✧ Conversing

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Even unprovoked, bitches must live up to their title. Whether it's a stranger ringing you up at the coffee shop, your best bitch telling you a sob story, or your mother crying over the house's foreclosure, you must make sure to show as little interest in the conversation as possible.

If it's something sad or terrible news, it ain't your problem. As we discussed earlier, showing compassion is viewed as weak. When someone is talking, signal that you don't care by ignoring them for your phone, turning on Netflix, or simply slap on a pair of headphones. Apply these methods to your everyday interactions with people.

Fighting and arguments are another thing you will commonly encounter while practicing bitchcraft. Although we will discuss that in a later lesson, I'll do a brief overview since it does fall under conversing as well.

Bitches fight a lot—and usually with each other. If you're a grade-A bitch, expect it to happen and be prepared when it does. Because it will. When faced with a hostile situation, it's best for a bitch to stay calm but still let the snide remarks slip out under a smile.

A collision is when two grade-A bitches clash in a public setting. And trust me, it's never pretty. Many times these fights may get physical but, again, we'll go over that in a later lesson.

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