07 | Deal.

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The rest of the day passed by in a blur.

In your desperation, you sure had asked Jimin to teach you, choosing to ignore his smug look afterwards. Of course, him being him, he'd played around a little about reconsidering his offer, but had ultimately agreed.

You weren't so sure now.

It was only later that you had realised that to teach someone to kiss, you had to kiss them, and you were new to this thing.

You definitely weren't ready to kiss Park Jimin.

But you kind of were.

The sort-of-friendly relationship you two had built up in the past few days seemed to evaporate, at least to you. You couldn't bear to look in the eye a guy whom you'd so casually asked to inform you of the ways to perfectly imitate the homonym of a gardening implement.

Even thinking about the word made you feel like cringing at your bad decisions, but what was done was done. Maybe one day you'd look back and laugh at this, but that day, sadly, hadn't arrived yet.

You weren't completely sure why you hadn't just told him that it was some practical joke or something. It could be that you were skeptical about how he would react or take it, but it wasn't that, you knew. It was probably that you low-key wanted to see how the whole thing played out—hey, everyone wants a story to tell.

Or live out.

So far, though, all it had resulted in was wicked looks in the rearview mirror and those infrequent moments when his hand would brush your side.

It was pretty awkward.

For you, of course.

We could DIY the whole thing. Yeah, your roommate was probably the most vague speaker around the place, but the slightly teasing edge to his voice hadn't exactly gone unnoticed. Teach you how to do things? How to be an expert at all things physical and emotional?

Teach you how to kiss?

That was simply impossible without demonstrations, and demonstrations like these undeniably required participation of two (or, well, more) parties.

And being such a virgin, you realised you weren't half sure about where this ordeal was going, but it was disturbing to even consider. This was an emergency, this was, all things considered, embarrassing. Kissing your roommate and expecting to live under the same roof as his attractive self for the rest of your stay? Yeah, sure.

Welcome to your life, you thought grimly.


Jimin noticed your nervousness, and it pleased him. He would deliberately brush his hand against yours when he was taking something from you, and made sure that his leg touched yours when you were sitting on the couch together.

It gave him immense pleasure to see you blush and shift awkwardly in your position whenever he did that.

To be honest, he wasn't sure why he'd agreed to help you. Maybe it was the little idea that he was actually helping you, but that wasn't it, he wasn't dumb. Jimin had seen the potential in you, the way you offered offhand comments that turned out to be pretty useful advice, the baffling amount of convincing excuses you could conjure at a moment's notice.

He needed someone like that. In case he ever needed to bail? His roommate. If he wanted to convince someone that he was trustworthy? His roommate. If he wanted to mess around with someone at will, with no strings attached? His roommate.

He couldn't keep you waiting for long either; you would lose whatever little amount of interest you had in the deal. And he himself couldn't keep away for long.

Jimin had to start soon.

And that's how, when you turned away from the refrigerator, you found a shirtless Park Jimin staring down at you.

"Holy shit!" You almost jumped three feet in the air, managing to knock over a carton of milk from the fridge door. "Don't sneak up on me!"

"What have I told you about swearing?" He asked, placing his hands on his hips, but not moving from his position. "And this is my house too."

You were fully conscious of his bare chest in full view in front of you. "W—what did you need?"

"Oh, you wanted to help me?" Jimin smirked, stepping forward.

"I mean—" Even though you wouldn't admit it, you were getting really flustered because of the lack of space between the two of you. His tricks with you in the past days were embarrassing enough, but this was the limit.

"You mean what?" He purred, and you admittedly felt your heart race in your chest at his voice. "Don't you think we should start, Y/N?"

You swallowed, trying to ease your shallow breathing. "S—start what?"

He studied your face for a moment, the corner of his lips upturned, his arms slack at his sides, but at that moment, he seemed to radiate some kind of power. You swallowed back the snarky comment, and stepped away from the fridge, slowly kicking it shut.

"Aw, am I making you nervous?" Jimin smirked wider, stepping closer to you, trapping your body between his own and the wall. "I have to educate you, right?"

Big word, you wanted to say, but your voice felt stuck in your throat.

"I think so." He smiled slyly, leaning down so that his face was too close to yours. Too close as in...his breath was still warm when it hit your face. "If you feel uncomfortable, just push me away."

You felt faint. "What..."

"At least you can form coherent words now."


"Just in case." He licked his plump lips seductively. "You look good in white," he said softly before closing the space between you two.

You froze against the contact.

Park Jimin was kissing you.

Holy shit—

Your eyes fluttered shut.

Unsure of what to do yourself, you reached out, fighting against the haze that was kissing Park Jimin. You wrapped an arm around his neck, moving the other hand to tangle in his hair.

His hair is so soft...

Well, soft for dyed hair, at least.

Jimin smiled against the kiss, breaking away for a moment to chuckle. "You taste better than I thought," he whispered sensually before leaning back in.

He was relentless, lips just brushing yours, the heat of his breath against your skin, still burning from last contact. You closed your eyes, and his mouth met yours once again, hungry, searching.

This time, it was as if a fire had broken out.

Your breathing turned even shallower, and you pressed up against him, feeling something flutter in the pit of your stomach as he kissed you. You felt like you were floating.

Simply put, you'd never been kissed like that before.

And dayum, did it feel good.

Somewhere at the back of your messed-up mind, the only sane part whispered, watch you try and talk to him after this crap is done with.

Jimin detached his lips from yours, moving across your skin to the sensitive skin of your jaw. Your breath hitched in your throat, eyes blowing wide open.

Then his hand slipped under your shirt.

"Jimin," You gasped, fingers clawing at his shoulder blades. "Aren't you supposed to...to go step-by-step?"

Jimin smirked against your jaw, gently grazing his teeth against your skin. "In this, it's always better to go with the flow, babygirl. Didn't anyone ever tell you that experience is the best teacher?"

Your attention was captured by his mouth working skilfully on your skin. "What are you doing?" You gasped.

"This," Jimin licked—licked—the soft skin of your neck, "is called making out."

"I know that," the shattered remains of your mind said.

By now, your mind was in fragments, close to shattering into bite-sized pieces with the weight of him, the lines of his chest underneath your fingertips, the warmth of his skin on yours. Ever since you had seen him for the first time, you had imagined what he would feel like—though you would never admit that to his face—and all of it felt like a dream.

You shuddered against the contact.

He suddenly removed his lips from your skin, leaving you a hot mess. He moved closer to you, looking down at you with hooded eyes, before grinning wickedly. "Time for step two."


Is it too hot in here??

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