How It Should Have Happened Part 18

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In the morning..Leni and Luan were taken to get tested. When the testing was over with...the results were shocking. Turns out Leni had ADHD aka Attention Deficit Disorder which explained why she couldn't focus on anything. Luan however they found out that she was suffering from Schizophrenia which explained her random behavior.

When the news broke to the girls..most of them looked shocked while one just stared at them with no emotion on their face. Luckily Leni was given some pills to help her focus on things while Luan was offered medication and therapy. 

"Wow...I had no idea that Leni had ADHD." Lori Said.

" makes sense. I mean Leni can only concentrate on most things and can get easily distracted.

"I cannot believe that they have these disorders. It must be some kind of trick Lincoln thought of." Lynn stated.

"Lynn...That is a far stretch. Lincoln can't bribe those doctors to say that Luan and Leni have fake medical conditions. Besides you're being highly insensitive on this. They are our family so we have to help them through this together." Luna Said.

"Besides didn't Mom and Dad say that you can't blame things on Lincoln.'re literally taking this worse than Lola when someone accidentally steps and breaks on one of her precious tiaras." Lori Said.

"Lori's right. Aren't you afraid that you'll get sent to boarding school if you keep this up." Lana said.

"Yeah Right...Mom and Dad will never send me to boarding school. They just said that to scare me from beating up Lincoln and talking about how I felt about him." Lynn Said.

"Lynn..Mom and Dad seem pretty serious when they said that they'll send you to boarding school." Lola Said.

"Besides you seem to be denial oldest sibling. If you don't stop this behavior then our parental units will follow through on their promise." Lisa Said. Lynn just glared at Lisa and quickly went to her room to brood. While the other sisters rolled their eyes. Lynn has become a major pain to deal with and many were tempted to tape her mouth shut.

Sighing...the girls started to go to bed. While also thinking about apologizing to Lincoln for what they did. 

Hopefully their family will be whole again, but for's time for them to bind together and help Leni and Luan with their mental illnesses.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Before you ask...I'll have two sisters apologize towards Lincoln.

See you guys later!!! 🤗🤗

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