Chapter Seven

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"Crawling in my skin
These wounds they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real"

"Keep on dreaming, don't stop giving, fight those demons
Sell your soul, not your whole self
If they see you when you're sleeping, make them leave it
And I can't even see if it's all there anymore so"

A/N: two song lyrics today cause I couldn't choose🤷🏼‍♀️

Taehyung couldn't understand why he would give Jungkook false hope. The younger had left with the thoughts in his head that the couple could actually get back together and survive. Taehyung didn't know how that would be possibly with all the pent up anger he felt. Sure, he loved Jungkook, with all of his heart, but was that enough to mask the anger and disappointment? Taehyung really wasn't sure.

He had finally been released from the hospital after only being there for a few days. Everybody from the group had visited him at some point, except for Jungkook. Taehyung hadn't seen him again since they kissed. Maybe it was from Taehyung asking for space and time, but Jungkook also said he would show Taehyung how much he cared for him. Does this mean Jungkook doesn't care for him at all?

Taehyung wasn't sure where he was going to stay now. The apartment that had been shared by him and his father was now being lived in by someone else. He couldn't help but wonder if they could feel the ghosts filling the halls of the tiny apartment.

He had asked Jin and Namjoon, both saying that their parents wouldn't allow it. Jimin and Hoseok both claimed to not have the extra space to give him. And Yoongi just told him no for bringing so much pain to Jungkook.

Taehyung ran his fingers through his hair as he finished packing his bags in his hospital room. He only had one option left. He picked up his phone and dialed the number, feeling his heart beat speed up when he heard the familiar rings.


"Hey, Jungkook."

Jungkook was silent for a moment before he answered. "What's up, Taehyung? Why'd you call?"

"I, um," Taehyung suddenly felt awkward for bothering the younger about such a thing. "I'm free to leave the hospital, but I, uh, don't have a place to stay and I can't afford rent yet. All the others turned me down." Taehyung cleared his throat, hoping to also clear some of the awkwardness. "I hate to ask but you're really my last hope here. It'll just be until I can find a job and save up enough money for a deposit on an apartment. I'll clean and cook and do whatever you want me to."

Jungkook was silent on the other line. Taehyung could hear the other chewing on his bottom lip, a habit he did when he was nervous. "I do have an extra bedroom..." Jungkook's voice was small.

"Is that a yes?"

Jungkook chuckled. "When do you get out of the hospital? I'll come pick you up and bring you home."

Taehyung felt the butterflies in his stomach. He had missed the feeling of them fluttering. It had been so long he had forgotten what it was like. "Well, that's the thing. I'm kind of already out. I'm just packing my things and then I sign the discharge papers and I'm free to go."

Taehyung heard rustling on the other line. "Okay, Tae. I'm leaving here now, I'll meet you at the hospital, okay?"

Taehyung nodded before realizing that Jungkook couldn't see him. "Thank you so much, Jungkook." It was still hard for Taehyung to use the other's name. He had gotten so used to the nicknames that his real name didn't flow off the tongue like how it used to.

Jungkook ran into the hospital room just as Taehyung was signing the last line on the discharge papers, a faint smile on his lips. He was panting a little, and that made Taehyung laugh.

"What? Did you run here?"

Jungkook was hunched over, hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. "Well, first I sped all the way down here. I might've run a red light or two. And then I ran from my car because parking is a bitch and I had to park far away." He took a deep breath before wiping some sweat off of his brow.

Taehyung chuckled once more. "Well then. I'm all good to go, you going to be okay with getting back to your car?" Taehyung couldn't help but joke around a little, and it earned him a light smack on the arm. He winced a little at the pain, some of bruises still fresh, but he tried not to make any verbal complaints. He didn't want to upset Jungkook anymore.

"Here, let me carry your bag for you. You shouldn't be exerting yourself." Jungkook reached for the bag and swung it over his shoulder like it weighed nothing. Taehyung nodded in thanks as he followed alongside Jungkook to the younger's car.

They didn't make conversation along the way. Taehyung could tell that Jungkook wanted to, but had obviously decided against it.

Jungkook took out his keys, unlocking the car. He put Taehyung's duffle bag in the backseat before opening the older's door for him. "Thank you," Taehyung mumbled. He was impressed with Jungkook's behavior. He was showing incredible self control and maturity. Jungkook closed the door before running around to the driver's side.

The car ride was quiet. The only noise filling the small vehicle was the soft radio. Jungkook's fingers were tapping lightly on the steering wheel as he was humming along to the song that was playing. As far as Taehyung could tell, it was some new song by Justin Bieber.

The car pulled up to the familiar-looking apartment, and Taehyung unbuckled his seatbelt. His hands were clammy as he opened up the passenger door, earning a shout from Jungkook. "Wait! Let me help you out. The path is a little uneven." Jungkook jumped out of his seat after taking the keys out of the ignition and racing to the other side of the car. He had Taehyung grip one of his hands, while the other fell around his thin waist. Jungkook could feel the bones sticking out, and bile filled his throat. He couldn't understand why something so awful would happen to someone as incredible as Taehyung.

"I'll help you inside and then I'll come back and grab your stuff, okay?" Jungkook spoke quietly, feeling bad for almost shouting at him a moment before. Taehyung hummed in response, not even denying the help Jungkook offered him. The younger knew how weak Taehyung was. He could see it crawling on his skin, little leeches milking all of the strength out of the smaller boy.

He led the boy inside of the apartment and set him down gently on the white sofa before running back out to the car to grab his bag.

Taehyung heard the door shut as Jungkook left him alone. Even if only for a moment, Taehyung felt uncomfortable being alone. He didn't want the darkness to swoop back in to his mind and heart and take over him.

He was eyeing the room around him to kill the time, but stood up once he saw the familiar item sitting next to the television. It was the only picture Jungkook had in the entire space. Taehyung took a few shaky steps over to the frame and picked it up. He could see faint smudges on the glass, but they didn't have the arches that fingers had. They were tear stains.

Taehyung felt his own tears starting to flow as he admired the picture of the couple at their happiest moment. He recognized the frame as the one that had been on Taehyung's bedside table.

"Taehyung? What are you doing up? You should be resting." Jungkook's voice startled Taehyung, but the older only looked at him with wet and puffy eyes.

"You still have this?" Taehyung's voice cracked unintentionally.

Jungkook set the bag down and wandered over to look at the photo frame clutched tightly in between Taehyung's frail hands. "Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?"

Taehyung shrugged, wiping a tear from his cheek. "I didn't think that you would hold on to something that reminds you of me."

Jungkook tentatively wrapped an arm around Taehyung's waist. When he received no reaction, he wrapped his other arm around it, testing the physical boundaries. "Kim Taehyung, even if I was in so much pain, I would never want to forget you."



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