How It Should Have Happened Part 19

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In the morning..Everyone got ready for the day. The Loud sisters still weren't used to the negative attention at school, but they knew that they deserved it. They felt like fools for believing the words of a sore loser who said that she never wanted Lincoln in the first place. They needed to have a chat with each other when they come home which would be easy since Lynn goes to her room and just stays there until dinner.

As the day went on, two sisters started to think about apologizing to Lincoln. As lunch time showed up...The two slowly went towards him with most of the other students keeping a close eye on them. They didn't know if these sisters were going to hurt Lincoln like Lynn did or were they here to apologize.

"Hey Lana...Luan? What brings you here?" Lincoln Asked.

"We wanted to apologize to you Lincoln. We should've listened to you instead of Lynn." Luan Said.

"I also want you to have this card I made you Lincoln. I made it in class." Lana said. Lana gave Lincoln a blue card with a drawing of him and Lana smiling together inside. On the opposite side of the drawing..It Said:

I'm sorry about the part I played in the incident Lincoln. Even if this doesn't amount to much. I hope it's a start for repairing our ruined sibling Relationship.  Love Lana

Lincoln felt tears come in his eyes when he got it and hugged Lana. 

"Thank you for the card Lana. I forgive you." Lincoln Said. Lana didn't say anything, but he felt her tears drop on his shirt. After a while..He looked up and saw that Luan was looking down at the ground for some reason.

"Luan...What's the matter?" Lincoln said.

"While you were gone, I realized that I was taking you for granted. I kept doing harmful pranks on the family and never realized how much I hurt you all. I feel like a fool for trusting the words of Lynn since I know how much of a sore winner and loser she is. I know that I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I hope that I can at least start earning it." Luan Said.

"Luan..I don't know what to say. I never thought that you would apologize for those pranks. I accept your apology as well. However don't make me regret it." Lincoln Said. Luan smiles and nods. She was glad that Lincoln accepted her apology and now she has the chance to be a better sibling.

Soon lunch time ended and everyone quickly went to class. When the day was over, the girls went home and sat in the dining room.

"Okay..So let's Talk about Lynn." Lori Said.

"She's nuts. She keeps blaming Lincoln for things. Things that she caused herself." Lisa Said.

"Not to mention what she said a couple of days ago. Sometimes I feel like I should hit her, but with there new rules and the rents finally stepping up to the plate..I can't without getting grounded." Luna Said.

"I know. Besides she still isn't taking the boarding school threat seriously. I mean..Who can't accept their own responsibility." Leni Said.

"Lynn apparently." Lola Said.

"Honorable siblings, How about we just ignore her?" Lisa Said.

"That's a great idea Lisa. Besides Mom and Dad can't ground us if we don't actually hit her." Lori Said. The girls quickly ended the discussion and started working on their homework. They hoped that Lynn would finally accept responsibility for her own actions, but...

They knew that it would only be wishful thinking on their part. 

The girls never knew what Lynn would do to Lincoln in the street. They also didn't know how much the town would turn on Lynn. 

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Which Loud sisters should apologize next?






See you guys later 🤗

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