06 | Deal?

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"What the hell do you mean?"

"I mean," Jimin paused, probably for dramatic effect. "Leave."

Your lips twitched, and you leaned back against the couch with an amused smile. "And why exactly should I do that?"

"Because I need my weekly dose of fuck," he explained. "And it's a little hard to convince a girl to come over to your pace when you have another uninvited guest living on the house."

"I'm not an uninvited guest." You rolled your eyes. "And, anyway, it's not like you can't go to her place or something, anyway. You think she wants to fuck in a house where another potentially interested female dumps on a daily basis?"

"Dumps? Really?" He raised his eyebrows. "And did you just assume my sexuality?"

"So you're not straight?"

"I am, but that's not the point." He huffed, flicking his silvery hair out of his eyes. "You shouldn't ever assume someone's sexuality."

That left you perplexed—not because what he had said was wrong, necessarily, but because what he'd said wasn't like him. "Did you just ask me not to assume someone's sexuality?"

He leaned his palms against the counter, frowning down at his reflection in the spotless reflective surface of the top. "Trust me, it sucks the other way round too. Especially when you want to get it with a girl who turns out to have an opposing sexual preference."

"That makes sense."

He raised his eyebrows at you, bemused and amused at the same time. "What do you think I am? A mindless and horny teenager?"

You shrugged. "It works the same way you assume me to be another inexperienced university girl who just wants to date someone already."

"Well, aren't you?"

"I am, but that's not the point," you said reluctantly, mirroring his earlier statement. "Don't look at me like that; it's not a bad thing to be."

It was the wrong thing to say, but in that moment, you didn't see it. For someone who had lived his life never having been exposed to someone like that, it was guessable that Jimin would find that equal parts intriguing and hilarious.

He laughed, and shook his head as he turned away from your annoyed gaze. "You know, you're not half bad."

"Nicely observed," you muttered.

Again, he shook his head, the waves of soft silvery hair brushing the tops of his eyebrows gently, exposing slivers of his forehead and basically infuriating the heck out of you. Jimin folded his arms across his chest and smiled at you, not exactly the full one, but the one that dangled just out of reach.


"Taehyung," he said, matter-of-factly, raising a hand a little higher into the air in the manner of someone explaining a PowerPoint presentation. "He's not someone you would want to fuck with."

You sighed heavily, tapping your fingertips absentmindedly against the side of your thigh. "I don't see how that's relevant, but by all means, go on."

He sighed. "I'm saying this as your roommate and not a fuckboy. Taehyung...he may seem nice enough, but he's worse than our kind." He regarded you seriously, as if he was some special breed of fuckboy.

Maybe fiction is true after all.

"Yeah, that doesn't make much sense," you said, distantly studying the thin, slightly paler line on your wrist from where you wore a wristwatch. "I never said I wanted to fuck with him."

"I'm not going to say I know your type, because in all honesty, I don't, but the look on your face when you saw him in the hallway was enough," Jimin said. "Seriously, I'd advise you to get the feel of Seoul first, before you try for any actual dating. Trust me, there are plenty of willing fish in the metaphorical sea."

He spoke with the high tone of someone who was faced with an inferior quality of coffee at the corner Starbucks, like that one annoying customer who seemed to be thoroughly versed in the art of making beverages.

You'd never been a barista, but there was nothing about that was not annoying.

You snorted. "Like you?"

"If you're willing." A hint of the familiar cocky smirk traced his full lips. "But I've got contacts. You've got advice—though mostly gleaned from impractical teenager books. We could make a great team."

As he spoke, your eyebrows climbed higher and higher, apparently trying their best to retreat. At his finishing line, you breathed in heavily, not sure if he was joking or not.

"What do you mean?" You asked finally.

"I mean, we could do some good internal Cupid stuff." He gestured vaguely with his hands, trying to explain something he himself wasn't completely sure about. "I've known these people for months, how they behave, how you snare them and which ones to deal with. Plus, I have the actual concrete physical experience...but you, you can help me get out of scrapes."


"Yeah." He nodded, looking somewhat excited by now. "You have all that theoretical knowledge—how to and stuff. Plus, girls trust girls, since this is still a place where sexuality isn't free. If I have you, I can't mess up."

"I'm not sure where this is going," you admitted. "So I don't know."

"But you could." He emphasized the last word with great enthusiasm, pulling open a cabinet and rummaging inside. "And I'm only saying this as a roommate."

"The cereal's in the fridge."

"Who the fuck puts cereal in the fridge?"

"You the fuck." You gave him a look. He proceeded to ignore that comment, instead focusing on explaining his Big Blueprint of Roommate Benefits.

"Like business partners." He was on a roll now, brainstorming and cramming his inexplicable plans and reasons aloud as he proceeded to pull open the fridge door and look for something to eat. "And since our sexual preferences allow us, we could DIY the whole thing too."

What the actual heck? There were moments when you wondered whether he was exceptionally brilliant or exceptionally stupid, such were his statements. He gave you a winning smile, as if he hadn't noticed the confusion that set on your face.

That made a deep-set frown appear on your face as you fished for a clean bowl. "That better not mean what I think it means."

Jimin straightened, momentarily abandoning his excursion of the insides of the refridgerator to turn and give you a convincing look.

"Alright, maybe." You sighed. "Is this like a project partners thing?"

If the analogy disturbed or even bothered him, he didn't show it. "Kinda."

You bit your lip. Though you didn't want to admit it, the way he phrased it sounded appealing, if only for a bit. It was weird, definitely, having to look to someone for help, like some kind of helpbook that would get you through this, except a full-size, full-time, full-blown version, which came in (limited edition) Overly Silver Fuckboy.

"I'm listening."

"Okay, great." He beamed. "I could teach you the basics—how to kiss, how to flirt, all that jazz. So now you don't have to come crying back to me once you get brutally crushed during rejection."

"I'm not going to cry for something as stupid as that—"

"Just a preventive measure." He assured you. "So you can learn the ways of the hoe."

Sounds like some martial arts class.

Pursing your lips, you swayed a little on your spot, leaning with your back against the wall cabinet as you genuinely considered the proposal. "This is superbly dumb."

"It is."

"And it's probably not going to work."


You exhaled. "Then do it."

"Do what?" He looked faintly confused as you spoke, so you narrowed your eyes, speaking before his mind could wander to other, ah, needlessly unholy places.

"Show me." You gave him a hopeful look. "Show me how to be a hoe."


*drum roll*

Get ready for some hot scenes y'all

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