Chapter 4 - Prayers

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I ran ahead and stopped. I looked around to see if I was going the right way and turned left,walked and stopped again. Thorgy was sniffing around the trees then he stopped and peed.

"Really!? " I said

"Ugh this is so confusing. I can't see anything out here! It's too dark! " I said

"Woof woof! " Thorgy ran up to a bush

The bush started to move and Thorgy started to growl. I came up closer to the bush to take a look...

Thorgy bit whatever was in the bush and it made a large "Agh!" Sound and kicked Thorgy.

"Hey! " I yelled angrily and an arrow was shot out of the bush but barely missed me.

Just than I ran out as fast as a could. I needed to run away from whoever that was. Thorgy was following behind me and a couple more arrows were shot but they also missed. Just then I saw lights up ahead and ran as fast as I could towards them.

It was another village! It had a sign that said Meteli.

"Yes! Come on Thorgy! " I said while still running

We made it to the gates.

"Woah!  What's the rush pretty lady!?" One of the men at the gate said.

He had orange hair and green eyes.

"There's.... Someone in there..... Arrows he..... ATTACKED ME!! "I managed to say.

"It's okay I'll keep the guards on high alert you're safe now. " he said and I followed him in.

"I need to find a man named Dr. Doctor! " I said

"Sure I'll lead you to him what's your name!? " he asked


"That's a very interesting name mines is Laurance. " he said and winked

"Well here you go this is his place. I hope to see more of you Aphmau.... "he said and left

I rolled my eyes and went inside.

"Ummm.... Excuse me!? " I said

"You are excused! " I heard an old man yell

"Oh well sorry to disturb you but I'm looking for a man named Dr. Doctor!?"

"For? " the voice said

"It's urgent! I need a cure! "

The man finally showed himself and I gave him the note.

"Oh..... OHHHH!! " he said and his eyes widen

"What? " I asked

"This cure I see it's indeed very urgent but in afraid I do not have all of the needed ingredients. " he explained

"But he might die! " I said

"I see that..... But I can improvise... I need you to go out and fetch me some white tulips." He said

I nodded and went around the village to see if they had any. No luck. Just then I saw Laurance talking up my way holding a white tulip.

"Ah! Aphmau! Just the gal I was looking for. Here it's for you. It represents your kind nature and beu-"

"LAURANCE! " I yelled

"What? "

"Where did you get this! "

"Over by the pound on the outskirts of-"

"Lead me to them! " I said

He leaded the way and I picked up five more flowers.

"If it was more you wanted you could have just sa-"

"I got to go bye! " I said and ran back to Dr.  Doctor.

I gave him the tulips and he finished the cure.

"Here it is but you must hurry back! " he warned

I went outside and thought about going back but what if that man is still out in the woods? What if that's the same man that shot Garroth?

"So are you staying any longer?" Laurance asked coming up behind me

"Huh?  Oh no I'm going home now. Say Laurance do you know a way back to Phoenix Drop that's not through the woods? " I asked

"Yeah boat!  You want one? "

"Yes but I need you to take me... Can you go fast? "

"You'll be in Phoenix Drop in 7 minutes! "

"Thanks! "I said and followed him into a boat along with Thorgy.

He sailed us back and I thanked him again and ran back into the hut that Garroth and the rest of them are in.

"Oh APHMAU! Quick there isn't much time! " Zoey said

I gave her the cure and they put it over Garroth's wound.

"Now what!?" I asked

"Now we wait until morning. If he is awake that's good if he's not then... " Donna explained

"Then what!? " I said

"Then... We don't know what else to do... " Zoey said

"All we have to do now is keep him in our prayers! " Donna said

"Oh...... Where's Zenix? " I asked

"He left right after you did. I assumed he went with you. Did he not? " Zoey asked

"No he did not." I said

"Strange..... " she said

"Anyways I should get going now. It's been a long night! " Donna said

"I'll stay here with Garroth. " Zoey said

"I'll be going as well then goodnight Zoey, Donna! " I said

"Night! " Donna said and left

"Goodnight Aphmau! " Zoey said

I left the hut with Thorgy and walked up the hill to my home. I went inside and gave Thorgy some food and water and looked out the window. I could see the entire village. I closed my eyes and prayed that the arrow man won't come back and that Garroth will heal.

I walked up to my bed and blew the lights out. I felt Thorgy climb on the bed and lie next to me. I petted him and said goodnight.



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