Chapter 25: Fight For the Moon Part 2

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Luna's glowing white eyes peirced into Exium's blood red ones. Her expression, filled with rage. The young queen raised up her arm and blue mist swirled around her.

She hovered a foot off the ground and shot a beam of blue power towards Exium, slamming him into a wall, bricks crumbling around him.

"Ahh, young queen, that's how you want to play..." Exium mumbled sadistically as his insane grin seemed to get wider.

Exium summoned another sword, throwing it at Luna. It skimmed by her cheek causing blood to slowly trickle down her face.

Luna ran towards him trying to dodge the many swords Exium continuously threw, each of them thrown skillfully at her, many skimming her as they passed.

She then realized, he was only using the four same swords, just using his magic to sim them back at her. They becoming a better and better aim whenever they passed. Her eyes turned back to their hazel color as she lost hope and energy.

She quickly summoned another dagger reached out to slice his neck. But, Exium dodged and Luna only was able to slice his arm. All she knew was that she was weak she couldn't defeat him.

'Child, don't let anger be the only thing fueling you. Clear your mind and think of everything and everyone you're fighting for. Be strong and quick, young queen.' Echo's voice echoed in the girl's mind.

Luna stopped and time seemed to freeze. Her mind ran through many familiar faces. Beca, Bonnie and Ricky, the creatures of the forest, Grandmother Esther, Terrance... Her mind stilled and her parent's faces appeared in her head, they're kind smiles. Once again, she remembered the last thing she told them.

'I'm never talking to you again!' Luna remembered their sad faces she saw as she stomped up the stairs. 'Hell,' she thought 'I really was a brat.'

Then, a single thought rushed into her head. 'I have to live. I have to live to care for the world and let my parents know that I... I truly am sorry.'

Luna turned her head and time rushed back to her.

Exium was running towards her, ready to slice open her throat.

She did what she remembered Echo told her.

As Exium rushed towards her and once again she closed her eyes. She then repeated a phrase once over, putting as much power as she could into the spell; 'Lunam luna mihi telum in hostem vincere magnum...' Two short swords appeared in her hands. She opened her now once again pure white eyes and swiftly blocked an incoming attack from her new weapons.

"Much better." Luna mumbled while smirking.

She looked back up and her eyes met Exium's blood red ones. "Alright then, Exium... Let's dance.

Exium's suddenly shocked look soon changed to an angered one.

"Oh young queen, you've made me angry." The Ruler of Destruction growled.

Luna went to kick Exium's knee's to knock him over but, he skillfully dodged.


'Come on child, continue practicing the fighting moves I taught you.' An ethereal Echo said to a very worn out Luna.

'Ugghhh, can I at least take a break? I mean I've been practicing for a while now...' Luna moaned.

Echo sighed. 'No child, we only have a couple days. You must practice as much as you can if you hope to have a chance at beating Exium. You can't use only magic to defeat him. You may only go drink from the stream. Be back quickly.

Luna just groaned and left to get a drink and sneak out with a few fireberries.

~End of Flashback~

The kick caught Exium off guard and he stumbled backward barely dodging.

'Huh, all those mornings waking up aching was worth it.' Luna thought.

Using Exium's confusion as an advantage, Luna stabbed him in the arm.

He groaned holding his injured arm and shot Luna with magic using his good arm.

She toppled backwards and laid on her back trying to catch her breath.

Exium walked towards her and went to stab her as Luna rolled out of the way back onto her feet.

They sword fought continuously Both Exium and Luna losing energy from fighting and blood loss.

But, Exium had more energy, and he had many more years of practice. He shoved Luna backwards using his power as she already looked like she was about to fall over.

He picked her up by the throat before ramming her into the wall.

"I'm sure you know who won, Moon Queen. Once you get to the afterlife, tell Lumi that I love her but she deserved her death and this is what she gets for not joining me, this is what she gets for hiding our child from me." Exium smirked.

Luna gasped for air as the Ruler of Destruction's hand tightened around her throat. 'Mother...Father.... I'm sorry for everything, for what I said and.... that I didn't get to say goodbye..." Black dots started clouding her vision and she closed her eyes.

"Gah!!!" Exium's voice yelled. Luna fell to the floor breathing in precious air and looked to see a certain rabbit attacking Exium.

He threw Beca off of him and he looked around to see an army of forest creatures ready to attack.


"Attack!!!" Beca screamed.

All of the creatures race towards Exium with the intent to kill.

"Jaguars!!!" Exium called. Out of nowhere, jaguars flooded in.

Luna picked up her swords and used the last of her strength to race towards Exium and attack.

Exium blocked and once again, they were both locked in battle, war raging around them.

Exium was finally out of energy, using so much effort just to block an attack.

Luna then stabbed him straight through the heart, his eyes were wide and blood flew out of his mouth.
She leaned her head towards his ear.

"Pay." she whispered before ripping his sword from his now lifeless body.

Luna turned her head to see the remaining jaguars yowling in pain and rushing out of the palace.

Luna slowly walked over to Terrance's body and falling down beside him. Beca hopped over to the kneeling girl.

"I... I'm sorry, Luna..." Beca murmered.

"It's alright, Beca. His death wasn't in vain." Luna said solemnly as tears began to flow down her face.

Suddenly Echo appeared, she was slightly transperant as she was every other time Luna saw her.

All the creatures around the room gasped and bowed to the former Moon Queen.

She walked towards Luna and laid a hand on her shoulder.

"Child, thank you for letting my soul go to the afterlife. But first, Luna Lupus, I must give you a blessing, so that you may one day become Moon Queen."

Luna stood up and looked around watching all the animals begin to chant.

"What are they saying, Beca?" Luna asked her friend.

"Long live the queen."

Luna just smiled and bowed in front of Echo. "Thank you... For everything."

Echo smiled back. "Oh! I forgot, as my successor as Moon Queen, I have one gift I can grant you."

Luna's eyes widened. "Really!!! So, c-could you bring Terrance back?"

Echo nodded and held her hands over Terrance.

"Dicens: Reduc eum." Echo mumbled before turning back to Luna. Luna looked to see Terrance slowly begin to breath again.

Luna hugged Echo tightly. "Thank you! Thank you! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!"

Echo just smiled and replied as she faded, "It's alright child..."

Luna turned around and Terrance groaned and began to open his eyes.

Luna tackled him and cried into the crook of his neck.

"Never do that again!" Luna whispered.

Terrance just chuckled and hugged her back.

Beca just giggled while watching them.

"Luna, you should go visit your parents. I'm sure they're worried after you've been missing for a couple months." Beca told her.

Luna looked back up at her.

"Yes, yes I should."

~*~ ~.~ ~*~ ~.~ ~*~
The next chapter should be the last chapter before the epilogue! EeeeeeeEeeeeEEEeeeeee!!!
EDIT: 1/3/18
EDIT: 12/21/18

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