Chapter 3 - Trouble

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I've been in this village for a week now and everything seems nice and calm.... well at least in the day to night. I made some friends with the people that live here like Dale, Molly, Emma, Zenix, and Garroth! Today I'm working on building more houses in town and helping the villagers out. I finished replacing the gravel roads with oak wood planks and stairs.

As I'm putting down the last oak plank I hear footsteps behind me...

"Wow! Y-You actually fixed the roads! Thanks Aphmau!" A voice said.

"Oh Zenix hey! How you know that I was going to fix the roads? The only person that knows was Garroth!" I said.

"Yeah Garroth told me. I was supposed to be fixing the roads that's why I'm here thanking you cause you did it for me! So thanks!" He said.

"Yeah you already said thanks but your welcome!" I said with a smile.

"Oh no the second thanks wasn't from me it was from Garroth!" He said.

"Yeah where is Garroth anyways?!" I asked.

"Oh he went out for a bit he should be back by sundown!" He said.

"Yeah well I'm gonna go and find a spot where a can build a new house cause Emmalyn doesn't like me staying at her library specially because I kinda sorta took it over!" I said with an insecure chuckle.

"Okay well I'll be around if you need me! I'll be the only guard around for a while!" He said.

"Yeah see ya!" I said.

I went to the library and told Emmalyn that I was moving out. She was so happy that she even offered to help but I kindly declined. I went out to look for a place to build the house and I decided on top of a hill that views the entire village. I ran back down to the library and found Emmalyn caring all of my belongings and putting them on the ground.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Helping you out! Literally helping you OUT!" She said.

"It's not really helping when you're just dropping everything outside!" I said.

"I don't care I just want you out!!" She said while dropping my furnace.

"Okay okay geez!" I said picking my things up.

I went back up to the hill and started working on my new house. While I was working a little wolf sat there and watched me the whole time.

"Hey buddy! Don't you have something better to do than just sit here and watch me work!" I said walking up to the wolf.

"Woof!" He barked.

"Oh I think I have a bone I can give you let me go check!" I said and walked over to my chest.

I dogged all the way to the bottom of the chest and managed to pull out a large bone.

"Woof!" The wolf barked once I pulled it out.

He excitedly ran up to me and jumped on me knocking me to the ground. I giggles as he licked my face and I gave him the bone.

"I guess you're sticking with me now huh?" I said to him

"Imma call you.... Thorgy!" I said and he barked happily.

For the rest of the afternoon me and Thorgy worked on our new home and we finished right when the sun was setting. We played for a bit until the sun was completely under the horizon and only a few dimming raise of sunlight where left.

"Sundown..." I whispered

I ran down to the village with Thorgy following close behind and looked around for Garroth but I couldn't spot him. I asked around if anyone had seem him but only a few people said they saw him this morning when he left. I looked around some more and found Dale.

"Hey Dale have you seen Garroth he's supposed to be back by now and I really need to talk to him about something." I said.

"Garroth? *hic* why don't you talk to me about it? *hic*" He said

"Well I was just wondering if I could still help out around the village even if I'm not a guard. I know that it is your job to keep the village stable and protected but I was wondering if I can help too. I know it's odd asking but I just thought that I had too because I didn't want to get in the way of your guy's work!" I said

"...." Dale responded

"Dale?" I asked and tapped on his shoulder.

"*snore* beer *hic*" I heard him say

I chuckled and went on to find Garroth. Instead I found Zenix by the plaza.

"Hey Zenix! Have you seen Garroth come back yet?" I asked.

"Nope!" He answered

"Maybe we should go out to find him it's way past sundown! What if he got lost or kidnapped?" I said looking around

"Lost? Garroth has been around these wood quite often he knows his way around and kidnapped? *he chuckles* that's ridiculous who would try to kidnap a guard around here they know they're going to get a good beating!" Zenix said.

"Then why isn't he back yet?" I asked worried

"Relax he probably just camped out or stayed at a nearby village!" He said

"Yes but something doesn't feel right. There's something wrong!" I said

Zenix just stared at the ground in a weird way...

"Then why don't you go find him? I can't leave the village unprotected anyways with Dale drunk and all." He said

"Okay do you have something that smells like him? Maybe Throgy can sniff him out!" I said

"Thorgy!? Oh the dog. Yeah here have this he gave it to me before he left he told me to keep it safe because it belongs to his mother." He said.

He handed me a white hanker sift with a black cross on it just like the one on Garroth's uniform.

"Oh.... Did his mother passed away?" I asked

"No or at least I don't think so. He doesn't talk about his past he likes staying hidden from everyone for some reason." He said

"Oh well I better go find him!" I said while letting Thorgy smell the hanker shift and he went off running into the woods.

I followed Thorgy deep into the woods. I had my sword out just in case something or someone bad was out there. Thorgy kept running deeper and deeper away from the village and I was starting to worry. Then Thorgy suddenly stopped and started to sniff the ground furiously. I bend down and touched the ground. There was blood! Thorgy started barking and ran behind a tree. I followed..

"GARROTH!!!" I cried once I saw him

He was laying on the floor next to the tree on conscious. He had an arrow on the side if his body.

"Garroth please don't die!" I said shaking his head

"Mhmmmm A-Aphmau?!" He said

"Yes Garroth it's me! What happened? I'm going to get you back to the village okay?" I said taking out a golden laso

I put him inside of the laso and followed Thorgy back to the village. I told Zenix what had happened and he went to get Donna and Zoey some of the girls in the village to help out. We went inside one of the larger houses in the village and I put Garroth down on the bed.

"Oh my!" Said Zoey

"The arrow is in too deep..." Said Donna

"What does that mean?" I asked

"That means that we can only take it out so it won't get infected but I don't think he will last until it heals." Said Zoey

"You mean he's going to die?!?!?!?!" I asked worried

"Not unless someone runs to Meteli and find Dr. Doctor he has a cure that can heal him but you have to move fast or he won't make it!" Donna said

"Zoey can't you heal him with your magics?" Zenix asked

"I can only take the arrow out with my magics and check if the wound isn't already infected. I don't have all of the ingredients to make the cure." Zoey said

"You start doing that. Aphmau take this map it will lead you to Meteli. Once you're there find Dr. Doctor and give him the letter he'll know what to do!" Donna said

I took the things and ran outside while following the map with Thorgy at my side.


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