Chapter 26: Going Home

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Luna looked around, the village had definitely changed since she'd last been there. More glowing plants now flourished around homes.

It has been a week since the happenings at the palace. She had been planning to raise the moon once she was back in her village.

The creatures of the forest were currently searching for all the lost palaces including her own. Until they found it, she would be staying in her village.

Now she was finally home.

As she walked through the village, barely anyone recognized her. The ones who did were the young children who would always try to play with her near the bonfire.

She soon recognized her home and slowly walked towards it.

Luna knocked on the door of her home and soon, shuffling was heard on the other side.

The door creaked open and she saw her mother looking down her feet. "What is it now..." Her mother mumbled.

"Mother?" Luna questioned.

The chieftess looked up at Luna and her eyes filled with tears as she embraced her daughter tightly. "Luna, my daughter..."

The chief rushed into the room and looked around. "Aurra, love, what is... it..." The chief trailed off as he saw his wife embracing their long lost daughter.

Quickly rushing over, he joined them.

Luna closed her eyes and smiled as tears rushed down her face.

A blue mist flew around the town, soon making a beautiful show in the sky.

All the living things in the land turned their heads to the sky in awe including everyone in Darksky village.

Luna's parents let go of their daughter and looked to the sky gasping.

Everyone walked out looking wide-eyed at the sky.

Luna's parents' jaws dropped even more when they saw their daughter summoning a silver orb in her hands.

In the crowd, the village elder just smiled at Luna.

The young queen tossed the orb into the sky and it rested there, casting a dim light across the land.

The moon was finally home.

~*~ ~.~ ~*~ ~.~ ~*~

This is the last chapter before the epilogue already! Wow... After the prologue, there will be a chapter talking about upcoming titles on this profile! I will also be doing a LOT of editing after finishing this book... (Adding more explanations of random things, grammar, fixing bad storytelling, etc, etc, etc...)
Letter From the Future 5/23/19: This book is beyond saving, it's eventually going to be completely rewritten. :P
EDIT: 1/3/18
EDIT: 12/21/18

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