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In the dark blue sky you keep,
And often thro' my curtains peep,
For you never shut your eye,
Till the sun is in the sky.

"Three, two ..." Seung Gi held up one last finger and Mr. Cha began to play.

The bright, joyful tunes of Mendelssohn's Wedding March filled the small church and as everyone turned their eyes upon the double doors that opened, Jun felt his heart almost burst through his chest.

So many times had he envisioned this moment. So many times had he wondered how it would feel if he actually stood here, and now the day had come.

Jae-min strode forward, holding the hand of the little Si-a who wore the cutest little dress. Behind them dribbled Mimi, wearing a similar frilly outfit. The trio snared everyone's attention and many ah's and oh's were heard, but Jun's gaze flew over their heads and he held his breath as he caught sight of the woman in white.

It was the third time she was wearing a wedding dress and the third time he had the exact same thought about how gorgeous she looked. Only this time everything was different. This time he was the one standing by the alter. This time he was the one to receive her hand. This time her smile was only for him and he was so incredibly happy, his chest could almost not contain it.

In front of the church his mother was dabbing her eyes. She had asked her own forgiveness for her share in the atrocious plot he was now too ashamed to even think about. Ra-ra had graciously forgiven them both.

He knew his parents had had higher hopes for their son and heir, but they also knew he would never want anyone else, so they conceded.

Ha-young and her mother were there, sitting next to a proud Mr. Chu who had finally won the heart of the owner of the hair and beauty parlor. It wouldn't be long before they too would take these steps.

Jae-min reached the end of the aisle and delivered the little girl into her mothers waiting arms. After that he took his place next to Jun, holding the box with the rings firmly in his hands.

Even though Jun had once decided to sever all connections with the life he'd led before his cancer made itself known, Ra-ra had never been able to get rid of the rings she'd bought. She'd told him she had had kept them all those years, safely hidden inside the grand piano. Knowing she had been planning to propose on the night he broke her heart had almost been his undoing.

There had been difficult times this past year wherein he tried to win back Ra-ra's heart. Moments of silence and moments of fear and doubt. They had been careful in their relationship, dancing around each other as if the other one were made of glass. Until one night Ha-young, in a moment of utter frustration, yelled at them both to get a divorce already. That was the moment they realized they had to make the choice there and then. Yes or no. Together or not. And Jun had promised Ra-ra he would forever keep trying to win her heart, without ever giving up.

That he succeeded was proven by this very moment.

Her smile shone at him like it had in the beginning and he remembered all those happy times he was her savior in her distress. Those days where she hadn't known they had met before he'd brought her the flowers and bled on her wedding dress. Everything, from that very first encounter in the cafe, had led to this moment. And even though he regretted the years he had kept them apart, that too had shaped their relationship to what it was today.

Bravely facing the guests on both sides of the aisle, Ra-ra strode forward. Her dress was simple, but that only made her own beauty brighter. She'd refused a big wedding, instead she wanted Seung Gi's and Ha-young's wedding business to take care of everything. It suited them. From now on their life would be simple and plain. Like the notes to Mozart's lullaby.

There were tears brimming in her eyes and Jun felt his own coming up. He quickly blinked and answered the wide smile she send his way.

When she placed her hand in his he felt light as a feather. The only thing that kept him from floating away; kept him alive, was her. The love of his live, his first and forever love. From now on it would always be her.

"I love you", he whispered as the final tunes of the piano washed over them and the ceremony that sealed their lives together began.

The end

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