganondorf's blows but now, Link was on the offensive. He swung the Mastersword with a new furious passion, forcing Ganondorf to resort to defense.

"That's for Hyrule!" Link yelled, chopping off Ganondorf's other arm.

"That's for Lyrah!" Link growled, slicing through Ganondorf's leg, making him topple backwards onto the ground.

"AND THAT'S FOR ZELDA!" With one almighty thrust, Link piercd through Ganondorf's armour and skewered him through the heart.

Ganondorf's howl was so loud that everyone stopped fighting to look for the source of the noise. The Bokoblins began to scream as well before dropping down dead. With their master defeated, they had no purpose.

Ganondorf just sat there, his body dead but his face still moving and alive. Link picked up Zelda's kitchen knife and knelt down besides the body.

With another roar of pain from Ganondorf, Link used the knife to carve out his evil red eyes. He made it slow, painful and satisfying as he felt Ganondorf's red eyes full with his own hot thick blood. He scooped the beast's eyes out and crushed them in his fists before he got back to his feet, trembling with rage.

All cheered as the battle was now over and the last of the Gerudo were being rounded up. Link however, was not celebrating.

He shoved his way through the soldiers, crying out over the cheers.

"Zelda! Zelda!" He yelled, scrambling over dead Bokoblins in a hurry to get to where he has seen her drop down.

Link heard a faint groan and someone whispering his name. He followed the voice and soon saw Zelda, her body slumped on the floor and many wounds littering her body. Link ran towards her and praised the Goddesses she was safe.

"Zelda! Thank Hylia you're alive!" Link sighed, his eyes now swelling with joyful tears.

"Can't get rid of me that easily..." She chuckled weakly as Link kneeled besides her.

Zelda grabbed Link's coller and leaned her up, locking him in a passionate kiss. Link held her close, never wanting to let go of his precious princess. Both Link and Zelda were crying tears of joy as they kissed on the battlefield. With Ganondorf and his armies gone, it was like an incredible weight had been lifted off their shoulders.

And they lived happily ever after...

The end.

Ok, ok, this is technically not the end.

This is just the end of the plot and story. I will write a few chapters after this to wrap everything up nice and neatly but it won't be as dramatic as the rest of the book. I hope you enjoyed that though, it certainly felt good as the author to write this!

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